Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 6
I don't know what it is, but this series is doing so much more for me than the original did...I think part of it is the animation, and the fact that every time you're looking at a character they look so real, rather than really 2d cartoonish, if that makes any sense?
And also, I LOVE the ending song - even just the first 20 seconds are made of awesome (maybe because there's a clip of Sesshoumaru?)
Sparkly Naraku...I was kind of waiting for him to smile and for there to be a little tooth sparkle! O.o
Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
I just finished watching the 6th episode. I started it at midnight my time.
It wasn't really my favorite episode because for one... no Sesshy. But he is going to be in the next one. It also wasn't funny at all. Though I found it weird how Kagome and Kikyo got along so well without any of Kags usual teen angst.
I actually finally read through the whole forum. Thanx so much for the people at the beginning who posted which manga chapter they left off at in the anime. Its been so long since I read it I forgot.
I really hope they don't leave out the episode when Sesshoumaru has to save Rin from hell. I'm sure it's probally all of our favourite part in the manga here at dokuga. I think that they are only going to include Sesshy's mom in only one episode because they are pulling scenes from different parts of the manga from all over.
There is one Dokugan here who would be very dissapointed and might even shed a tear if they don't.
They do the voices for the englisg dub here in Vancouver Canada. I'm really sure they are using the original cast because in like 2 days their is an anime convention where I live in Toronto where the main star is the guy who does the voice for Inuyasha.
I'm going to try and go. I just need to convince one of my friends to come with me.
Because I noticed no one elses links worked for the ending song I decided to add it on to my post. I'm sure we all want to watch it a few dozen times in a row.
I learnt how to do it properly by using the whats on your you tube forum. Which is the site I use for all my Inuyasha watching lately.
When I first heard this song I was on the fence if I liked it or not but now I'm absolutely in love with it. Is it just me? But I don't care about the opening song at all. Except for the part at the very end where Jaken is trying to sneek up on Shippo. That song is just booring and unspecial compared to the ending song.
I tried to find the english lyrics to the song online but had no luck. What I like to do is draw a picture based of what is happening in the song or things that are mentioned... So if any one knows what the lyrics are in english send me a link.
*I don't know why but I really like to talk alot on just this forum. Maybe because I'm so excited.
Last Edit: 2009/11/08 02:52 By Kittylin.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 9
Kittylin wrote:
I really hope they don't leave out the episode when Sesshoumaru has to save Rin from hell. I'm sure it's probally all of our favourite part in the manga here at dokuga. I think that they are only going to include Sesshy's mom in only one episode because they are pulling scenes from different parts of the manga from all over.
There is one Dokugan here who would be very dissapointed and might even shed a tear if they don't.
I would start bawling if they left out Sesshomaru's mother...she's frackin' awesome sauce! LOL
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support a problem with that?
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 67
InuYoukaiLiz wrote: Kittylin wrote:
I really hope they don't leave out the episode when Sesshoumaru has to save Rin from hell. I'm sure it's probally all of our favourite part in the manga here at dokuga. I think that they are only going to include Sesshy's mom in only one episode because they are pulling scenes from different parts of the manga from all over.
There is one Dokugan here who would be very dissapointed and might even shed a tear if they don't.
I would start bawling if they left out Sesshomaru's mother...she's frackin' awesome sauce! LOL
I hope they don't leave Sesshomaru's mother either. It would be awesome to see her in color.
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 5
Wow, I actually managed to forget the new episode was coming out tonight because I was so busy writing a new chapter to my fanfic Chained: In More Ways Than One.
I haven't been able to type with two hands for a while because I got my shot for H1N1 and then I managed to cut my finger using a bread knife. Who knew that was possible.
I'll watch it after I'm finished writing and I'll let you know what I think of it. I was ever opinionated in my last post.
(3 and a half hours later)
Ok so I gave in and watched it before finishing my chapter. So glad Sesshoumaru was in it and I burst out laughing at this part.
Sesshoumaru: Don't touch him, Rin. Those snakes are venomous.
Rin: Okay, but... master Jakens been bitten. (Zooms out)
Jaken: Please help me, Lord Sesshoumaru. It hurts.
... way better in the show than just with the words. You need sound and visuals to go along with it. Though it doesn't look like he'll be in the next one. Makes me so sad.
Last Edit: 2009/11/15 03:15 By Kittylin.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 52
Next episode is going to be a major tear jerker, if not THE tear jerker of the series. After that I presume they'll have the aftermath storyline, then either followup with the Meidou storyline arc or the Miroku and Sango storyline arc (shouki wounds, improved hiratkotsu, etc).
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 26
Amethyst wrote: Episode 8 is now up. Watch it here
I was kida dreading this episode because of the whole kiss scene, but I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be... I guess.
On the other hand, *squeals* I can't wait to see the next episode!! I'm a little worried about the ending of this whole thing though. I wonder if the last episode will be as disappointing in the anime as it was in the manga.
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 52
Manga Spoilers!
Well episode 8 made me cry...kind of. If it wasn't for buffering updates and commercial interruptions I probably would have been crying a lot harder.
But, we move onto the Meidou arc, with Sessmom showing up next episode! I imagine we might just have the Tears of Blood Inu/Kag short arc thrown into the episode somewhere, as this came soon after the Kikyo death arc.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 67
That was the saddest episode yet. I nearly cried at the end. So tragic. But I'm so excited because we get to see Sesshy's Mother. Yay! *squeals and claps with excitement at seeing her next week*
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 5
OMG! I just watched it. I was at a party last night so I wasn't able to till now because my friend stayed over.
That was a really sad episode but I found the ending to be really beautiful with Kikyo's soul and her theme song playing. My favorite part was when the soul stealers where circling Inuyasha.
So excited about next weeks episode. I've told you guys before that it was my favorite part in the whole manga and how I was afraid they were going to leave it out. They've actually been doing a really good job of fitting the whole story line in I think.
Sesshoumaru has seemed to be thrown in each episode for only a minute or two but this ones going to concentrate on him. In episode 7 he was only in it for about 2 minutes but those where the best minutes of the whole episode.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 9
Well since I really didn't stop liking Kikyo just what she did and what others thought i cried shameflessly. That poor woman.....but she died a happy death and she finally got the closure she wanted.
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support a problem with that?
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 26
*squeals* I just watched the newest episode and I am just tickled pink!!
I loved this episode! I've been on pins and needles to see this one all week and I must say that I was quite pleased with how it turned out.
Does anyone have an idea of when/if they will be redoing it in English? I don't mind the Japanese version, but it's kinda distracting to have to watch the bottom of the screen all the time.
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 67
I loved Sesshomaru's mother. She was awesome with her intermittent funny moments. Sesshomaru finally expresses emotions other than anger, especially when Rin couldn't be revived again. The interaction between Inuyasha and Kouga was hilarious. This was the best episode yet. I actually saw it twice.
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 9
I loved SesshMom she was a hoot especially after Sesshomaru went into the portal and she started fake crying and saying she told him not to go into the portal then you have Jaken thinking otherwise....that part was just too funny.
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support a problem with that?
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Re:Inuyasha anime to be continued! 15 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 15
Did anyone else gawk when Sesshomaru transformed and bounded toward his mother? That kind of behavior seemed aggressive but it's probably how dogs greet eachother anyway. Anyhow, it made me laugh at how coolly they acted afterwards.
I would like some critical feedback on my pseudo-fic, Catch and Keep
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