Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 15
New Episode (21) is up! Watch it here!
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 10
It was a sorta meh episode for me being half flashbacks really. Though I hope to see some Sesshy helping Kagome footage next time! *crosses fingers*
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 3
I just watched the ep where he goes to the Underworld to kill the hell-hound (*coughcough*save rin*coughcough*). I couldn't stop "awww"-ing the whole way through! I seriously think Sess' character development is understated in the series.
~I am the mistress of the RP... I have so many plot bunnies running rampant that they cannot be contained to one site! Check me out on dA!
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 7
this episode was mildly disappointing. not much in the way of action and plot advancement. seemed more like a filler than anything. can't wait for the next one!
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 8
Dub voice actors...Ooooooh yes, David Kaye is a STUD MUFFIN, both with his voices AND in person. Met him at a con and his regular voice is almost the same as his Sessh voice, just not quite so cold and uncaring. Quite a good-looking guy, too.
(Funny fact, he's also been Megatron in a few of the Transformers series, Beast Wars and Armada, I think, but I'm not sure if that's right).
Last Edit: 2010/02/25 19:57 By Sesshoumarus_hair.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 15
New Episode is up! Watch it here
If I'm not mistaken, this is the episode where Sesshomaru acts as Kagome's guide inside Naraku...
Edit: OMG! She DOES hold his mokomoko! XD
Last Edit: 2010/03/01 20:19 By AmEva.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 7
Amethyst wrote:
Edit: OMG! She DOES hold his mokomoko! XD
SQUEEEEEEEEE isn't it cute?? and when she was walking behind him, mokomoko was resting along her injured side!
he's such a sweetheart! 
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 3
what i thought was really interesting is that sess does have a soft side when it comes to kagome and rin. i like it where he was telling magatsuhi to leave kagome alone. too cute! 
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 4
Ya know for awhile I thought the Kag/Sess pairing was all in our heads and we were just looking too close but come on he
: he fights off demons until she wakes up even though he is losing presious time in finding Rin
-He answers most of her questions and a lot of them are unspoken
-He tells her to stand back because she is in the way even though Jaken repeatedly states that Sess doesn't care friend from foe when he is fighting
- And when he says that Magustuhi picked the worst person to possess I really think he was referring to Kagome because she both of them will go to great lengths to protect her.
Anyways it was an awesome episode and bound to inspire a lot of spin off fics.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 4
Amethyst wrote:
Edit: OMG! She DOES hold his mokomoko! XD
He doesn't even let Rin do that. Man I would've loved to see the conversation about that and who initiated the contact.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 15
new episode is up. watch it here.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 4
Ahhhhh! That was awesome. Thanks for the link Amethyst!
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 2
ekk i watched ep 23 today and our sesshy helped kagome omg this is so awesome my dreams hav come true
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 7
what an awesome episode. so sad the end is near though. i loved hearing Sesshy say Kag's name, even if it wasn't out loud. i played that part over and over again. 
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 10
Wolfye - lol
It was a good episode. I am looking forward to the next already!
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 15
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Posts: 237
Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years ago
Karma: 10
It was good, moving things along.
Jaken cracked me up.
"Sesshomaru will be the one that kills Naraku! Bwahahahaha.'
He's a cute minion even if we all beat on him. The sesshy kick of 'get the hell on the dragon' was also amusing.
Always leaves me wanting more.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 1
Have any of you seen epi 24? I just got through watching it, ugh! I can't wait till epi 25! I'm soo excited. Only two more days!
To me, Kagome seems more mature, and powerful in this series, than the first. Do any of you agree? While she was never weak, she just wasn't confident I think.
Everyone else seems the same. Sango and Miroku developed a bit. Hmm, Sesshomaru lightened up a bit, I think.
What's your guys thoughts on the death of Naraku, when it happens, how do you think it'll happen? Who'll get the final blow, or will they all attack at the same time?
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 15
Episode 25 is up! Watch it here!
Only one more episode to go! 
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 20
I am soooo distraught that is nearly over[sobs softly and wipes tear from eye]. I was so surprised with what Yasha said in the previous epi about them not missing anyone; he was actually includimg his big brother...AWWWW  !Anyhoo- I will be so sad when it ends.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 52
I read the manga, so I know how it ends. So far it's following the script pretty well. I just hope they sneak in a kiss scene or something a little extra in the final episode. Although I am looking forward with giddy anticipation to the last little Kagome/Sesshomaru interaction that was in the final manga. 
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 0
Amethyst wrote:
Edit: OMG! She DOES hold his mokomoko! XD
OMG I just saw it today!! I actually watch more than five times the whole SessKag scene.
I just also read the last chapter of the manga. When Kagome called him "Onii-san" he glared at her...and because of my obssesion, i think of it as like he doesn't JUST wanted to be treated as brother, but as a LOVER.haha I'm having a pretty cary thoughts.
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Posts: 237
Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 10
Hehe, I'm excited like everyone else. It's sad it'll be over monday but at the same time it's good that they finished animating it! I'm hoping for the final little interaction between Sesshy and Kagome as well.
As far as the comment about 'everyone is here'...Kouga just vanished...he was in the opening for 3 seconds. He was never my favorite character and I know Inuyasha didn't like him but damn lol!
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 52
And Ginta, Hakkaku, Hojo, Jinenji, Totosai, Myoga, etc
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 14 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 15
Episode 26: Toward Tomorrow
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