Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Does anyone know if Rumiko ever mentioned someplace that Sesshoumaru lived? Many stories have spoken of castles, but I can't help but wonder if he doesn't just live in the great outdoors.
Can't wait for your opinions!
\"Bound to him by some divine force or careless mistake, he would risk no hurt to the creature at his side. She was a part of his blood now - a bond that ran much deeper than the mark of the moon on her face.\"
-- To Coexist (Immerse yourself in the epic tale)
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 15
To my knowledge the manga never mentions where Sesshomaru lives. I know that the anime and the movies do not. We do see where his mom lives (super huge nice palace/home/etc.).
He's always seen wandering around Japan, but that doesn't necessarily mean he doesn't have a home (or multiple homes) someplace. Then again, he might prefer being a rolling stone and finds no real point in having a permanent residence. One of the things I found interesting from the 4th movie (and yeah, I know those aren't considered "canon" but anyway...) is that in the flashback he had, 2 demons sought him out for help while he was obviously wandering around somewhere. Maybe everybody who knows him personally also knows he just walks around. So if you want to speak to him, you have to track him down.
To make a long story short, it's all up for speculation on where he "lives". IMHO, the open-endedness of this helps in writing fiction on this character.
Last Edit: 2009/01/12 15:44 By DaiyoukaiGeisha.
I like to have a martini, Two at the very most.
After three Im under the table, after four Im under my host.
- Dorothy Parker
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
His mother is now deceased, right?
\"Bound to him by some divine force or careless mistake, he would risk no hurt to the creature at his side. She was a part of his blood now - a bond that ran much deeper than the mark of the moon on her face.\"
-- To Coexist (Immerse yourself in the epic tale)
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 18
I don't remember the mother dying, unless I missed something...maybe I did. ^_^;;
My personal theory is that he's a wanderer. He doesn't seem like the type to me to sit in one place under a roof and have people cater to him...he's a loner. And a castle just makes a convenient stationary target.
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 15
flame_of_eden wrote:
His mother is now deceased, right?
Nope, she's very much alive in the manga
He could live with his mom, which would explain why he wanders around. 
I like to have a martini, Two at the very most.
After three Im under the table, after four Im under my host.
- Dorothy Parker
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 4
It could be wrong, but I was reading a review (flame) of Rinseternalsoul's fic As Death Gives Life and they made mention of an interview with Rumiko Takahashi where she says Sesshoumaru has no home. I'll see if I can find the review or the actual interview.
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Wow! Thanks for all the replies!
I sort of thought he seemed like a loner as well. He's too restless to do all that noble society rubbish.
\"Bound to him by some divine force or careless mistake, he would risk no hurt to the creature at his side. She was a part of his blood now - a bond that ran much deeper than the mark of the moon on her face.\"
-- To Coexist (Immerse yourself in the epic tale)
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 14
Many born with silver spoons in their mouths are restless souls and just the same I'm sure, if you've tried to view someone as their whole and not their individual parts, you can find someone who lives beneath an overpass with the airs of nobility. Where you live, how you are born, and how you are raised are only small parts which make up our individuality.
I've met young unwed mothers who live in projects who are thoughtful individuals with hearts of gold and the willingness to give that which is priceless, time and love... and I'm sure we all know of wealthy individuals who are highly regarded for their "philanthropic efforts" and yet all they do is throw money at the problem. Likewise... we've all probably seen, met, or heard of an individual who is the exact opposite.
Some people are born wanderers... they are never satisfied with life. Others wander for a purpose... need it be spiritual, emotional, or financial.
Perhaps, for Sesshomaru, his wanderlust is a combination of all of these. He seems to be seeking something but he also seems to have motive and purpose... a destination, of sorts. (I personally don't think Sesshomaru does anything without a purpose. If the end justifies the means he would act like a snotty noble and hobnob with the best of them... but only if it meant getting what he wanted out of it.)
Also... call me a sinner but even if Rumiko Takahashi says he has no home in an interview doesn't mean he never did or never could.  Even manga-ka are not faultless or farseeing.
So yes, I agree that where he lives is entirely speculative.
P.S. The idea of Sesshomaru living with his mother? Priceless. That would be a hilarious fic. "Mom! We ran out of milk!" "Get a job, you bum!"
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 5
lol @ living with his Mom and needing milk... cute. Jaken aka Little Youkai wouldn't be around if that were the case. But I agree I don't think he lives with his Mom, In the manga you get the feeling that she hasn't seen him in a minute.
Personally I think he just wonders. I'm trying to remember what Jaken says to Rin in that one episode of the anime when she asks what they will do when Naraku is gone. HE says build a kingdom... but does he say that they will return to Sesshoumaru's home? I can't remember.
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 9
Ehh nope.... no mention of a home persay but heis mom is alive and kicking (no pun intended) and she has a castle with guards. She appears first appears in Chapter 466 on onemanga.com.
PROUD Inupapa fangirl
"I wish for a heart. A heart of the man whom I'll never allow to forget me." (to Kagome) - Kikyo
"Go Naraku, gather the shards of the jewel, and once you found them all , then I will send you to hell." - Kikyo
I support Kikyo...got a problem with that?
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 5
Takahashi did say he has no home, and in the manga he starts leaving Rin in Kaede's villiage and he brings her clothes. I imagine if he had a home he would leave her there instead. Plus, in the animal kingdom, males like to move, it's the females who want a place to raise their young, so that was probably his home (with mom) at one point, and it's not like he didn't know where she was because he went to see her about the sword but it must have been some time since he had been there (before Jakens time) becuase jaken guessed at who she was. How long has jaken been around?
I claimed Sesshoumaru\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Haughty Humph in the Claim Game
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 1
Not sure about Jakken. It would be very interesting to find out.
\"Bound to him by some divine force or careless mistake, he would risk no hurt to the creature at his side. She was a part of his blood now - a bond that ran much deeper than the mark of the moon on her face.\"
-- To Coexist (Immerse yourself in the epic tale)
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 15
Tataru wrote:
Takahashi did say he has no home, and in the manga he starts leaving Rin in Kaede's villiage and he brings her clothes. I imagine if he had a home he would leave her there instead.
I would love to get text of the RT interview where she says that. Not that it sounds implausible, but it also sounds like internet rumor. I hear from some on the boards that she said it, but nobody can come up with a real reference.
As for her leaving Rin in Kaede's village. He didn't leave her there permanently until the end of the manga. We didn't see him giving her clothes until the very last chapter. I don't think that the issue of if he does/does not have a home had any real bearing on that decision. It could be that he felt she was old enough to learn things from humans (or human women) that he simply couldn't teach her.
Plus, in the animal kingdom, males like to move, it's the females who want a place to raise their young, so that was probably his home (with mom) at one point, and it's not like he didn't know where she was because he went to see her about the sword but it must have been some time since he had been there (before Jakens time) becuase jaken guessed at who she was.
Depends on the animal  But if we're talking dogs, well it also depends. Females will stay in one place to raise young, but they will move around if they feel a den is unsafe. Regardless, I'm always wary of making this character way too animal driven. He's a dog "demon", not a true run of the mill canine, we can draw things that make sense from the animal kingdom, but I don't think he (or any high demon at his level) are completely ruled by it.
How long has jaken been around?
The manga never mentions how long Jaken has been around. The anime gives him an origin but that episode was a "filler" and you still couldn't glean from that on how far in the "past" it was.
Like I say all the time, RT skimps on the details!
I like to have a martini, Two at the very most.
After three Im under the table, after four Im under my host.
- Dorothy Parker
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Re:Sesshoumaru's Home 16 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 26
The canon universe does seem to indicate that Sesshoumaru has no home. And yes, Jaken said that Sesshoumaru will build an empire, and nothing to indicate that any basis of such already exists. Neither does he make any mention of returning to a "home" of any type.
I had never even considered that he might have a castle until I started reading fanfiction. I like the idea that he does have a castle home somewhere, but but it dosen't seem to have any basis in the anime-magna.
Pfft! I was gonna stop procrastinating, but I never got around to it.
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