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Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction
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Priestess Skye
Darth Skye
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 696975
I personally enjoy this line from darkjewel's Nothing Left to Lose

'Damnit, Inuyasha, I really could use some help right now, and where are you? In Hell! What good is that to anybody, including you? Stupid hanyou. Stupid Kikyou. Stupid well. Stupid Kagome. Nobody's coming for you, so you better figure this one out on your own!'

It sounds like a temper tantrum I'd have
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Last Edit: 2014/10/06 21:19 By sugar0o.

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
Masquerade by Sada

“I know you pride yourself on your ability to raise one eyebrow independently of the other, but now is not the time!”

Hahahaa! Now if only I could use that in real life > <
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 14
The Truth a good sorta way: by Carlet

"Here she was,

Kagome Hirugashi,

time traveling miko,

fighting prejudice and racism...

one hand job at a time."

And also....

Masquerade by Sada

"But he had plans, and plans to back up those plans, and plans to back up the back-up plans! Why, he had so many plans he-

""Masao! Stop trying to produce ominous monologue!" His mother scolded."

These are some of my favorite quotes. They just made me laugh soooo hard when I read them.

Btw-Both stories are complete and definitely worth it to read both!!
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3
I love ...Feels So Right by Oroyukae

My favorite lines come from Chapter 4. When I feel feisty, I think of this scene and get hyped up. Yes...I am weird like that.

" What did you call me , boy ?" the wolf growled threateningly.

Datsuko was not one to go looking for fights , he tended to avoid them at all cost - unless he had no other alternative. He did not , however , tolerate being called a select few words by any being , and THAT word was one of them. " Oh , I got your boy - demon..."

Dats response was off the hook for that scene!
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 1
I just caught up in Double Vision by knifethrower and in chapter 82 Kagome lost it and I had to read it aloud because it was just too funny. and too true XD

You think I am not strong enough to defeat my father alone, Kagome?" Sesshomaru grabbed the collar of her kimono and dragged her to her feet. Pencil and paper went flying. "If he had not fled dishonorably, I would have sent him back to Hell already!" He snarled vehemently, shaking her for emphasis.

Kagome clasped Myoga to her chest, staring up at her mate in alarm. This was the old Sesshomaru she was dealing with. She gathered her resolve. She had never been one to back down, and she wasn't going to let his intimidating ways shut her up. "And if you had, what then? He's got S'ounga, for crying out loud! Why the fuck did any of us think it would do any good to send that sword back to Hell? Tetsusaiga can open a portal to Hell. Tensaiga could open a portal to Hell. Bakusaiga can open a portal to Hell. Your mother-fucking mother has a necklace that can open a portal to Hell. Even that stupid bitch Kikyo was capable of opening up portals to Hell, for Kami's sake!" Kagome was shrieking at the top of her lungs. After being nice for so long, it felt kind of good to cut loose.
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Last Edit: 2009/06/04 18:21 By Miss_Clockworks.
I'm not officially on the dark side (apparently they have cookies?) but i have te milk so they need me from time to time.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 34
the only line i can think of is one from my own. but i unfortunately have been bad and not reading much fanfics lately. so i don't have much for comparison.

Anyway It's from Frennefits. "I think you killed me." They couple had just finished havign sex.

But yeah that is the only one i can think of right now.
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I OWN SESSHOMARUS ARMOUR!! Nah nah nah nah nah nah!!

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October Rose
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 3
where can i find this story...

The Truth a good sorta way: by Carlet

"Here she was,

Kagome Hirugashi,

time traveling miko,

fighting prejudice and racism...

one hand job at a time."
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 54
Hope ya don't mind me putting one from one of my own stories, but I can not think of the story without thinking about this paragraph. By the way, it's sad not funny like the others. It's from The Void...

"We lost Kagome, they lost Sesshoumaru," Miroku paused to gesture over at Rin. "Inuyasha lost his best friend, the first and probably only person to ever truly accept him and he lost his brother, who was probably his only living relative, at least that he knew of. And true they didn't get along, but as Kagome said 'blood is thicker than water.' We lost our friend, our loved one. They lost their lord and protector. And Inuyasha? He just lost everything."

And my favorite from I am Alpha...bit longer though.

"Wrong again Kikyou. This is my pack. Every member of it is here because I want them to be, including you. However, everyone else is here because they have proven themselves worthy of it. You on the other hand, I want you here only because of Inuyasha. Take a look around Kikyou, take a good look. Every single one of them are here because I wanted it so.

"I unbound Inuyasha from the tree, I wanted Shippo to join us, I asked Miroku to join us, I pleaded with Sango to stay, I brought my brother here,I talked Sango into letting her brother stay with us, I allowed you to stay for Inuyasha, I decided Lord Sesshoumaru and his group could travel with us. Notice any pattern here? No? Let me spell it out for you then. This is, has always been and will always be MY pack!

"And Kikyou it doesn't matter if you are Inuyasha's intended, it don't mean a thing if you are a stronger miko, no one cares if you're better with a bow, or if you had more training. The only thing that means a damn thing is I AM ALPHA! Get used to it or get out, those are your only two choices."

I had started to walk away, knowing it would do any good to stand there and yell at her any more, unless of course I liked screaming at a brick wall, but something came to mind and I couldn't stop myself from telling her. "Oh and one more thing Kikyou." I began as I turned around to face her once again. "Everything starts out with a rough draft."
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Last Edit: 2009/06/04 07:22 By Hairann.

I claimed Tenseiga`s resurrection power!
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Kame Hime
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
Haha! There's so many, but here's one I found funny. It's from Imperceptible by forthright.

The girl squinted thoughtfully, then said, “Rin’s animal is big and warm and soft!”
“Those are lame clues,” Shippo grumbled.
“Nonsense,” Kagome chided. “It sounds very cute.”
“He flies,” Rin helpfully supplied.
What an imagination! “So… does this cute, furry, flying animal have two legs?” Kagome chuckled, unable to picture such a creature.
“Nope,” Rin replied seriously. “Three.”
Oh please, don’t let him have heard me…
Kagome peeked.
…call him…
Sesshoumaru cocked one brow.

It's so funny to picture in my head!
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 279
From my new favorite crack!fic, Mokomoko Plus Miko:

Sesshoumaru stood up, wiped the blood from his lips, and answered, "I do not spoon."


Srsly. I can't quit laughing and I'm s'posed to be QUIET right now.

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 18
Taken from Making the Best of Purgatory by Resmiranda (yes I'm a fan of her too lol)

"I burned the eggs," she tells him.

"I know," he says. He can smell it, and she knows he can.

"I was never very good at eggs."

"I was never very fond of eggs."

"Oh, good," she says. "Then all's well that ends well. Coffee?"


"Want to know something true?" she asks, sucking on a lollipop.

"No," he says.

She tells him anyway. "You can be a real asshole."

"And whose fault is that?"

"See? There you go again."
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 18
From Dancing with Scissors by Piratequeen0405

Doctor Hertz looked at her with studied compassion. “Poor girl. Tell me about it. How do you feel? Sometimes these childhood illnesses can really do a number on adults.”

Kagome finally had the sympathetic ear she’d wanted. “I feel like stepped-on shit. Every joint and muscle in my body aches. Like I got hit by a train,” she whined. Once the sharing had begun, she wasn’t about to stop. “My head feels like it’s gonna split in half. I’m really cold, then really hot, then really, really cold. I can barely stand on my own and walking makes my mind spin and my stomach flop over. My throat feels like I spent last night eating sandpaper and broken glass. I’m tired as fuck. And the Percocet is only helping a little.” She finished her litany with a little pout that she hoped wasn’t over the top.

“Percocet…good stuff.”

“Breakfast of champions!” Kagome chirped. “That and the Greyhound. I’d have done a wake and bake, but I didn’t think my throat could handle it.”

“I see,” he said, highly amused. Usually in his experience, patients were unwilling to confess such details, but this woman’s frankness was charming in an illicit, humorous way, and if she happened to look like a fugitive from an asylum, at least she was a very cute fugitive.

“Just kidding about that last part,” Kagome blurted, certain, despite her pharmaceutical-induced haze, she could feel the waves of disapproval coming from across the room where Sesshoumaru was seated.

The doctor put a digital thermometer in her mouth. “Normally my nurse or physician assistant does this part, but I think I remember from med school how these things work,” he said with an easy, reassuring humor. “I’m not entirely incompetent.” After a series of beeps, he looked at the reading. “Damn,” he said, suddenly becoming more serious. “104.3 No wonder you feel so bad. This is a very high fever.”

Kagome shot an awkward I Told You So look at Sesshoumaru and decided she had a shiny new savior…not quite as drop-dead gorgeous, but far less serious. The exam continued, heart and lungs listened to, cervical lymph nodes palpitated, small talk made.

“Let’s have a look at your throat.”

Kagome opened her mouth wide, trying to be as cooperative as she had asked Rin to be a few days earlier, hoping her breath didn’t smell too strongly of vodka.

“Red with nasty spots. Most likely strep,” he pronounced, “but I need to swab your throat and do an RADT to be sure. Not allergic to penicillin, are you?” He took a long cotton swab and brushed the back of her throat, causing her to gag and choke.

“Shit,” she said after recovering. “That damn gag reflex. I guess it’s been way too long since I gave head.”

The doctor peered over his shoulder at Sesshoumaru, who merely rolled his eyes and shook his head. “Am I to assume that’s the drugs talking?”

“Actually, no. She’s not known for delicacy of language.”
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 15
Lol, me + that story = love. My quote comes from Tales from the House of the Moon as well.

"Now, clean and fresh and still nauseous beyond belief, Kagome propped her head on her hand and decided that she didn't want to be sensible. She wanted to throw a fit, have a nervous breakdown, and spend the rest of her life under a tree attempting to peel bits of sunlight off the ground and eat them. It would be like a vacation!"

I laughed so hard when I read this I was crying. I could just imagine it, you know? Kagome, finally having gone crazy, sitting under a tree and trying to pick bits of sunlight off of the ground and stick them in her mouth.
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Last Edit: 2009/06/03 18:05 By ToWriteLoveOnAPage.

“It is impolite to stare, miko,” he said, his smile gone, bringing Kagome back down to earth.

Oh, hello earth, how are you? She addressed the planet in a daze. Just got back from whatever parallel universe I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'d fallen into, did you know Sesshoumaru smiles there? Weird.

~Of Gods and Demons
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 33
Here's one from the Miko and the Taiyoukai. I was forced to enter this by my boyfriend who is now a Dokuga nut.

"No, thank you Jakken." Kagome smiled. She knew that the rude little toad must have really been threatened to show her such respect. She would have some fun with him. After all, lusting after a silver-haired youkai Lord can only take up about 23 hours of the had to find something to do for that last hour.
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Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 26
Okay this one is from the incomparable Tales from the House of the Moon by the equally incomparable Resmiranda

"But I still feel responsible," she snapped at him. "The guilt is awful!"

"I fail to see how that is my concern," Sesshoumaru said blandly. "However, if it would assuage your guilt, you may take those clothes off and come to bed." ... "ARGH!" she cried. "Is that all this is to you? Just... what I owe you?"

He was looking affronted and vaguely abashed. "I said that you may think of it that way, if it helps you."

"Well, it doesn't."

"Very well."

There was a silence as she glared at him, her arms crossed defensively in front of her. She watched as he appeared to choose his next words carefully. It looked like he was having a difficult time; he probably hadn't had much practice.

He gave her a sidelong glance. "So..." he finally said. "Will you divest yourself of your clothing anyway?"
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Miss Kagura
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Unforgettable Linens In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 51
Have you ever been reading a story, and certain lines just stuck out, and you knew, you were going to remember them for a long time?

I just had one of those moments reading 'Misconceptions and Misunderstandings' by Time on My Hands, which, for those of you who haven't read it, is really great. I'm totally digging it.

"Damn you. You and your logic. You could talk the devil out of his shirt, you know that?"

He smirked. "It's hanging in my closet at this moment. Would you like to see it?"

Anyone have any other lines that they tend to remember?
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Last Edit: 2010/08/30 01:17 By ladybattousai. Reason: the evil never ends... :D

Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links

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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 5
Okay, I couldn't resist...I'm incredibly guilty of being a 'Tale From The House of the Moon' groupie so I have to add this long one...

Five billion three hundred and sixty-one million one hundred twenty thousand nine hundred and ninety-eight seconds after he hit the ground, right in the middle of a particularly uneventful stretch of history, Sesshoumaru decided to go crazy.

It seemed a very sensible thing to do at the time; as far as he knew, crazy people were very good at entertaining themselves in ways that did not involve tedious training, being a nuisance to pilgrims, or obsessive preoccupation with running a tongue down the long, taut line of muscle on the back of Kagome's thigh. So he decided to try it out, just to see if it was preferable to his usual sane but frustrating diversions.

Unfortunately, after only six months he quit in disgust; apparently being insane was not nearly as interesting as he had been led to believe and hadn't eased his frustration at all, so, rather disappointed, he ended the brief, flirtatious experiment and went back to being sane once more.

Insanity, it seemed, just wasn't for him. He wasn't even certain that he had been doing it right, anyway.

Well I just thought this was the funniest thing
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Lady Shikibu
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
From katie33h's Swish:

"A strong breeze swept around Sesshomaru and the group of weary travelers.


Had it not been for Sesshomaru’s superior, battle trained eyes he might not have noticed his brother’s step falter, or the monks smile widen minutely. Outwardly Sesshomaru looked as calm and collected as ever, but inwardly a war was won; he would send Jaken to find an enchanter as soon as they stopped for the evening.

“Nice weather we are having today.” The monk said to his two companions.



Seshoumaru's "Indeed" makes me giggle every time:laugh: .
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
this is from twisted hearts by eternal fire1 of of FF and it was priceless.....picturing how pissed off sesshy would be if they actually got a flat and kagome called him out on it

"We dont need all this food." He said, returning to their previous dilemma.

"Of course we do! What if we get a flat tire or something?"

Sesshoumaru would have rolled his eyes if it werent so undignified. "I am driving." He said, as if that explained it all.

Kagome stumbled over her words before structuring a rational answer. "Thats no assurance!"

"Of course it is. No car would dare defy me."
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 26
Here's a scene from Gladiel's In Pursuit of Happiness that I very much enjoyed:

"Am I to believe that this silly wedding of yours took place legitimately? The fact that there had been neither a celebration nor a reception makes me inclined to believe that you merely attempted to fool your father. I am no fool, Sesshoumaru."

"You may check the official register. It is legal."

"What, then, is this? What is the reason that you have wedded yourself to a woman without inviting your father to the ceremony?" His father's voice had an impatient and livid edge to it that Kagome felt forced to push herself farther back to the sofa with the back of her dress touching its surface.

"It was not my plan, Father," Sesshoumaru met his father's eyes directly. "It was my wife who insisted that we skip the unnecessary procedures and have the nuptials as soon as possible."

What? Kagome's eyes widened in alarm. She turned her head sharply towards Sesshoumaru. That's short of saying you're leaving everything in my hands, you demon! She was quirking her eyebrow, trying to quickly decipher Sesshoumaru's strategy. Mentally, she threw daggers at him. You murderer! Traitor! You said you wouldn't let your father kill me! Instead, you were already planning my execution!

The story hasn't been updated in a few years now, sadly... I loved that fic, too.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 58
Oh yeah... and Best. Introductions. EVER!

Slip of the Tongue by Sada

"Miroku, you and I both know we've had our fair share of "conquests" and we both know I have extensive knowledge on how-" The door fully swung open, and Kagome's eyes were once more in danger of being ripped from her skull. "You are not Miroku." She calmly informed the stranger...who seemed vaguely familiar.

Said stranger nodded slightly, his eyebrow twitching as if it wanted to rise condescendingly. "No. I am not."

Kagome blinked, quickly ran her eyes over him, and tried to match up where she'd seen him before. The stranger turned his head to the right an insignificant amount, and Kagome's brain clicked. That's the guy that was aiding Mrs. Yamamoto in her eternal damnation by committing adultery! ...Why is he here?

"I assume you are wondering why I am here." He stated, meeting her eyes coolly.

In response she tried not to throw holy water at him, choosing to nod instead.

"I am-"

"The pervert from the elevator who couldn't keep it in his pants with an older, married woman." She interrupted without thinking, immediately sensing that that was not a nice way to brand a person you've never met and who, judging by the displeased twitch in his face, did not like being cut short. "Sorry..."

He drew in a breath and continued. "I was actually saying my name, which is Sesshomaru Ikeda."

"It's nice to meet you fully clothed, Sesshomaru Ikeda. My names Kagome Higurashi."
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
All I have to say is...

"Stupid pretty hair...."

Another classic from Tales from the House of the Moon
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 58
from Fugue by Resmiranda

She didn't know how she knew he would come to her, but it was almost comforting to hear his soft footfalls against the carpet and the closing of the door behind him. She'd said it was wrong though. She'd wanted him to come, even though it was wrong.

"I know," she said around her dry tongue, "that you didn't just enter my room uninvited."

Her voice sounded full of annoyance and bravado, but she was certain he could hear the tremulous note beneath it all.

"All right," he said, quietly.

In the darkness of the room, she heard silken cloth whisper over silken cloth.

"I know you are not undressing," she said, voice strangling in her throat. Tell him to leave, her mind screamed at her, but her mouth wouldn't work.

"All right," he murmured again, mockingly comforting.

The sound of clothing whispering over skin to rest on the floor met her ears. Goose bumps sprang up and down her arms, and she curled around herself just a little more.

The time between when he stepped out of his clothing - god, she wanted to turn and look at him, wanted to shove him out of her home for being so presumptuous - and when he slid across the bed was interminable. When she finally felt his weight settle heavily behind her she let out the breath she hadn't even known she was holding.

"I know you did not just get into bed with me, because I don't wish it."

He chuckled, and his voice felt like fingers dancing up her stomach. "All right," he whispered, and then his hands were snaking their way around her naked waist, pulling her back into the cradle of his body. She plucked ineffectually at his fingers.

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I like researching stuffs...
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Angelic Memories
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 27
Cause I just love Lady Battousai's Seven Feudal Fairy Tales I had to add something from it. Actually there are many lines that I love but my all time favourite was:

'Sesshomarus do not bounce'

I was just so amusing when I first read it and I was picturing Sesshomaru jumping up and down much like the way Rin is described to bounce. Perhaps it is just me that loves this line so much but I can't help it.
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Re:Unforgettable Lines In Fanfiction 15 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 15
Okay, shameless plug here. Every time I read this part of my story I laugh...'cause I'm lame like that. It's from a chapter I haven't posted yet in my story Of Gods And Demons:

" In fact, she was so distracted that she didn’t even notice that Sesshoumaru had stopped moving until she burst through the trees and nearly ran into his back. His sculpted, extremely nice, very masculine, bare back.

Oh my, her brain commented as her feet continued on autopilot.

SPLASH! Kagome tripped head first into the stream.

Sesshoumaru lowered the cloth he had been using to wash himself with and turned to stare at the girl. “Miko, what are you doing?” he asked as she sputtered and splashed her way into a sitting position.

Her hair was in her face, there was mud between her fingers and undoubtedly all over her back side, and she was pretty sure she may have swallowed a mouthful of algae. Looking for my dignity? Attempting to grow gills? Trying to drown before I can embarrass myself even more than I already have? She grumbled to herself.

Kagome pushed the wet hair out of her eyes and stared at her legs moodily. “I’m making a collect call, wouldn’t happen to have any quarters would you?” "
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“It is impolite to stare, miko,” he said, his smile gone, bringing Kagome back down to earth.

Oh, hello earth, how are you? She addressed the planet in a daze. Just got back from whatever parallel universe I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'d fallen into, did you know Sesshoumaru smiles there? Weird.

~Of Gods and Demons
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