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What do you do when you write?
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TOPIC: What do you do when you write?
Infinite Silence
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 2
When I sit down to write I normally have the T.V in the background or some music. I used to need complete silence, but after being in the military I got used to having sound. I like it. Sometimes I'll write in a notebook, or make a bubble sheet and look at it later, and then write a (i forgot the name of it.... ).... thing that helps me in the direction I want to flow... others I'll just write and see what happens.

I am a poem writer, but I am trying to expand the way I write by writing stories because I want to get better.
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 8
When I write I usually listen to music. Sometimes I can write in silence but I prefer listening to music, it inspires me. Sometimes I found myself writing for hours, listening to one song over and over again.

I don't really eat (except for if I write for a long time) when I write and I tend to sit down with my lap top and type a chapter or two, then take a couple of days off and write again. I also have a couple of fics that I write simultaneously, if the idea that I get for one isn't really fitting in then I put it on the other fic. I find it easier to write a chapter when I have outlined ready the things I will write in it.

I write everything on my laptop (I'd be miserable if it'd broke down) and get pissed if I am writing something and some word starts bugging me when I don't know how to exactly write it or what it means in Finnish and then I must be able to use an online dictionary (it's too bothersome to search it from a dictionary book). The spell check of Word is wonderful too, but even though I use it I still make mistakes... Cannot be helped, I guess.
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 11
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
BWAHAHAHA!! EP, I almost spit Coca Cola at my monitor while reading!!!

You so rock... that's all I can say... you just ROCK!

Of course, we all know you were soooo procrastinating by writing that too, weren't you?


Well... Yes... Sorta...
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 5
I'm quite similar to Lady Battosai - I am always spinning music in the background that helps set the mood of the piece I'm working on. Part of what's interesting about metawriting, to me, is what inspires work. I've opened a mega-meta resource thread for Fleeting for just this reason, to keep track of things like this

But, generally, I have to have music to write. I plot everything beforehand, sometimes writing longhand notes in a notebook. I don't sit down at the computer until I'm ready to write something close to the final draft. The muses are usually constantly at work in the background as I go about my "real life", and I never know what's going to inspire a scene, LOL!!

Depending on what I'm working on, I also have reference films open (YouTube or DVDs), various web browser tabs open - also references, as necessary - and a copy of the previous chapter of whatever fic I'm working on, since I have a tendency to serialize my work. I can either snack while I'm working, or hold off eating for six hours.

I absolutely cannot being doing something else - I'm totally focused on what I'm writing and can get pretty pissy if I'm interrupted.
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Miss Kagura
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 51
I usually listen to music, but unlike LadyB, it rarely matches what I'm writing.

I tend to get in these weird compulsive moods at a certain point in a handful of songs, and that one point inspires me. I've been working on something new off and on, and my musical inspiration is 'The Ninth Gate: Vocalise.' It's oddly haunting.

LadyB, your have no idea how much of a fangirl squeal I let out when you mentioned The Killers. I love their music so much.
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 54
I normally blare Styx music in my head, drowns out all other sounds and I can concentrate, though I normally don't hear the music anymore once I get into what I'm writing. I re-read the previous chapter, along with anything from this chapter I might have done already, and get to work. Most of the time it has to be Styx music, but every so often I get to the point where I have to listen to music from Bleach, or Prince music. But either way it's gotta be in my headphones and really, really loud.
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 277
BWAHAHAHA!! EP, I almost spit Coca Cola at my monitor while reading!!!

You so rock... that's all I can say... you just ROCK!

Of course, we all know you were soooo procrastinating by writing that too, weren't you?

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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 11
Hmmmm, well first you make sure all your household chores are done. You take a shower. Grab a glass of wine, put on soft music and sit and revisit the previous chapter (for continuity sake).

I pull up my overall outline. You compare to previous and you close emails and ignore the phone.

Now the fun. You braid and unbraid your hair - check for split ends, and visualize the first scene. Have impromptu convos with family members that insist of coming into your space. Get on all fours and play with the dog, who only seems to want your attention when you are sitting peacefully, and while doing that you visualize. I am huge on visualizations, for me it sets the tone.

Sometimes the first line changes and that is a son-of-a-bitch! Everything else is easier than that %^%$#$ first line after that you just forge ahead and fiddle and adjust until the music of the words hit you and then you are off to the races. Time passes rapidly and suddenly it is two o’clock in the morning.
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Last Edit: 2009/05/16 23:22 By ElegantPaws.
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 33
I usually am sitting on the couch with my boyfriend while he either watches the news (or the old 1970's Incredible Hulk if I am unlucky) or sleeps while cuddling up with me. There are usually cats invovled on the couch. Water, wine, or sake are essential. Smokes too (bad girl!). Sometimes random things inspire me. Challenges will often come easily while chapter stories will seem to mock me with their unwillingness to come out of my brain. Sometimes I have music on, but it doesn't have to be there. I have weakness in my right side (and I am right handed) so I don't really write in notebooks anymore. If I am in the hospital and don't have my laptop, I will write in a notebook, and my best writing (that which I sell) has started this way. It is really weird.

So, I guess there are certain variables, but either way, once my muse grabs hold, I am powerless to stop.
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 9
Let's see:

1) Listen to music
2) Eat FOOD!
3) PM frriends and form story ideas
4) Chat with friends and form stories ideas from our crazy randomness
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Last Edit: 2009/05/16 18:26 By InuYoukaiLiz.

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I support a problem with that?
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Minister of Silly Walks
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 25
Momo's tools of the trade:

- laptop
- pot of coffee (or iced coffee in the case of summer)
- pack of smokes

I like to write in chat because it gives me something else to concentrate on other than a story that might turn out to be a total train wreck. Sometimes I will have music going, sometimes the TV. Both if I am feeling particularly noisy. I can never write with complete silence. And if I get stuck? I either work on something else or play some Sims 2. My Sesshoumaru Sim is an alcoholic XD
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 9
I usually reread what I'd already written for that chapter, editing heavily...or stare at a blank Word document for twenty minutes. Damn you, blank Word doc!

Then I play Sodoku online. Stare some more. Check Livejournal. Stare.

So yeah, easily distracted. I do best when I have the chapter outlined beforehand, with a lot of specificity and detail, so I can just sit down and fill in the blanks.

Music can either be helpful or another distraction. Green tea or wine are essential.
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Shikon Miko
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 34
I swear i've mentioned this somewhere before.Well here's me in a nutshell:
- When i write I usually put the collar of my t-shirt over my nose.
- I have to have metal music blaring (usually disturbed THEY ARE AMAZING!!!)
- If I'm not using a computer, i need a pen that writes without ink interuption and then i just keep going until the pen runs out, but i have to use the same pen for the same story.
- Depending on what I'm writing, i sometimes have to write in cursive, block letters, or printing (its weird)
- if I get interrupted too much i'll lose interest in what it is I'm writing.

If i can think of anything else, I'll let you know.
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 92
I do all kinds of things, mostly i write sitting in chat but I usually have to have the TV on in the background with some kind of noise. I cannot write when it's silent. If the flow isn't coming I stick in and Inuyasha DVD and go. Somehow or other, hearing the characters voices seem to help the flow get moving. But I have to have something to drink sitting here with me at all times to do it.

Music, for me, is too much of a distraction. I can't work that way.

Once in a while, if the flow is going good I will refuse to eat until it's done. That does help push things faster and better.

But a lot depends on the story I'm doing and what scene i'm working on. For each there is something that works best. Lemons seem to flow better at night rather than the light of day for some reason. Straight up drama works best during the daylight hours. It's odd but it works for me.
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Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 15
Usually I just lay on my bed and write in silence, while eating chocolate of course!
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“It is impolite to stare, miko,” he said, his smile gone, bringing Kagome back down to earth.

Oh, hello earth, how are you? She addressed the planet in a daze. Just got back from whatever parallel universe I\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'d fallen into, did you know Sesshoumaru smiles there? Weird.

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Angelic Memories
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 27
I think I might be strange. I tend to write multiple chapters of the same story at once. Most of the time I get an idea of a scene so I begin writing it and as the story progresses I will insert the scene.

Sometimes I work on many chapters of different stories because my focus won't stay on one story.

When writing I have to have some sort of background noise... music is ideal.. but I can't have someone talking to me or around when I write because I get distracted. I too like to snack, on light things though, no meals.

I find myself more creative at night when I am tired... not all the time but most of the time.

I think the exception to this are the random scenes. I write these any time, sumtimes in a notebook (which I carry around everywhere) when I don't have my computer. The best time for these scenes is when I am talking to others, sometimes throwing ideas off others.

So I guess overall it depends on my mood, because what I do when I write is always changing.
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Priestess Skye
Darth Skye
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What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 696975
Saturday's question of discussion lol. I can't do this everyday, but i want to channel some positive energy around here.

So when you sit down to write what do you do? I knwo some people write better when they chat. I'm like that. I know others write better in a notebook first, some listen to music, some need absolute silence. Some write in spells, some write in one long shot and some have snacks and some refuse to eat a meal.

As I said I write better when I chat with people. It takse longer, yes, but I also like having the opportunity to bounce ideas off other. Right now I probably write best talking with Sugar0o, most likely cause my store is one of the plot bunnies she decided to glue onto me.

I like having a little snack sometimes. Mostly oranges, but today it's a cookie since I just finished some baking.

So, when you sit down and write...what do you do?
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LC Rose
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 39
I'll play with you, Skye!

I like to listen to music when I write. Either a grouping of songs or, if the piece has been inspired by a certain song, that certain song over and over and over and over and over. (well, you get the idea) I take breaks when I start losing focus and play something online. Usually those would be Text Twist, Bloons, or Mahjong. Ocassionally, when I need some outside inspiration, I jump onto MSN and grab someone. Dokuga chat is too distracting to my writing to go there for anything other than play. I don't eat when I write as I find my food tends to end up getting written into the story (Edible Dream for example). I do, however, always have a drink on hand and, depending upon the day of the week, it is sometimes spiked.
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 40

Well, usually, I get my writing done (recently, that is) when I'm at work. IT gives me something to fill in the spaces of nothing do to.

But on a free day, I can just sit in front of the computer and just stare at the blank screen until I write something.

How I write, depends on my mood, I suppose. Sometimes, I won't touch a story for over a year (I'm sorry my readers! I'll make it up to youuuuu!), sometimes I begin writing another chapter only moments after I've posted one up.

During the writing process, I'll turn on some music to inspire me, depending on what I want to take place in the chapter. If it's a sweet, romance-y scene, I'll put on a nice ballad or something, or if its a fighting scene, i'll put in something like Kesei Gyakuten.

When it comes to food, I usually snack on different things. Sometimes, I'm eating a full meal while in front of my computer, which annoys the heck out of my mom even though she doesn't complain (hey, I do the dishes and laundry, let me write. )

I can also chat/text/talk with people about totally unrelated things, and it won't really affect me; only prolong the process.

But the only time when I refuse to be bothered and need complete focus is when i'm working on coloring my fanart. I have a tendency to forget about it, then accidently close it, thinking that I saved, when I didn't, then I get really pissed at myself. T^T If I do that when i'm writing, I'm not so tempermental since, I couild always use a chance to re-write and word things better than the way I did before.
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LC Rose
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 39
Miss Kagura wrote:
my musical inspiration is 'The Ninth Gate: Vocalise.' It's oddly haunting.

It is a beautiful song...
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 40
OH! and I forgot to add. There's this quaint little cafe near where I live. If I'm stressed out or need a coffee-scented atmosphere, I go there to write. And they had awesome caramel mochaccinos! YuM~
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Beat Cop
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Re:What do you do when you write? 15 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: -666
When I write, I need very similar music playing that embodies the type of story that I'm writing. Right now, I'm tinkering with a horror story and so I listen to a lot of NIN or Marilyn Manson. When writing more mellow or philosophical stories, The Killers and U2 are favorites. My playlist tends to have to be all by the same artist though. And I can't blast it. It has to be very low so that it doesn't distract me.

Sometimes I also need my roommate's glowing egg. It's this four inch tall, soft plastic egg that glows the different colors of the rainbow. I toss it around and fiddle with it while I think. I don't know if it does more harm than good, but it sure is fun to play with.
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