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Story Inspirations
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TOPIC: Story Inspirations
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 0
I've been writing Inuyasha fanfiction since about 2004, and I went in with all of the starry-eyed concepts a novice writer would have. I'm actually embarrassed about my first story. I did a shameless self-insert of me and my friend at the time, which I now shudder to think of. Anyway, I have loved Sesshoumaru's character since I saw the first episode that he was in. For one, he's just so completely bad-ass that I couldn't help but love him. And then Rin came into the story and I found out that he had a heart. Mine instantly melted. Bad boy with a good heart....I'm a sucker for it all the way.

In my mind, I know the canon pairing is Kagome and Inuyasha. But quite frankly, Inuyasha can get on my nerves, even though I know he's been through a lot. Then I stumbled onto a story by Youkai Yume, and that got me intrigued my the Sess/Kag pairing. The more I thought about it, the more of an interesting couple they made.

*side note, when Sesshoumaru saves Kagome from the poison user in the anime...Mukotsu, I think his name was, I was like, "Ahhhh, luff! I KNEW it!" LOL*

Then I began to write with that pairing in mind, and I adored the challenge.'s hard to imagine them with anyone else.
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Miss Kagura
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 51
I know, right!

I don't even remember my first Sess/Kag. I just remember reading it, and thinking it made more sense to me than Inu/Kag. I've written a little InuKag, but I just really like SessKag.

The whole opposites attract thing applies in the extreme with them, and that's always fun to work with.
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 11
Man, just reading wonderful fanfics of the IY category. At first they were random IY/Kag fanfics, and then I stumbled across SS looking for Sess/Kag after I accidently read one and instantly fell in love with it. Then I joined SS after reading so many wonderful Sess/Kag stories, and thus began my first fanfic. Which I intend to rewrite someday, due to its "horridity". You know how first stories usually are, hehe.

But yes, basically, reading other Sess/Kag stories got me inspired.
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 58
this'll sound weird by it was a YYH/IY crossover that had a Kurama/Kagome pairing. But the interaction between Kagome and Sesshoumaru in the story is what caught my attention. They make a good dichotomy and complement one another when written well. That and I've always gravitated toward alt pairings. The Kags/Inu never really wowed me, too obvious. The story was A Rose by Any Other Name for those curious.
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 3
I started 'cause I was tired of waiting for Kagome and Inuyasha to get together.
I started reading S/K because, let's face it, they work together. Inu is puppy love, Sesshoumaru is forever love.
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 25
I started with IY because it was something I liked at the time. I would read stories like mad and when I couldn't find something I wanted to read, I wrote something I would like to read.

As for S/K: a dream. A dream that wouldn't go away until I wrote a little oneshot to get rid of it. After that, I have no clue. Sometimes the bug will bite and I'll write. Drabble contests on LJ are a ton of help when the muse is chilling in Bermuda sipping mojitos.
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 40
i remember the first fanfic i read that was sesskag.
it was "Promises" by Landlady of the Universe.

It roused interest in me and i was instantly hooked onto the pairing. then, my love for sesskag only strengthened after i saw Ms. Youkai Yume's art. I was thirteen then. Now, I'm turning 19. 6 years of being a sesskag fangirl and still going~
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 3 Months ago Karma: 66
Strange, I definitely do not remember my first Sess/Kag fic, either. But the pairing piqued my curiosity after reading a lot of Inu/Kag fics. I'm open to either pairing, but what drives me crazy is the "Kagome catching Inuyasha kissing/rutting/mating with Kikyo (the 'clay pot whore/clay doll/undead miko/whore') with the typical line 'do you love me or my reincarnation?', Inu:'You know I love you, Kikyo. Kagome's just a shard detector. That's all she is to me.' Kikyo:'Then help me get the rest of my soul back by killing that worthless copy of mine.'" plot. It's like a major accident on the road that's so destructive, yet people can't help but stop and watch. It's so cliche and yet people can't get enough of that plot, myself included, especially if it's well written. Of course, I'm another one who stumbled upon A Single Spark (RIP). Without A Single Spark, we wouldn't have Dokuga (yay!).
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 4
i'm not going to lie. i never heard about inuyasha until a wanted me to watch this dvd of season one. i was a hard up sailor moon/ dragon ball z fan. so after watching it i headed for my fav fanfiction site and found inuyasha. i first story i came across was baby blues and after that i was hooked. i still go back and read that story ever now and then.
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Lady Symone
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Re:Story Inspirations 15 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
I have been writing for a long time, but I was never aware of the concept of "fanfiction" (horrible, I know) until my older sister introduced me to A Single Spark when I was a freshman in high school. I don't remember the first story I read, but it wasn't long before I was reading Sess/Kag fics ravenously! I was an instant fan!

Not long after that, I signed up on SS and posted my first fic. Words can't describe the happiness I felt when I got my first comment! I've been writing Sess/Kag stories ever since. I'll be sitting around, doing something totally random, and then an crazy plot idea will pop in my head, and I'll be like, "OMFG! That would be a PERFECT plot for Sesshoumaru and Kagome!"

So thanks to sites like SS and Dokuga, I have been able to express myself and find an outlet for my emotions, especially during the rough and painful times. I don't think people realize how much fanfiction sites really mean to people. At first, I was embarrassed to admit I wrote fanfiction, but now I couldn't be prouder! NOTHING beats the situation when you finally open up to someone about your fanfiction pastime, and the person goes, "I love that too!" It's awesome!
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