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Oh Baby, Turn Me On!
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TOPIC: Oh Baby, Turn Me On!
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Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 15
Now that I have your attention (thanks my clever title), I want to know what every proud dokugian has to say about their S/K Fanfiction Turn Ons and Turn Offs. In other words, this is a chance to speak out about what specific elements in a SessKag story attracts you and what specific elements repel (or in some cases, repulse) you. I thought of this topic after sifting through (yet another) day's work of your average S/K fanfics and now I am wondering if everyone else is as picky as I am about what I read.

For instance, one major turn-OFF I have when it comes to S/K stories is the whole cliche plot. I'm sure we all know what that entails; Kag sees Inu and Kik. Kag runs off and bumps into Sess, or Sess stumbles across Kag in a hotspring. Whenever I see one of those in the summary, I skip over it faster than an Olympic jumper. It’s so good that we have writers like Resmiranda and ladybottousai (just to name a few ) to point out that not all S/K stories have to be redundant and predictable.

One major turn-ON I have is hardcore psychological suspense. I’m more of an ideas kind of person (air sign) and subjects that deal with the mind highly appeal to me. Suspense keeps me on the edge of my seat, and makes it hard for me to turn my short attention span elsewhere. Another turn-ON is witty dialogue/banter. Nothing is more amusing than two characters hurling sharp tongued jabs at one another and being able to hold their own.

So let me hear you guys.

Don’t be afraid, we all have our idiosyncrasies. =)
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 78
I'm not too fond of original characters, though there are some good ones out there. The kind I really hate are the ones that take over and become the main character. The summaries go something like this: Kagome's cousin Annabelle, from Tennessee, falls through the well when she is touring Japan with her goth band "Nickel-Essence". Annabelle, of course, is better than Kagome in every way. Her hair and clothing are described in painstaking detail, and usually involve a leather mini skirt and corset top. Everyone immediately falls in love with Annabelle, esp. the hotties like Sesshomaru, Kouga, and Inuyasha. Kagome is relegated to some dusty corner.
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 17
Hmm...The turn-offs I have are:

When Kagome suddenly becomes demon. I don't want it to be a sudden and unexplainable thing. It needs to have a reason for being so. I also hate it when in the summary, people will go 'OMG she's a demon?!' It's really annoying and I just skip over it.

I also hate it when things are poorly written. I.E. when someone uses chatspeak, very, very bad grammar. I can understand a missed period, arun-on sentence or mispellings here and there, but I mean come on! Doesn't ANYBODY check what they've written?

Some turn-ons:

Well written and well played out ideas. If something just comes together perfectly, I'm happy.

Also, when I can understand everything that's going on and I don't have to look anything up to understand it.

Happy endings. I'm a big happy endings kind of gal. I feel put off with unhappy or sad ones.
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 15
Oh yeah, ditto on the happy endings. If not then at least SOME kind of bittersweet compromise for the resolution.
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Priestess Skye
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 696975
Okay, i'm going to ask that we focus on turn on's. We have had turn off discussions before and I'm not a big fan of them. They tend to be negative when we should be focusing on the positive. Not to mention many topics discussed within them have hurt others feelings because they were writing exactly that. Everybody puts time and energy and their heart and soul into their writing. So let's respect that by focusing on turn on's only and not turn offs.
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 78
But, ya know, I don't dislike the "Kagome sees Inuyasha and Kikyo together and runs off, twists her ankle, and hooks up with Sesshy" stories. Actually, a few of the stories I consider all-time greats fall into this pattern. If I was Kagome, and I saw Inuyasha and Kikyo together (a not unprecedented occurrance), I would probably run off in tears, as well. And this ain't exactly MY first rodeo. The SOB isn't worth shooting. Yeah, it's cliche, but that's because it's easy to imagine ourselves in a similar situation...
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 31
My turn on's, and please don't raise brows at me, is when it the relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagome starts angsty and then, slowly, turns into love. The painful and meaner it is at the beginning--I've found--the sweeter the ending. ^.^
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 15
Saholia wrote:
My turn on's, and please don't raise brows at me, is when it the relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagome starts angsty and then, slowly, turns into love. The painful and meaner it is at the beginning--I've found--the sweeter the ending. ^.^

I like that too for some reason. :/ Angst seems more realistic. I like reading stories that usually begin like that because then you can see the problem from the start. And then you can guess how the conflict will be solved.
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Last Edit: 2009/09/08 13:56 By AmEva.
I would like some critical feedback on my pseudo-fic, Catch and Keep
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 47
Original plots do get my attention more than the cliches, but I will give the cliche stories a shot, too. You never know what kind of spin the author can put on it until you read it. I'll agree with knifethrower that some of the best stories I have read start out with Kagome catching Inuyasha and Kikyou together.

For romantic chapter stories, I like to see Kagome and Sesshoumaru's relationship build up slowly . . . see their characters develop and grow, as well as their feelings for each other.

In stories with Kagome as a miko and Sesshoumaru as a youkai, I prefer to see Kagome remain human. To me it makes Sesshoumaru's growth as a character that much better when he can look past Kagome's humanity and fall in love with her. Although, I have read several good ones where Kagome did turn into a demon at some point.
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 31
I agree with CritterWhisperer, a turn on is defenitively Kagome staying human, and Sesshomaru loving her regardless.

Also, a while back, I was into Sesshomaru viewing Kagome as fragile and well...human--and so wanting to take care of her oh so lovingly. Now though, after many talented writters have used it, I prefer him forcing her to face her fears and become stronger on her own--even if he has to hurt her feelings a bit.
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Last Edit: 2009/09/08 14:14 By Saholia.
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 26
Saholia wrote:
My turn on's, and please don't raise brows at me, is when it the relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagome starts angsty and then, slowly, turns into love. The painful and meaner it is at the beginning--I've found--the sweeter the ending. ^.^
I agree with you wholeheartedly! Well... just as long as the story isn't too full of angst... some stories can leave me feeling depressed for days.^^'
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 10
Well original plots for one thing, is definately a turn-on. And I like Original Characters, sometimes they add to a story. A turn off for me is definately when its all dialogue and no plot. I mean a bit of plot is nice and so is description OH! Another turn off is probably when everything runs together (I.E you can't tell where dialogue ends and starts).

that's just me
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 31
Honey-Bee wrote:
Saholia wrote:
My turn on's, and please don't raise brows at me, is when it the relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagome starts angsty and then, slowly, turns into love. The painful and meaner it is at the beginning--I've found--the sweeter the ending. ^.^
I agree with you wholeheartedly! Well... just as long as the story isn't too full of angst... some stories can leave me feeling depressed for days.^^'

Yes, that is true. Sometimes it backfires on me and I end up with a hand full of tishues and no happy
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 2
Turn-ons for me (in no particular order):

1) Respect and observance of proper English usage. Rules must only be flouted in aid of character development and other legitimate artistic reasons. I'm no purist and won't mind an odd split infinitive once in a while.

2) Suspense. I may whine and wail, but I love being on the edge of my seat.

3) Colorful, well-developed, and multi-dimensional characters with plausible emotional baggages and motives. For example, in knifethrower’s Double Vision I adored the Oedipal undertones in the Sess and Rin dynamic and the insinuation of Jakotsu's childhood abuse.

4) Humor. For example, I equally enjoyed the slapstick of Miss Kagura's Mokomoko Plus Miko and the suggestiveness of LC Rose's Sesshomaru Comes to Dinner.

5) Karma. Though I know injustice abounds in reality, I prefer stories where transgressions are paid for in full before our lovebirds bound off for their happily ever after (or not). For example, in ShadyMinion's Unwanted Freedom, Sess became a crazy delusional youkai who refused to part with Kagome's body after his indifference and callousness drove her to extreme actions. The ending was tragic but strangely satisfying.

6) Highbrow Smut. I prefer the artful eroticism of DaiyoukaiGeisha’s Cinematic Bliss rather than outright porn.

7) Awareness or incorporation of Japanese historical and cultural references. I appreciate the effort spent on well-researched canon. For example, Lady Battousai’s use of Japanese folktales in Seven Feudal Fairytales is impressively inventive. ElegantPaws’ This Sesshomaru Needs Not a Mate is admirable in its allusion to Japanese aesthetics.

8) Details. I love concrete and vivid imagery that support plot and character development.

9) Fluff…in proper dosages.

10) Unexpected Twists. The tricky physics behind curve balls works just as well for fiction as it does for baseball.

11) Subtlety. I can read between the lines.

12) Melodrama (in the pejorative sense). I can’t help it, I’m female!
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Last Edit: 2009/09/08 22:21 By malom.
"At last, I began to consider my mind's disorder a sacred thing."
-- Arthur Rimbaud, A Season in Hell
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 9
Hmm...lemme see...I love stories where Sesshomaru and Kagome have really wierd jobs. But I've read a ton of stories where Sesshomau was in high school, college, was a vampire, worked on a ranch, was an indian....I love different roles like that.

As you know I'm a bigger fan of AU than I am of cannn universe but there are some canon stories that I must finish from start to end. I guess the only reason why I love AU is because it usually means the story will be different and unique and I dunno some canon stories I've read do have the cliche plot (Only a mention please don't be mad with me Skye *hides in a dark corner shivering*) Besides, I like to read about the InuY characters in the real world reacting to every day situations that we go just pulls me in because then I have something to relate to.

Another thing I love about some stories is guessed it...Inupapa is added ROFL Seriously, he's so hilarious as the perverted and inappropriate father who loves to embarass his sons and set them up with random woman all for the sake of getting grandchildren. This is kinda cliche thing with Inupapa but its so darn funny. I'm not a fan of stories where Inupapa is a big meanie and he hurts Kagome's feelings though...something about that idea irks me.

I have yet to see stories where Sesshomaru's mother bumps into Inupapa and they have a fight (comical not something that turns into you can see I'm more for comedy than angst) I'd also love to see a story where aside from it being Sessh/Kag (DUH! lol) that Sesshomaru's mother and Inuyasha's mother could meet and become friends and then they'd plot against Inupapa but at the same time secretly helping Sesshomaru and Inuyasha with their relationship problems.
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Last Edit: 2009/09/09 03:28 By InuYoukaiLiz.

PROUD Inupapa fangirl

"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo

"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo

I support a problem with that?
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Inu Guardian
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 10
I love stories that venture into the alternate universe category. Stories that have good structure are a bonus. I am one of those readers who gives author's who write one-liners or chatspeak stories a chance. (I am an old chatroom rpg'er, so it hits close to home.) I LOVE stories that start out all angsty and have a reluctant attraction between Sesshoumaru and Kagome. Sesshoumaru arguing with himself is just kinda funny.

You've got to love the humor stories. The angst is good, but when you've had a bad day, you have to look to comical authors to brighten your day.

Chapter stories, the ones that are epic, are my absolute favorites. But, like any rabid reader, I am not above dipping into a drabble or one-shot when the mood calls for it.
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Re:Oh Baby, Turn Me On! 15 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 31
Recently, I've ventured into the AU wold--and found that I love it! There's so many possibilities for both Sess/Kag and the other characters. Though for the longest time I was a Cannon girl--but there's only so far you can go in a canon setting.
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