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Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside
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TOPIC: Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
I've come up from the grave to literally say I am EXCITED about the next generation of hanyous though! In my current story I'm writing, there's exploration on the near limitless potential of youkai. How does that manifest further as hanyous?

I'm also curious on what abilities Moroha has. She's only 1/4 youkai. Is her life long? Does she age slower? Is she quick to heal? Does she have the new moon issue like her father?

And I wonder if, because Sesshoumaru becomes a daiyoukai at the end of the manga (Totosai even says that Sesshoumaru has surpassed his father in strength), Setsuna and Towa are stronger than Inuyasha because of their lineage?

There's a lot to expand on! It really won't change my story setting, but I am sure it'll prompt new ideas.
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Last Edit: 2020/07/26 03:29 By Nox.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 1
You literally voiced everything I have been wondering after sitting here and watching the trailer a few times now! Where in the world are they going with this?!?!. As you said the saving grace of this will hopefully be reading some wonderful material from the authors I have followed over time.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 18
I’m not one to deny the truth but definitely canon on YouTube the latest episode today posted 18 hours ago revealed Rin as the mom and the Bad guy some lady Zero who was rejected by Sesshomaru father made the scene asking Sesshomaru why did he take a human wife and Sesshomaru basically ask her if she’s gonna kill his twin girls and then he attacked her Ye it’s official but I can always use what’s true and put my own fan fiction spin on it for dokuga.

There’s nothing wrong with watching it for Sesshomaru screen time it does give you an idea on his character a bit even as a father it helps me with keeping him in character

He’s pretty protective and calculating or meticulous because he fooled the bad guys into thinking he wanted to kill his daughters but ended up saving them. Kagome also pregnant with Inuyasha kid -what suprises me more is that the enemy lady Zero and her brother hatred for Half breed has a lot to do with Toga whew Sesshomaru dad has a lot of enemies after he slept with that Izayoi
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Lady Amalthea
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 84
I honestly might be pulling the plug on YashaHime if it comes out that Rin isn't of a consentable age. I'm really not happy right now. Fans are in an absolute uproar and loliconSess and pedomaru are blowing up right now. Just absolutely depressing to think an anime like InuYasha has been reduced to this.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 279
Lady Amalthea wrote:
I honestly might be pulling the plug on YashaHime if it comes out that Rin isn't of a consentable age. I'm really not happy right now. Fans are in an absolute uproar and loliconSess and pedomaru are blowing up right now. Just absolutely depressing to think an anime like InuYasha has been reduced to this.

This is precisely why I've avoided the whole thing thus far. I had an awful feeling that this was where it was headed, and I really don't want to see pedomaru. Srsly. I'm gonna stay here in my fave world where Sess has a mature relationship with a woman who's able to stand up to him that he didn't groom from childhood.

Fingers in ears... "La, la, la, la, la... I can't heaaaar you!"
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Lady Amalthea
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 84
I really want heart your comment a 1K times.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 279
Lady Amalthea wrote:
I really want heart your comment a 1K times.

Aw, shucks...

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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 41
Ahem. It's not canon. Rumiko confirmed this herself. Yashahime is an overglorified (poorly written) fanfiction. OG Sesshoumaru still lives and we love him!
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 279
Avi wrote:
Ahem. It's not canon. Rumiko confirmed this herself. Yashahime is an overglorified (poorly written) fanfiction. OG Sesshoumaru still lives and we love him!

Yup, yup!!

I like knowing that his creator agrees with us, kinda, lol!

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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 18
They mentioned she’s 17 and she’s stuck in the tree of ages she had the baby at 16-17 that’s the time lapse and the video I posted links that confirmations and the information is there if people would watch the shows but to those that don’t that’s fine but misinformation isn’t good either . Its cannon in the sense that it’s true for the show Iunno what else cannon can mean. If she gave birth and it’s his kids and it’s the characters I’m sure that’s saying it’s cannon I don’t know who wrote it whether it’s rumiko or not she allowed that stuff to air and go public Which means by default she has consented that. That to me is an agreement if nothing else also I read fanfic on here with a very young Kagome I’m talking 13-14 in cases so I don’t know how perverse fan fiction is or can be but I’ve definitely read and blocked a few gross and perverse stuff on this site (just saying don’t flame me my own fanfic has a 16 year old Kagome and let’s face it she was 15 in the show ) anyhoo

At least we don’t see a child Rin the time lapse says 9-10 years and Rins stuck in some tree of ages and some mess it’s all wack I only watch it for the screen time for Sesshomaru he’s still my bias regardless and I won’t blame him he’s a character it’s the writers that allowed this on air. Aside from that I would say it all makes sense it’s all foreshadowing his mom mentioning he’s just like his father I knew it would happen but I never knew they would actually make a sequel I guess the fan fiction world gave them an idea I hear the pairing is big in Japan and made them a lot of money . Money is the root of all evil
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 3
i think what people (like me) mean when they say it isn't canon is that it was not the creator's intent as she wrote the story to have the pairing in question come to fruition. yashahime was the brainchild of an employee who helped produce the series, and yes, she gave permission for the idea to come about.

but for me, if it wasn't in her head as she wrote the show, and only happened bc someone she trusted put a script together to perhaps - if nothing else - reap financial reward, then it does not count as canon. For me. If you like it and want it to be so, that is okay! but it is completely reasonable for people to say hey, that wasn't what she had in mind, so the original series isn't tainted for me bc that was never her endgame.
it would have bothered me if it was her idea, is all i'm saying, but since it wasn't, i just write it off as another interpretation by another fan, as we all understand can be in tune with our own, or not. i do not take every unpalatable ship's fic personally, bc everyone has their own preference, and this show is no different. sunrise just has a bigger megaphone bc they are on tv and have animators at their disposal.
anyway, that is just how i see it. it is disappointing for a lot of us, im sure, but don't let it ruin sesshoumaru for you any more than an alternate pairing fanfic ruins him for you.
the interview i am referencing is this one, in which a small excerpt reveals RT's feelings on her ownership of the sequel:

Q.- "Inuyasha” is my life bible! What were your thoughts, Rumiko-sensei, when you first heard of Yashahime? (PN. Misawa Nori-chan)

A.- “Inuyasha” was completed within myself, so when I got the story, I was like “do you want to do it?”, the scenario was Mr. Sumisawa’s, who was in charge of Inuyasha in the anime, and he is definitely a person of both ability and talent, so I thought that I could leave it to him.
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Last Edit: 2021/01/19 02:58 By susie.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 279
I already gave my two cents' worth on the issue. I'm just here to thank everyone for being polite and allowing others to give their opinion, knowing that what we say here is our own view on the subject.

THANK YOU, Dokuga, for being cool and letting us air our opinions safely and kindly!!

It would appear that Takahashi-sama has been somewhat vague on whether or not she truly agrees with the direction of Yashahime. Even so, we interpret her actions and words as we feel and it can go both ways.

As Joo said, though, for some it is enough to just enjoy more Sess screen time, and that's something I can understand, lol!!

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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 77
Yasahime and the vast majority of fanfictions go against RT's stated canon. She has said in interviews that Sesshomaru is not a feudal lord. This has never affected my enjoyment of fanfiction, and nothing in Yasahime can change my enjoyment of fanfiction or Sess/Kag. I'm a bit saddened that this show is turning some people away from writin fanfics.
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Last Edit: 2021/01/19 12:49 By Silinara.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 41
In an interview, Takahashi stated that the story of Yashahime is not canon but the characters that she personally designed are. She gave the okay for the series, however.

By saying that the series isn't canon we mean that the story of Yashahime was never intended by Takahashi. It's comparable to saying that the stories here on Dokuga are not canon. Only Rumiko Takahashi, herself, can create the canon since she wrote the original story.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 3 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
dani wrote:
[quote]Created an account just to say you're not alone.

Personally, I've never shipped Sesshomaru with anyone.

But even this bothers me. I'm betting high on Rin being the mother. (even writing that out feels gross)

I get that she gets older but they still met and spent a lot of time together since she was eight. And he still slowly watched her grow even if it was from afar. That just does not sit well to me and it never will.

This shipping has always bothered me since I knew it was such a popular thing in Japan. But lolicon is also a popular thing there so color me unsurprised.

What I don't understand are those who say "of course we never shipped them together until she's an adult" are the same people who were elated with the Drama CD that had Sesshomaru confessing to a TWELVE year old Rin.


She was 17 in the drama CD. It clearly stated that. And he gave her the choice. If she said no, he said he would still protect her just call or whistle for him. (It was not canon anyway). As for her age when she had the babies, she was 17/18 still young in our times but there no so much considering life expectancy. There is a video that explains it very well...I clearly remember the video just not who did it... well I remember the avatar they use.

Plus, I don’t think human sensibilities translate to full on Demons. Like... how old was Inuyasha’s mom?

Either way, I enjoy people’s writing on this site and since they are fictional characters... I am not that invested.

Also I know good and well, Sesshoumaru should be with you.. (ya’ll ship the hot Fluffy with yourselves usually)

Another benefit of this sequel is the music and I absolutely adore Sesshoumaru’s mom. She absolutely roasted Zero. And we get to see more of hot Touga., cause oh my damn.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 3 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 41
DNogitsune wrote:
[quote]dani wrote:
Created an account just to say you're not alone.

Personally, I've never shipped Sesshomaru with anyone.

But even this bothers me. I'm betting high on Rin being the mother. (even writing that out feels gross)

I get that she gets older but they still met and spent a lot of time together since she was eight. And he still slowly watched her grow even if it was from afar. That just does not sit well to me and it never will.

This shipping has always bothered me since I knew it was such a popular thing in Japan. But lolicon is also a popular thing there so color me unsurprised.

What I don't understand are those who say "of course we never shipped them together until she's an adult" are the same people who were elated with the Drama CD that had Sesshomaru confessing to a TWELVE year old Rin.


She was 17 in the drama CD. It clearly stated that. And he gave her the choice. If she said no, he said he would still protect her just call or whistle for him. (It was not canon anyway). As for her age when she had the babies, she was 17/18 still young in our times but there no so much considering life expectancy. There is a video that explains it very well...I clearly remember the video just not who did it... well I remember the avatar they use.

Plus, I don’t think human sensibilities translate to full on Demons. Like... how old was Inuyasha’s mom?

Either way, I enjoy people’s writing on this site and since they are fictional characters... I am not that invested.

Also I know good and well, Sesshoumaru should be with you.. (ya’ll ship the hot Fluffy with yourselves usually)

Another benefit of this sequel is the music and I absolutely adore Sesshoumaru’s mom. She absolutely roasted Zero. And we get to see more of hot Touga., cause oh my damn.

I'm not trying to start an argument, or anything, but the CD drama doesn't count. Everyone who calculated the time actually followed the timeline that was given in the sequel itself compared to the timeline of the original series. Maybe they meant for her to be older, but they fudged their own math on it and made her MUCH younger. There is also the fact that she still behaves as a child and the reports that the voice actress was told to act while keeping in mind Rin being a child. These are the reasons it's become so controversial. This isn't to mention that a lot people never consider CD dramas canon at all.

Anyway, everyone who was angry about this should be happy to know that Rumiko has formally stated in a very recent interview that Sesshoumaru and Rin were fully intended to be father and daughter and she was unhappy with them being paired in the sequel. I think it's safe to say it's definitely not canon.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 3 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 0
I know the CD isn’t canon. I was just saying one of the articles said she was 17.

Haven’t seen any recent articles because job hunting is a pain in the ass.... so this situation is like the first version of Sailor Moon. Dirty old men perverting the story and such.
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Last Edit: 2021/04/02 10:53 By DNogitsune.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 3 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 1
If you don't mind,do you have a link to this interview?
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