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TOPIC: Kagura/Sesshomaru
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Kagura/Sesshomaru 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 52
Okay, since this other thread isn't the appropriate place to talk about it, I want to ask this question. What do or don't you like about a Sesshomaru/Kagura pairing?

***Manga Spoilers***

As far as I'm concerned, apart from Kagome, Kagura would be the best choice for Sesshomaru. She's full demon, strong, and despite being born into a world of hate and darkness, where her mind and heart was created to be evil, she still broke away from her bonds and was maturing into a rather nice person when she was killed. She can be cold and calculating in battle, but warm and soft during times of peace.
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 9
I've written Sess/Kagura in a one-shot.

This was written for iyhedonism com on Livejournal, prompt Fairytale Refit.

She was interesting to explore, and I am really happy with how that turned-out, but I'm still married to sess/rin as canon.
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Last Edit: 2009/07/24 02:51 By piratequeen0405.
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 52
She was interesting to explore, and I am really happy with how that turned-out, but I'm still married to sess/rin as canon.

I probably would have been too to the idea of Rin/S, but because of how the mange ended...

***Manga Spoilers***

With Rin being sent to live in a human village, I'm more inclined to think of Rin being an adopted daughter rather than a potential mate. I could see Kagura accepting Rin as an adopted daughter after her time spent with Kohaku though.
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Kairou Watoshimi
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 19
*Spoiler* Maybe ---

Before Kagura died, Sesshomaru has never shown any interest in her. At all. For some reason, when she died, he decided that he wants her to live? What's up with that. Personally, Rumiko Takahashi is a romantic person by heart so I think she wants all of her good character to sort of end up with happy endings...

I don't like the Kagura and Sesshomaru pairing because before her death, nothing explained their relationship (if they really even had one). I'm a hardcore Sesshomaru and Kagome fan, so I'm guessing that's one of the reasons why I don't like any other pairings.

Sigh... I can be such closed minded...
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 15
Alright, I'm pro the Kagura/Sesshomaru pairing.

I think Kagura was pretty obvious (in the manga and the anime) that she held feelings for him. At first, those feelings were purely selfish (e.g., "This is the only person who can save me from Naraku." ) I don't think her feelings became truly romantic until much later.

On the flip-side, I don't believe what Sesshomaru feels for Kagura post-death is a true romantic love. To me, his feelings read more like compassion and respect, than full-out love. A compassion that could have (if she hadn't kicked the bucket) morphed into something more over time (maybe, heck we'll never know!). Prior to visiting her that last time as she was dying, he did wonder if she would "break away" from Naraku on her own.

The only other person he's shown any kind of compassion for to a similar extent is Rin, but I always read that as a love of a parent for a child, not a lover.

The fact of the matter is that I don't think he really has a love interest in this series (romantic love interest that is). There are a lot of "what ifs" and "maybes" but no absolutes, unlike Inuyasha/Kagome and Miroku/Sango.
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Last Edit: 2009/07/24 17:08 By DaiyoukaiGeisha.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 26
I have never read a Sesshoumaru Kagura story, and honestly, I don't know if I ever would. Maybe... one day, but right now I am so pro Sess/Kago, that I find it difficult to picture him with anyone else.

I will however admit that if he was, or would have ever been romantically interested in anyone, it would probably have been her. I think that, mainly through Rin, Sesshoumaru found a degree of compassion throughout the course of the series.

*Spoilers ahead!!*

Not only did he go into hell itself to save Rin, but on another occasion, he also took on some pretty severe injuries to save Kohaku. And even when he was angry with Inuyasha over Tensega, he went into the Meidou risking his own life when he saw that Naraku was attacking him! He even helped his brother in his own Sesshoumaru kind of way.

I think that it was this change in his character which prompted him to try and help Kagura when she was dying. I agree with DaiyoukaiGeisha that his actions were probably prompted more out of compassion and respect rather than romantic love.
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
Ick, I think it was kinda obvious she had feels for him but. I could never see them together. I just doesn't seem natural.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: -666
Jess wrote:
Ick, I think it was kinda obvious she had feels for him but. I could never see them together. I just doesn't seem natural.

I'm sure some people might find the Sess/Kagome pairing appalling, so let's be respectful of the preferences of others.
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Aimee Blue
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 22
I can really see Kagura and Sesshoumaru together and I thought it was a touching moment when she died. But then I've never been adverse to any sort of pairing, I see the pros to most pairings, as long as the fic is well written I'll read it. Even if I am decidedly attached to the Kagome Sesshoumaru pairing
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
um... I wasn't being disrespectful. I was stating my opinion. So sorryyyy if you find that disrespectful....
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Arc-an Angel
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
I don't know, honestly I don't see Sesshomaru and kagura as an appealing couple. I usually stray from fics like that but thats probably due to me not really caring about her as a character, therefore I wouldn't want her with one of my favorite people in the series. *shrug* This may sound weird but I think I could see her with Kouga if anything.
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 78
I agree with Arc-an Angel. I don't find Kagura appealing.
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 10
I think canon wise this pairing works well enough. I liked a few amvs I did with them but all in all I prefer to read Sesshomaru/Kagome. There is something more interesting and dynamic that I've almost never found in the Sesshomaru/Kagura pairing. Maybe just not many readers I like have tackled it?
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Lilly Akame
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 5
Eh, I don't know what I like about the pairing, but I do love it! When I saw Kaguras death in the anime, I don't know, it was kind of sweet and I'm like 'Yep, they should be together.'

But of course, I love the SessKags pairing way more
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 7
I would have to read a Kagura/Sess pairing to see what I think
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 27
Sess/Kagome is my otp...

However, I dont dislike Kagura. I like her as a woman - fiercely independent, but unable to break free from the chains of servitude because of her fears. She's imperfect but malleable to change. I think Sesshoumaru came to tolerate her towards the end, and who knows? Maybe something could have developed. I think romance or rather, mutual respect would have drawn them together. Kagura's not a human-hating racist (ex. Kohaku) and Sesshoumaru did want her around (ex. tried to revive her but couldnt). I think the biggest deterrent to the relationship would not have been sesshoumaru but actually kagura. She has the whole "free-like-the-wind" thing going ont (which i love). So I'm not sure she would want to be tied down, so to speak. Kagura, I think, likes to look at Sesshoumaru; she likes to observe him. Does she wanna get with him? Maybe sex - he is fiiiiine after all. But she's not a relationship driven person. Kagura thrives on solitude.

As DaiyoukaiGeisha said earlier, there are many what-ifs and maybes. Nothing is cut and dried as it is made out to be.

That being said... Sesshoumaru/Kagome All the Way!! ^__^

(I have read some good sesshou/kagu fics. I like them, but they're not my favs.)
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 15
Kagura was actually my first pair with Sesshoumaru before I got into SessKag. Actually, my first oneshot EVER was a SessKagu. I love the pairing, and think that although they'd be different than SessKag, they're still a great couple. I still dabble in it, but SessKag is ultimately my OTP. ^^
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
Hmm... I don't really like this pairing. I just don't feel that there is any spark, you know what I mean?? Kagura has had a crush on Sesshoumaru since forever, but I don't think her feelings are returned. One thing I love most about Sesshoumaru/Kagome fanfictions is how vastly different Sesshoumaru and Kagome are. Sesshoumaru gets to learn from Kagome about love and compassion. However, Kagura is just like every other demoness. Nothing really sets her apart. So what interests Sesshoumaru and pulls him in?? What do they talk about and do to defrost him??
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 9
Well, I'm not really into Sess/Kagu pairing too. It's because I had a feeling that in the series if Kagura had a feeling for Sesshoumaru it was more for her imagination than the reality.

I mean-Sesshoumaru was the first powerful youkai she had met and that could give her the feeling of being protected, his strenght matched hers and he helped her on the few ocassions, but she really had no idea what kind of a person he was. It was all more of her idea what-could-be-if.

Well that's my opinion, but I'm strong Sessh/Kag fan so my idea might not really be that good
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
I've read a few kagu/sess and didn't like them much. The reason I don't care for that pairing is because they are too similar in my opinion. With kag/sess, they are opposites, its more magical. You know, opposites attract.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Kagura/Sesshomaru 14 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 216
i dont hate kagura but to me, in my own lil mind the onyl one that should be mated/married/rutting etc with Sesshomaru is Kagome.

I dunno when why or how i came to be this way i jsut cant picture him under my own devices with anyone else. UNLESS i'm writing for another pairing like kags/papa then i usually pair Sess if i hafta with my OC but both Sess and OC are rarely mentioned in the fic if thats the case.

I'm even weirded out about him sharing kagome with anyone else but his offspring and sometimes shippo/rin.
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