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TOPIC: Fundraiser!
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 4
I’ll join the Paypal is a hassle club.
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 26
Just out of curiosity, how are we doing on donations?
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 0
LOL EM me you and Twik will start a "Paypal is a hassle" club!
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 42
I can offer up some sketches for drawing r0o.

2 B&W or color... winner's choice
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^~~~~ Teensie made me a pretty Banner!!!! :D

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Shikon Miko
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 31

I thought I'd make that. I wanted so much to donate to the site, but there is no way I would be able to do that. So, I wondered what I could do. I'm behind in all my stories, and can't even finish some oneshots I already started writing. Then, I thought about the giving artwork to those who can donate, but all I can draw well are my dumplings. Thinking it would be best not to do that, I thought more on what I could do. So, to show my love and support for the site, I drew this, and placed it in my comic section of my dumplings and wolfie site. I love you, Dokuga! You are one of the best sites I've ever been on, and that I'm on for at least 2 hours a day, with more than 5 hours a night, if I can!
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 10
Yes, I conquered Paypal. Take that stupid websites that make me change my passwords.

So, now I am in for writing oneshots. Hope all of this is going well.

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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 0
WOW! We are over half way there and it hasn't even been 36 hours. That's amazing! Thank you so much everyone.

Can you do me a favor? PM me your payapl ID if you donated $$ so that i can put the right people on the supporters page.

Thank you!
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 216
you guys are doing great! I'm sure we'll be getting what we're looking for! and every bit helps! keep it up! - r0o
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We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 31
rOo! My donation's in--I really love this site. I honestly rather be here than going You have no idea how many times I've put off going out or working on my term papers just to be on
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 78
I chipped in too. Times are tough, but when I think of all the hours of enjoyment I get out of this site, and fanfics in general, I think it's the very least I can do!!!
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Mistress Sianna
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 26
I donated already, but I would also be willing to do a personalized forum banner for anyone else who donates.
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Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 32
I donated as well.
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Beat Cop
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: -666
I chipped some into the jar. Hopefully some others will contribute too. I know that for most of us here, this site provides more entertainment and satisfaction than a ticket to the movies and that's all that's being asked for.
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I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 4
I'm willing to write oneshots as way of donation - I may be new to the fandom, but I'll try my best to write something good for anyone who donates. Wasn't sure where to state this, so I hope I'm in the right place. ^^ If not, sorry, r00, and feel free to point me in the right direction. xD
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Re:Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 52
I don't have any funds to give but I can give in the way of writing. I'm willing to write oneshots for the things up for drawings. I'd be up for writing 25 oneshots.
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sugar0o who lurks
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Fundraiser! 16 Years ago Karma: 216
Hi Dokugans! Its your friendly chatr0om r0o!

I'm coming to you here today to talk about fund raising! You wouldn't believe the leaps and bounds our beloved site has grown with in the few short months since its birth.

From about 80 member to now over 3400, and we haven't even hit a full year yet! That being said, our growth has prompted the need for more funds. We're looking into gaining more space so that we can keep everything running smoothly.

As noted on our site info page, the site normally costs $430 a year, and allows for us to have only a certain amount of space, we are currently nearing that fulfillment of that space.

Now there's nothing to worry about, if all goes well with this fundraiser we'll easily be able to more then double our space in some places and quintuple it in others.

All of that being said, we're asking you all to think about, and if you can to donate to Dokuga: you do have to have a paypal to use this.

There are going to be some items up for drawing:

5 different pieces of art by myself, including, 2 pre-made fanarts of SK and 2 winner choice SK's nothing graphic[**note - all 4 will be done in some form of watercolor, possible acrylic, or copic marker full color pics], and 1 Profile picture.[*note - this will be done like my own profile pic, in PS.]

A banner made by SKYE, stated that you Supported Dokuga, and of coarse you will be recognized on the Supporters page:

So thanks for taking the time to read this and lets get going on it! - r0o

Also if your interested, and would like more information please go here, see our group:
Dokuga Supporters
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Last Edit: 2009/03/07 23:23 By sugar0o.
We all have our demons, I named mine r0o.
On HHr Shipping
- Come to the DarkSide - We might be delusional but we have cookies. - apAidan
I claims Naraku`s pelt :3 KUKUKU!!
r0o`s Challenge`s: GenderBender~Always Open.....Completing your Holiday Fic Challenge.....GM Challenge: OPEN!.....
Banners: I write to........Lemon.....Bribery c0okie.....
Challenges r0o supports: .....
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