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How much research do you do for your fics?
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TOPIC: How much research do you do for your fics?
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How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 1
I'm planning on scoping out some major research for some fanfiction ideas and it lead me to wonder, do other people do this too?

So, everyone, do you research a lot, a little, or none at all when you write?
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Shrine Girl
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 23
It depends on what I am writing. But usually yes I do. Sadly, I think I have done more research for my harry potter crossover fic then I have done with my stories that involve actual history events. XD I didn't know that Harry Potter had so many rules XD

But yeah, I usually write about things i know, so the research is minimum. However, I think its good to do research for your stories, that way you know what you are talking about

How much I research depends on the story I am writing and what I don't know about the subject.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 2
I'm doing a little bit of research for the fic I'm currently writing. I think more authors should research before they write as its kind of jarring to be really enjoying a story and then some incorrect detail pops out at you. Not that I expect anyone to start up a thesis on the warrign states period for Inuyasha stories. I'm quite happy to ignore errors (when I even notice them) most of the time but when writing about a foreign culture, religion, historical figures etc some accuracy often lends charm to a story and really makes me appreciate the work more. I've noticed that Tomosaho really puts a lot of work into even minor details (such as clothing) and it helps me to enjoy the story more.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 42
it depends on what I'm doing but I do often research for fics. Mostly I do research when it pertains to something medical like pregnancy or cancer and I like to have my bits about the japanese culture and their myths be accurate too but a little creative deviating from the straight up facts is often called for. I do like it when I see a writer has done alot of research but if things 'sound right' and they fit well a story can be just as good, this is fiction after all.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 27
I do a fair amount of research for my stories simply to make sure that my story flows well. Having facts is easier to me than making them up on your own in my mind. However I think the amount of research someone does for a story really depends on the author and the plot they're using. If you are writing a story set in modern day not a whole lot of research needs to be done really, but it helps to know a little bit about Japan and its culture to make the story more believable. Just my opinion.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 34
depends on the topic for me. i usually try to write about something i actually already know about so that i don't screw up too badly, thoguh honestly i don't care if i do screw up i can always fix it at a later date. Do I usually research? Not at all I'm afraid, I use my imagination and screw up and change things when people point it out. lol.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 31
Hmmm....depends on what I'm trying to write. I'll usually do the basics, if it's not CA, then I'm definitely researching the place and how they do things there.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 18
Well, I personally research a lot before I write. it is not too hard, and as I always say, Google is my best friend. It pretty much depends on the story you're writing, but if you want to involve powerful imagery to help your readers mentally envision the story (like what I did for Wisteria), I'd suggest you do research!
It is always nice to read something well-written and realistic!
Good luck with your story!
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 9
Hmm before, if I recall, i used to have the horrible habit of not doing any research at all so I was basically winging it (and that's consequently how mary-sue characters are made is when the author doesn't take the time to really sit down and think things through like what I do now)

Now I more mature and I will actually go online and research certain things but most things are from common knowledge or things I've picked up from the tv or when I hear my relatives talking about certain subjects and that inspires me to put those real life situations in my stories to make them more realistic (so you can pictures yourself in the story and that you can relate to the characters) That's why I specialize in more of alternate universe instead of canon. I don't have anthing against canon but to me its a bit boring. With alternate universe you can pretty much do anything you want (within reason and I highly stress this -__-) When I read I like to visualize myself as a one of the characters so I can better understand the story (and it makes the experience of reading all the more enjoyable) so someimtes when the characters feels sad or happy I do too xDD its wierd but that's how I am and why I like AU so much and that's what I try to incorporate in my stories.

My usual routine is that I can get inspired by just about everything....and I mean everything. It can just be a simple thought but most of my inspiration comes from real life situations, movies, and music. These three play a pivotal part in my story process. From there I can sit for several minutes to hours just contemplating what to do with my stories. I look at all the angles of my story and weigh the pros and cons and I always (ALWAYS) ask my online friends for advice or their opinons because they help me to be realistic with my stories. Then if I have to I will research anything to help me with my story and then just think about a basic plot for my story. Although I should be doing thins I don't type up a basic plot for my story I basically type whatever I picture in my head because most of the stories I come up with are from dreams I've had or from random funny conversations with friends and family. That is hard because sometimes I have a great idea then I get side tracked and then I forget the idea altogether. Then I type up the story and find out I don't like it. This happens all the time and I'm getting sick of it but I have such a pathetically low amount of self confidence in my work but I post it anyway because I don't really care if people hate or love it but its a way for me to not be nagged with all these ideas. Because heaven knows I always always get bombarded with ideas and if I don't find some way to let it out through writing or art they'll keep nagging me until I do something about it or I will slowly turn insane from it xDD Happens all the time.

Sooo sorry I got off track again >.< I have the bad habit of doing that but I had alot to say this time. In any case I'll shut up now
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I support a problem with that?
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 26
I've done research for fanfiction before but as of lately I haven't felt the need to do so. I've just been making crap up from my own imagination!

However, I think that it can be greatly beneficial to do some research a story you are planning to write. It can really add to the authenticity of your work!
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 78
I wish I could find some information on what fabrics, other than silk, the various clothing (of regular mortal humans) would have been made of. When I go online, all I find is what they did NOT have available in feudal Japan, not what they did have. If silk was too expensive, and cotton was also too expensive, and only just becoming available in Japan, and wool not available at all, what the HECK did the monks, village girls, serfs, and others who were not rich, noble, or capable of flying from one continent to another use to make their clothing?
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 32
Sometimes I do, and sometimes I don' kind of depends on the fic that I am writing. For PUBLIC DOMINANCE, I actually used a book that I already own. For JOURNEY, I actually sat down with an atlas and planned the events in the story around the topography. In fact, I think that I did more research for that one than I have done for any story since. I think that one of the reasons that I despise LONELINESS & ABSOLUTION so much, is that I did NO research for it and it shows. I think that if I am going to be setting a story in a specific location, then researching the area is a good idea... it makes it seem more genuine.
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Beat Cop
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: -666
I'm going off the top of my head here. No cotton. No silk. No wool. Have you thought of linen? That's what's left if you look at textiles in Ancient Rome. Maybe it's similar in Feudal Japan.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 78
I've tried google searching so many different things for a definitive answer on this one, I am becoming obsessed about it. Linen sounds reasonable to me, but it is one of those things where I really want to know for sure. I get that way sometimes... I've asked my sister-in-law, who is a native of Japan, and for some reason, she has no idea what-so-ever. Hnnn.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 1
knifethrower wrote:
I wish I could find some information on what fabrics, other than silk, the various clothing (of regular mortal humans) would have been made of. When I go online, all I find is what they did NOT have available in feudal Japan, not what they did have. If silk was too expensive, and cotton was also too expensive, and only just becoming available in Japan, and wool not available at all, what the HECK did the monks, village girls, serfs, and others who were not rich, noble, or capable of flying from one continent to another use to make their clothing?

The only thing I can think of is leather and/or fur? Farm animals such as cows, horses, goats, etc and wild animals (deer, wolves, bear, etc.) were probably quite prevalent at the time and provided a means for food and clothing.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 1
I am too lazy to respond to everyone's posts, but you all have brought up some very good points :3. I can certainly see the need not to research something that is set in a familiar place to the author and in modern time x3. No research can match actual experience! The only exception to this I can see is if a character specializes in some area in which the author is not familiar (i.e. the character is a soccer player but the author doesn't know the first thing about soccer).

Without doing a ton of research on feudal Japan, I do not think I could bring myself to write an Canon fic. While some information is given as to what it was probably like in that era in the Inuyasha anime/manga; I still do not feel it is enough information for me to go by. Perhaps I am just anal like that though .

I have several ideas for some AU fics that are either not set in my country or are not set in modern times (or both), and so I also feel these need research. It will give me a better sense of how to describe the people/clothing/landscapes/building/mode(s) of transportation/food/etc. Again, I think my anal-retentiveness comes through here...or perhaps it's me wanting to write what I would want to read considering obvious inaccuracies drive me up the wall.

All this being said, sometimes winging it is more relaxing and fun. Especially for a first draft.
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Last Edit: 2009/11/15 09:43 By bleuborzoi.
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tenchi no mai
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 60
I tend to do a lot of research depending on what I am writing about. If it is a familiar topic I may do little to no actual research. When it is out of my general area of knowledge, I will often spend quite some time researching the topic.

In answer to knifethrowers question regarding fabrics in the feudal era, I hope this answer helps.

"Shibori was originally an art of the poor. In feudal Japan, many people could not afford to buy expensive fabrics like cotton or silk, so clothes were often made of cheap hemp fabrics. People could not afford to replace clothes regularly either, so they would repair and re-dye them, and the art of Shibori evolved as a means of making old clothes look new. During the long period of peace under the Tokugawa shogunate, many different arts flourished, and many different techniques and local forms of Shibori emerged. Shibori developed along two separate paths: as the method of decorating the silk used for producing kimonos for the aristocracy of Japan (largely carried out in Kyoto), and as a folk art differing from region to region."
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 78
Fascinating, Tenchi No Mai! I knew the information had to be out there! Thank you so much!
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 5
If I don't already know about something I want to use in my story I quickly look it up on wikipedia or google it. I'm lazy that way but usually I'm all knowing when it comes to anything to do with Inuyasha or even japanese culture because I had to write an english essay on it last year.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 4
I used to not do any research when I started writing a fic. But then, I would lose all interest in it and the story would die.

But since I've started writing them again, and I'm doing a Xover, I've had to do a lot more. Besides having to re-watch some of the IY episodes, I've gone back and watched the YYH episodes too. I've had to look up characters, locations, foods, beasts. Whole bunches of random stuff that might pop up in the story.
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Angelic Memories
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 27
I have to say that I am the kind of person who doesn't do too much research for a story. If it involves something medical that I am unsure of or an event that I know happened but don't know the details then I will research that. However, I tend to use my imagination and creativity when it comes to a fan fic. With that being said. My novel is something that I have put a lot of time and effort into just researching, whoever, it is more in order to see if some of the events that I have written about are plausible or not.
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Re:How much research do you do for your fics? 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 4
Haha I do no reasearch pretty much. Mwhaha!
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