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Great Debacle of 2021
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 21
Thank you for all your hard work concerning this site!
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 53
Danyealle-sama wrote:
When you get it back up, I can store a backup for you. No problem there. Depending on the size, I can do both cloud and on flash as well as computer. Just let me know! Not like i would touch it or know what to do with it

Heya. Yeah... I'm gonna need to do the backups since it seems they aren't anymore. Just now looking at the DB backups, I'm going to need to do that *too* as they're only backing up the main structure, not any data. *bangs head*

I don't even know the point of what they're doing. *sigh*
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 216
Mith + Wiccan, Thank you so much for everything.

I'm kinda having a mini heartbreak but it's no one's fault and I have no idea how I can help, but I do know this thing, WaybackTimeMachine exists. Is there any way to help pull some of the art from there? it's slow as all get out but you can get some of the works.

I'm not sure how much it'll help there are 133+ pages of lost art. TT____TT

-Your sad Lurking R0o
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 279
Oh, r0o... I am so, so very sorry. I cried when Mith uploaded the first back up file he found, cuz it only had a fraction of what we have now. I'm afraid I got all emo all over the place.

Now we have the complete Spark archive back, and over half the arts that I thought we had lost. But not all.

I know exactly what Mith felt like staring at the empty space where the back up should have been. I had that same sick feeling when I saw how much we'd lost. I felt better yesterday, since he found a more recent back up, but we're still missing a HUGE chunk of your work.

I'll check with him about the Wayback Machine and see if it's something we can get anything from. If you have any of your arts still floating around anywhere, we'd love to have them again, but I remember you having trouble with one of your computers and losing some stuff that way, right?

I still cannot tell you how sorry I am about this - through no one's fault, it's like we lost a part of ourselves. I send you HUGE HUGGLES!!!

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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sugar0o who lurks
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 216
Yeah, my last computer died taking with it some of my art and my PS. Mostly I'm just sad for everyone else. From what I can tell its anything posted after about Oct 2011. Because of how we were using Dokuga to host some of the images, a lot of the dokuga banners have failed too.

I tied t see if i could edit a pic and maybe save it again, see if that would fix it, it didnt. I don't even want to think about DB-Sama. TT__TT

le sigh
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 279
Actually, r0o, the only thing that took a heavy hit was the fanart. The stories hosted on Dokuga proper are all there. The Spark archive is all there.

We have some glitches with the profiles, and the forum isn't allowing previews, but profiles ARE able to be edited. Mith says that avatars are able to be uploaded, but he's not sure about uploading fanart. If you could let us know what happen when you post art, it would probably be very helpful.

So, you see, despite it being a huge loss in terms of the art, we still have all the stories. And I did find some more recent art on the Wayback Machine. I sent Mith a message asking how we might save some of those - and when he gets back to me, maybe we can pull some more off there and into here.

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 16
Thank y’all for all the hard work of recovering content. So glad the stories were saved. It looks like the fan art from page 135 and back are still there, so that is over half of it at least. Maybe some of the more recent artists still have their works. Hopefully some can be reloaded. Good luck with continued recovery!
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 53
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
We have some glitches with the profiles, and the forum isn't allowing previews, but profiles ARE able to be edited.

So, I'm not seeing any errors here. Thinking back on this I think I updated the JavaScript library when I first got access to the server because, developers always wanting the latest/greatest thing, but the latest not being included in the product.

This is where it's uhh... fun. The site no longer exists for the JavaScript library. Some of the old "mirrors" are placeholder sites, or have changed hands multiple times. So yeah... gonna take a bit to dig up an updated version from somewhere. Maybe the GitHub version will work... I'll actually be trying this to see what breaks. :/

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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 52
So the menu choices for Edit and Connections seem to display automatically, regardless of whether you clicked said buttons or not. But that seems to be a rather minor glitch, I haven't noticed anything else wrong with my profile so far.
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 54
Thank you to Mitharus for the computer voodoo to reestablish the site (I noticed we are back to the original site again)and to all the people who do the work it takes to keep this site up and running everyday. Virtual hugs for you all.
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 53
So, quick update. Haven't had a chance to dig into the profile/preview issue yet. It looks like a JavaScript issue from a quick glance... but no errors being thrown that I can see. Just not wanting to work. Yay.

Beyond that, I have manual backups running *and* syncing them to an off server location (daily). So baring a major catastrophe (server fully down, and two of my machines lose hard drive at same time), should be able to get back running with at most a week loss from the web root. Web root backup runs Sunday night / early Monday morning.

*cross fingers*

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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 4
I'm having a strange issue since it came back up... not getting the login option on mobile, it's showing when I click a link through my email, but it doesn't show at all when in the browser. Perhaps it's the browser I'm using, but I had never had an issue before. Figured I'd mention it incase anyone else has the issue. I cried happy tears when I got that first update email when it came back up!
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 53
Jade wrote:
not getting the login option on mobile

Just tested on my phone. Android, Google Chrome 90.0.4430.91

Had the login form at the top and was able to log in. There isn't a separate "mobile" site. It presents the same site whether you're on desktop or a mobile device. Not even any fancy CSS to try doing a different screen presentation.

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Last Edit: 2021/04/30 10:12 By mitharus.
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
Actually, r0o, the only thing that took a heavy hit was the fanart. The stories hosted on Dokuga proper are all there. The Spark archive is all there.

We have some glitches with the profiles, and the forum isn't allowing previews, but profiles ARE able to be edited. Mith says that avatars are able to be uploaded, but he's not sure about uploading fanart. If you could let us know what happen when you post art, it would probably be very helpful.

So, you see, despite it being a huge loss in terms of the art, we still have all the stories. And I did find some more recent art on the Wayback Machine. I sent Mith a message asking how we might save some of those - and when he gets back to me, maybe we can pull some more off there and into here.


right now i'm guessing that the only way to 'fix' our lost art will be to repost since when going to edit already posted ones there isn't an option to re-upload the file? it's unfortunate to have lost all the great arts, but in the end i don't mind re-uploading my own that were lost as i have all the files. however, since you mentioned finding some more recent ones via the Wayback Machine - i know you mentioned you'd say when you got info on if that could happen - i was wondering if i should just wait awhile? i certainly don't mind waiting however long it may take if you think it's a viable possibility, i'm very patient, but it was a curiosity i had been having and felt i might as well ask. cause for sure if it's possible to save some of my more recently posted arts, i'd much prefer that

regardless of the answer though, you guys are so incredibly amazing for all the swift and hard work you've done to save the site after such a sudden tragedy!!! <3 so many of us very much appreciate it ^-^

EDIT: when i tried to 'Preview' my post, the button didn't respond at all
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Last Edit: 2021/05/04 20:24 By Itsumademo.
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 279
I haven't found anything on the Wayback Machine that was newer than 2012, I think. I've been swamped IRL, so I haven't had a spare minute to look into it further, sorry. As far as the forum glitches, I think Mith was going to look into it when he got time, but he's pretty busy too.

I swear, after Mother's Day & I get my niece's baby blanket done & sent, I will devote mass quantities of time to studying what's on the Wayback Machine & I'll get with Mith and see how we can re-upload whatever I can filch from there.

I'm sorry!

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
I haven't found anything on the Wayback Machine that was newer than 2012, I think. I've been swamped IRL, so I haven't had a spare minute to look into it further, sorry. As far as the forum glitches, I think Mith was going to look into it when he got time, but he's pretty busy too.

I swear, after Mother's Day & I get my niece's baby blanket done & sent, I will devote mass quantities of time to studying what's on the Wayback Machine & I'll get with Mith and see how we can re-upload whatever I can filch from there.

I'm sorry!


OH, no worries at all! i wasn't meaning to seem pushy i just felt i should get the question out while it was on my mind and i was feeling less awkward about doing so. real life definitely gets the better of us sometimes, especially the last year and a half, and all the site trouble probably didn't help with that either XP i hope some of that busy-ness eases up for you guys so you can relax some; this site aside

i also hope you have a nice mother's day, and good luck on that blanket! ^-^
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Last Edit: 2021/05/04 23:22 By Itsumademo.
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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 279
Itsumademo wrote:

OH, no worries at all! i wasn't meaning to seem pushy i just felt i should get the question out while it was on my mind and i was feeling less awkward about doing so. real life definitely gets the better of us sometimes, especially the last year and a half, and all the site trouble probably didn't help with that either XP i hope some of that busy-ness eases up for you guys so you can relax some; this site aside

i also hope you have a nice mother's day, and good luck on that blanket! ^-^

Thank you so much... for your patience, your understanding, and your continued support of the site. It means a lot that you're still with us after all these years!
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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Great Debacle of 2021 3 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
WiccanMethuselah wrote:

Thank you so much... for your patience, your understanding, and your continued support of the site. It means a lot that you're still with us after all these years!

well of course you're quite welcome <3 this pairing, site, and community are very precious to me and thoroughly worthy of all the patience, understanding, and support i can give; always glad to do so! ^-^
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