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Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside
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TOPIC: Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside
Zauberer di Vent
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
swasdiva wrote:
Came to Dokuga boards after years away (and some lurking kukuku) just for the Yashahime assessment, and y’all did NOT disappoint. I bow to your greatness of dissecting this monstrosity. I, however, am very disappoint.

The first thing I felt after reading the synopsis was that unsettling tickle in the back of your throat before you’re going to barf. Ain’t no other way to describe it but sheer and utter dread.

So I’m going to treat this like Disney’s Star Wars. While that’s not my go-to fandom, the original trilogy’s story and characters are iconic. That’s who people want to see more of, but instead, IMO, aside from Rogue One and the Mandolorian, Disney gave us forgettable characters and choppy, mediocre stories that used the originals as little more than props. I don’t exactly hate the new trilogy, I find some enjoyment in it, but it’s just not the same.

I wish there was a hidden clue or deeper meaning in choosing the name Setsuna — that is a great catch, Eleven — but I fear it’s just lazy writing, like they forgot about their own movie. My gut tells me this will be the anime writers’ squicky SessRin wish fulfillment and butchering of the original cast. Why do they hate Sesshomaru so much, anyway? Making him go full pedo and too wimpy to save his own kids from a fire. It’s the dismantling of Han Solo all over again. The best characters get treated the worst. Does Rumiko owe a shit ton of money to the Yakuza or something? I’d assume she’s rolling in it, or at the very least upper middle class from her decades of success and wouldn’t need to attach herself to a massacre of her most popular storyline, but then I forget SessRin’s Japanese popularity, and after all, that is her main market. Still, Inuyasha has become so international that I’d think it would be smarter to consider the broader perspective for the sake of an even bigger paycheck.

I’m already going to rewrite it like this:

Kagome and Inuyasha were living happily in the village with their young daughter Moroha when Edo is attacked by nameless human warlords, as was wont to happen back then. Inuyasha dies protecting them, like his father, but Kagome gets separated from Moroha. For the most part everyone else makes it, but in the aftermath no one can find Moroha, and she’s assumed dead, too. Maybe she’s kidnapped at first and then runs away, so she’s in an area she doesn’t recognize. Being around the same age as Rin or Inuyasha when they were orphaned, she can’t figure out how to get back home.

So then, a la Chie’s amazing “Life After Loss” (and there’s a similar, radiantly brilliant fic that involves SessKag at a kitsune wedding and InuKag having a young son, but I can’t for the life of me remember the author or title... please share if you know it!!), Sesshoumaru takes Kagome in and mates her due to pack protocol. They fall in love (“but of course” in a Beauty and the Beast Lumiere accent) and have the twins around two years later.

Moroha doesn’t remember her exact age because she’s lived life just like her dad, scraping by to survive and trying to find her parents with the scant memories of childhood. That’s why there’s a ton of mystery surrounding the parent search when Towa comes back through the time tunnel/well/whatever as a teenager, because they don’t realize they’re all half-sisters. And of course Towa can time travel and gets raised by Souta because she’s already a Higurashi. And Setsuna trains under Kohaku because he’s her onii-sama (BTW my phone autocorrected that to onion-sama and I’m DYING HERR) a la marriage to big SISTER Rin. And let’s throw in a sad nugget: actually what happened was Moroha’s silver hair stuck out like a sore thumb and scared people, so they beat and chased her when she tried to find work or steal food. To hide, she tries to dye it black, like her mama. It comes out red, and at first she cries, but then it triggers a memory and she ties it back in a bow, vaguely remembering her beloved but nameless onii-chan (Shippo).

And then maybe it’s not random warlords but a new big bad who attacks a few times under the guise of skirmishes, not targeting Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru, but Kagome, because... well, because... okay who the hell knows why what do you want from me people it’s a gaspshock TWIST. Maybe they’re pissed that a powerful, now well-renown miko would soil herself with not one, but two demons, IDK. Once the Inu gang realizes the attacks were coordinated, everyone assumes the attacker must be an old enemy of Touga, but nah.

As far as why Setsuna and Towa were left alone in a forest fireat a young age, well, speaking of lazy writing... Kagome visits the village while Sesshoumaru goes somewhere for an important demon delegation. Let’s make it Korea, why not. That way he’s got an excuse for not realizing his family was in danger (although you’d think Kags would’ve learned her lesson about Edo’s paltry defenses by now but noooo.) Maybe the fire isn’t large enough to been seen from the village, and Towa and Setsuna are gallivanting farther away than their mom gave them permission to do, because they’re kids and make stupid decisions. Plus we find out later on in the three sisters’ journey that the fire was dark magic the big bad used to try and kill or capture them, but Towa got away through the tunnel and let’s give Shippou another moment, teenage big bro bursts onto the scene and saves Setsuna with his badass kitsune magic. The evil magic fire disappeared and Shippo reprimands Setsuna for being reckless, but she cries because really she’s the soft, gentle one and Towa was the bold one, and it was Towa’s idea to wander away so far, but now Towa’s gone. Shippo starts to panic when neither can find her. That’s also why Setsuna starts training and tries to emulate her father, “If I was stronger then Towa and Shippo wouldn’t always need to protect me.” What she doesn’t realize is that Sesshoumaru loves her for her sweetness, because it reminds him of Kagome and Rin.

I can’t think of a good reason why Setsuna wouldn’t remember Towa, because this kernel of the synopsis blows my super awesome bishounen Shippo scene above to irrelevant smithereens. Let’s just make it selective memory loss due to PTSD.

EDIT: Okay, so Setsuna’s memory loss comes on little by little, because she’s developing a mental break (think Lady Kogane in Jenineji’s lovely “Kakuchuu” fancomic) with her trauma. Like one day she calls Kohaku sensei instead onii-sama, and he thinks it strange but assumes she’s trying to be more disciplined. Sometimes with Kagome she starts staring out into space and then regards her mother like a stranger. Eventually one day Sesshoumaru checks on her and she bows, calling him “youkai-sama” and introducing herself. He’s in shock, they all are, because they don’t know what to do. Since her only connection seems to be with Kohaku, they leave her with him permanently. He suggests that because he’s familiar with memory loss, he can help her cope with the trauma. Kagome is heartbroken that she’s essentially lost all her children, even with one still right in front of her face. So Setsuna is not estranged in the typical sense, she just doesn’t recognize her own family. In her teenage years, she even convinces herself that her journey is part of her goal to become a vassal for the powerful youkai warlord and his human wife who’ve patronized her training, without realizing they’re her own parents. That way when the three sisters meet and later come back to Kagome after secrets are revealed, each one is having a sort of reunion with their mother.

Plus I like that the girls can bond not knowing they’re related, so once they all learn the truth, it turns their fathers’ half-sibling dynamic on its head. We can even have a sweet scene where Sesshoumaru welcomes Moroha because he’s suddenly overcome with how much he really missed Inuyasha (OF COURSE ain’t nobody pick up on this but Kags, he’s still stoic AF). Inuyasha’s memory has become as giant as his father’s before him. The reunion among everyone would just be brimming with feels.

So this is now my headcanon and I’m sticking to it. It’s the only way to salvage my view of Sesshoumaru.

You Are Beautiful <3 ~
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 66
So... After much thinking, I sort of decided/though. Thanks to Avi for her post. Yes this is not Canon.
1. I will take this as fanfiction. It is their fanfiction.
2. They just have more money and opportunities to make their fanfiction an anime.
3. They have Rumiko sensei's permission but she is not the author so its sort of like allowing them to dream lol. Like we do.
4. This will not only not stop us from writing, it will give us new food and new opportunities to twist it and rewrite it how we wish.
Draw the line, like I did with boruto, and I did try watching the first episodes... Really tried. Let's see how this goes.
So good luck everyone and keep writing!
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Last Edit: 2020/05/13 09:45 By nyght_elf. Reason: Grammar
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 3
haha! that is so great =)
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Last Edit: 2020/05/13 12:40 By susie.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 41
Have you guys seen the new info that pretty much confirms Rin is not the mother? I can't link it right now, but it mentions Kohaku and Rin both living in Kaede's village and says that Rin is raising InuYasha and Kagome's daughter while Kohaku is raising Sesshoumaru's daughter. So why would Kohaku have Rin's daughter if they lived in the same village? Breathe easy, if that was your main worry. I don't think SessRin is gonna happen.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
Avi wrote:
Have you guys seen the new info that pretty much confirms Rin is not the mother? I can't link it right now, but it mentions Kohaku and Rin both living in Kaede's village and says that Rin is raising InuYasha and Kagome's daughter while Kohaku is raising Sesshoumaru's daughter. So why would Kohaku have Rin's daughter if they lived in the same village? Breathe easy, if that was your main worry. I don't think SessRin is gonna happen.

I think that was the "leak" from yesterday? (taken from tumblr)

Time goes by from the story of “InuYasha” and Sesshoumaru, and the brother’s daughters open a new door.

The stage will be in Kaede’s Village, a dozen years later. Friends who have been seperaed from each other during the “Kochou no Tatakai” (Butterfly Battle/War?) are living quietly.

“InuYasha” and “Kagome’s daughter”, Moroha, was entrusted to “Rin”, and after the battle there was “Setsuna” who was taken care of by Kohaku.

The battle of two begins in order to stop the conspiracy of “Ryumagatsuki”, the nemesis that “Sesshoumaru” fought for lfe.

However, there was another daughter of “Sesshoumaru”

...and here is the image that the above passage was taken/translated from. Source is still unknown. However, some are calling BS and saying this is fake news. (btw if anyone can translate this, highly appreciate it!)

So this is my 2 cents on all this, take it with a grain of salt ya'll
This "butterfly man" caused some sh*t to go down 12 years ago (while the girls were 2), where Inu/Kag told Rin to take care of Moroha while they went to go fight (and got sealed)...IT woud explain why Moroha doesn't know her parents since Rin took over. But then...this makes me think something happened to Rin too if Kohaku took care of Setsuna after the battle (and wtf why only Setsuna & not Moroha too) does this mean Rin took care of all three girls Setsuna, Towa & Moroha before they too got separated (insert forest fire 2 years after Butterfly Wars)?

Also, dragon breath Ryuumagatsuki (Magatsuhi reincarnated? can villains be reincarnated?) is the new Naraku? It would kinda explain the tie to the girls since Magatsuhi was Sesshomaru's foe in TFA..if I remember correctly, Naraku took a back seat there for a hot sec, and of course, that *scene* where Sessh practically yelled at possessed Inuyasha to GTF away from Kagome (clearly if he didn't give two shts about her, he would've just let Magatsuhi possess Kagome too and killed him then)

Lastly, this ( dropped in the Shonen Sunday shop in JP...Apparently this is legit? I think it's a manga cover from the Meido arc where Rin looks like a toddler in Sesshomaru's arms is being reprinted in high-res and framed and sold coz ya know...$$$ Why they picked this particular image to commemorate the "announcement" I can only speculate (a hint of the inevitable?). Who knows...

So long story short, there is so much going on (still), no one knows anything, and at this point, I'm over here like....@_@. Fall 2020 can't come soon enough, I guess?

Thank you for listening to my TED talk.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 16
As long as it's not SessRin, I'm good.

Rest I'll treat as fanfiction as Natalia mentioned, but with like a ton of money thrown at it, like Twilight.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
Unfortunately, Setsuna being under Kohaku's care could just mean he's under his training to be a demon slayer

Don't they start training them at around 11 years old?

And Rumiko Takahashi has recently promoted her artwork to be framed. An artwork depicting Sesshomaru holding a sleeping Rin who is still 8 years old in the drawing. Disgusting, if that's her way of giving us a hint.

Yeah, this really doesn't look good at all.

Prepare for the worst, guys.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 49
Like many people here, I am conflicted about this so-called sequel.
I wouldn't want for Sess/Rin to happen, but then there's not so much I can do about that, so, I'll prepare for the worst, and I'll probably end up ignoring the whole thing and keep stuffing my mind with gooooood fanfiction.
Anyway, I just think we don't have much to speculate, but we know the three girls seem to be about the same age, Moroha being the oldest, being about 14 years old.
Perhaps Sesshoumaru's twins might be one or two years younger than InuKag's daughter.
We also know, from the leak - though it is not safe to assume it is legit yet - the time-lapse is about a dozen years after the ending of TFA, when Rin was about 8 years old.
I'm trying to say that, for Rin to be the mother of the twins (since they deftly look about the same age of Moroha, she'd have birthed them around the age of ten, which is improbable.
Not sure I'm making any sense - English is not my first language - I mean, I know it was the Sengoku Jidai and everything that comes with that, but I really cannot picture Rin as the mother of two half-demon kids around the age of ten.
That being said, one can only hope.
I just wanted to thank you all, fellow Dokugans, for being here, alive, and kicking. I am also really happy to see Inuyasha's fandom so excited about the news.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 2
I've seen two different conflicting translations with the amount of time that has passed though. One says more than a decade, and one says a few decades. Big difference there, and it could still mean Rin is the mother.

Also, the fact that Setsuna is under Kohaku's care could just mean he's under his training.

And the fact that Setsuna's actual mother isn't in the picture, if the mother is someone else, would also not make sense that the kid is under Kohaku's care. Unless the mother has died, which is also unlikely because Sesshomaru has the tenseiga.

Ugh, it's really most likely Rin guys.

I can't look at Sesshomaru the same ever again.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
Oops. I didn’t even realize in my stream-of-consciousness ramblings that I nonchalantly killed off the character the whole shebang is named after. The reason it’s popular. The reason it exists. I’m so knee deep into SessKag that I often forget the series is called “Inuyasha”. Srsly.

Don’t look at me like that, Inuyasha. I love you to death, but... okay bad choice of words.

“Thank you for coming to my TED Talk” Eleven, you’re SLAYING ME like Bakusaiga over here. I’m disintegrating in laughter! And high five on the headcanon support and all that kick ass brainstorming!! I REALLY like the Byakuya idea, or something similar with illusions and curses/spells keeping them separated and making them forget!! And can you imagine if there really was a surprise Sess baby mama twist right at the end? The whole fandom would collectively lose our MINDS.

Wiccan and Zauberer di Vent, thank you, too!! I’m glad you enjoyed the headcanon. We should just start a thread with more of those to keep some semblance of sanity over this.

Guru, I gotta say you might be onto something with the Rin & Kagome relation, thus Towa is a Higurashi because of Rin, however much I want to Jimmy Fallon “EW!!” it. If it was anything other than SessRin, like KohRin, I’d say yasss, but since we know that’s not the case I say noooo…

At least I’m having lots of fun with all you guys speculating on how we can bend this travesty to our SessKag will, MWUAHAHAHA. Dokuga is the bestest.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
swasdiva wrote:

So then, a la Chie’s amazing “Life After Loss” (and there’s a similar, radiantly brilliant fic that involves SessKag at a kitsune wedding and InuKag having a young son, but I can’t for the life of me remember the author or title... please share if you know it!!), Sesshoumaru takes Kagome in and mates her due to pack protocol. They fall in love (“but of course” in a Beauty and the Beast Lumiere accent) and have the twins around two years later

Ok, took me way too long to figure out how to do the quote thing... I'm new bear with me. ????

The fic youre looking for is "Honor Bound" by HikoCassidy !!! (rated MA) I LOVE THAT FIC!

(Now to see if I can delete my first attempt that didn't quite work hahaha)

I think the only good thing so far that may come of this, is that many who wrote years ago and drifted away, may come back and finish their fics. ???? Either way it goes, we may have new fics from a younger generation falling in love with Inuyasha. I just hope it doesn't devolve into rabbid shippers.
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Last Edit: 2020/05/21 07:47 By wiccanmethuselah.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 38
Hi guys! So I’m having trouble wrapping my head around Rumiko Takahashi allowing for them to produce and write what is going to be a popular mainstream anime with her blessing that is going to make Sesshoumaru, noble as he is, basically a predator. Even with the times it set in, with the state of the world as it is today I would like to think she’s like “make it a random woman”.

But then my mind goes back to, its anime and I watch some pretty interesting anime and the whole point of some of them is to make these school girls look younger so that get that questionable vibe.

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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
HONOR BOUND (rated MA)!!! THANK YOU!! Cripes, that fic is amazing!

I agree, hoping for a deluge of new fics, especially new initiates into our SessKag world.
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Last Edit: 2020/05/21 07:47 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: inserted rating
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 156
So I've been avoiding this thread because watching the news of the sequel hit and witnessing the collective ensuing freak-out was exhausting and because my plan is to ignore the sequel all together...

But just dropping in to say thanks so much for the LAL shout out.

I must confess I've never been happier than rn that all my current WIPs are AUs xD

Just keep your chin up, everyone, and focus on the positive: new fans coming in and old fans hopefully coming back. ^_^ As I've said elsewhere before the sequel isn't canon - but even if it was we have built our entire lovely fandom out of ignoring canon haven't we
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 0
I think we just don’t like change! The beautiful world we imagined is being threaten by ideas we never fathomed! While I will not watch it myself, I certainly want to know the jist of what’s going on. Besides that, I’m just going to remain blissfully unaware. I must say, I love our community! I love the home that was created here for K/S. If anything, I hope this sequel will attract new eyes on the original and we’ll have even more support!! Fear not sisters
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Last Edit: 2020/05/21 13:35 By G1RLLY.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 4
OMG its Chie!

Sorry total fan girl moment.

I wish you were writing it because your fics are AMAZING. Ijs I'm totally biased.

I do love the head cannon in here though. The ideas I'm sure are creating some plot bunnies though.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 156
Jade wrote:
OMG its Chie!

Sorry total fan girl moment.

I wish you were writing it because your fics are AMAZING. Ijs I'm totally biased.

Haha Hi, Jade, nice to meet you! And thank you so much, so glad to know you've enjoyed my writing! I promise there's more to come, sequel or no sequel.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 66
Another fan girl here. I was just saying that I will think of this sequel as it's a fanfiction. They just have more money and opportunities to make it, cause if I had the money I would definitely do an anime for Life After Loss. It just fits so well... I am not saying our fics here are worse, cause we have tons of those and returning to the classics is always welcome! So thank you!
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 156
Natalia wrote:
Another fan girl here. I was just saying that I will think of this sequel as it's a fanfiction. They just have more money and opportunities to make it, cause if I had the money I would definitely do an anime for Life After Loss. It just fits so well... I am not saying our fics here are worse, cause we have tons of those and returning to the classics is always welcome! So thank you!

Gosh, that is so super sweet??? I don't even know what to say to that, really. Thank you, I'm very flattered by that.

I totally agree with your assessment, just like with The Cursed Child, the synopsis of the sequel is really making it sound like a fanfic (and not one of the good ones, honestly ). So I'm just gonna treat the sequel the same I treat The Cursed Child and ignore its existence. xD
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 18
I have a question I read some fanfic on this site with a very young Kagome heck my own fanfic in the ancient period which I study religiously has a 16 year old Kagome as a concubine now with that said I do plab on allowing a time lapse since I myself am not comfortable with a 16 yrs old having sex but it doesnt disclude the many fics I read on here with a minor Kagome. What exactly are people against? The minor rin aka the potentially 17 plus year old rin and sess or the so call guardian relationship? I dont think he groomed her the guy was always gone I never saw them that close in the anime except the time he went to hell for her and cried. I love our fanfic world but I'm also not gonna be a hypocrite and call a kettle black he was never a father to this human more like a protector and like I said my own bf is 20 years older than me and he been around iunno maybe I'm my own hypocrite
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0


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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 156
Joo777-. wrote:
I have a question I read some fanfic on this site with a very young Kagome heck my own fanfic in the ancient period which I study religiously has a 16 year old Kagome as a concubine now with that said I do plab on allowing a time lapse since I myself am not comfortable with a 16 yrs old having sex but it doesnt disclude the many fics I read on here with a minor Kagome. What exactly are people against? The minor rin aka the potentially 17 plus year old rin and sess or the so call guardian relationship? I dont think he groomed her the guy was always gone I never saw them that close in the anime except the time he went to hell for her and cried. I love our fanfic world but I'm also not gonna be a hypocrite and call a kettle black he was never a father to this human more like a protector and like I said my own bf is 20 years older than me and he been around iunno maybe I'm my own hypocrite

It is what you call the "so called guardian relationship" that most people have an issue with. You are free to think and interpret what you will, but a lot of people see Sesshoumaru and Rin having more of a familial relationship.

I'm not sure I'd go for the whole father-daughter spin myself but I definitely do see Sesshoumaru in the role of a protector and a guardian to Rin. They travelled together for a time and even after he left her in Edo there is canon evidence that he would come and visit her. Maybe he wasn't there 24/7 but he still was very much present in her life.

The kind of a relationship I see Sesshoumaru and Rin having in the canon creates an inherent power imbalance that I feel is difficult to shake even after Rin has grown up. Sesshoumaru is literally Rin's saviour so there would almost certainly be some kind of lingering hero-worship there on Rin's part, too, and putting him up on a pedestal even as an adult which I don't consider to be very healthy.

Even if you don't agree with any of these points, the fact still remains that it is very different for you to meet a 16-year-old and then have a romantic/sexual relationship with them (which I can see people would also have issues with of course) than to know someone as a literal child, an 8-year old little girl and then watch them grow up and then when they're an adult decide to have a romantic/sexual relationship with them. To a lot of people the latter scenario is much squickier.

So yeah, even if I don't see the father-daughter relationship a lot of people like to see Sesshoumaru's and Rin's relationship as, to me there is still always an inherent power imbalance in their relationship and I find it very difficult to see any scenario in the canon context where they could ever stand as equals.

Now obviously these are all my opinions and everyone is free to ship what they will and no one should be made to feel bad about what they like.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 0
Chie wrote:
[quote]Joo777-. wrote:

Now obviously these are all my opinions and everyone is free to ship what they will and no one should be made to feel bad about what they like.

I'm sorry but I whole-heartedly disagree when it comes to sessxrin. 9 times out of 10 when I've ever experienced these people, they are rotten. I've seen them say "no one gives a f**k if you were raped." , "

100% of their thousands of shippers on twitter are also blatantly pro-pedophilia and deny that child grooming exists, because it's just something romantic to them.

So much of the sessxrin fanbase romanticizes blatant child grooming. And as a victim of that myself I can't stand for it and will not ever defend it. Having this romanticized in a beloved series is harmful. And this constant perpetuating of this sick trope of an older man watching a little girl grow up to f**k her later is harmful. They should feel bad about participating in the enabling of it. All sessxrin people argue that its even okay in real life. THAT'S the problem.

I don't want them to hide behind the Japan culture. Because for one it's racist to lump an entire culture as being inherently accepting of pedophilic undertones. Two, its NOT racist to call out current problems within one anyways. The sexualization of children in anime is a problem. It needs to stop. It's not just automatically okay because the child is "1000 years old". Now with sessxrin, child grooming is not automatically okay just because we have a 500 year old 19 year old and a human little girl who ages faster.

I hope this doesn't get deleted. Because personally I am just so hurt that most people think this stuff is okay.
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Last Edit: 2020/07/20 07:52 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: ALL POSTS MUST BE K RATED!!
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 156
I feel this is all getting very off-topic because this thread is about the upcoming sequel and I find it very unlikely that Sesshoumaru's children's mother would be Rin in the first place so this isn't the best place to argue over SessRin.

That said, I understand where you're coming from, upset, and agree with you on some points. And I'm so sorry you have had such awful experiences.

Still, I don't think people should be made to feel bad over liking a particular ship. Even if I find their ship problematic, I'm not the ship police and I don't want to be. I have heard from other people too that SessRin shippers are aggressive and not great people but maybe that is also in part because they feel they always have to be on the defensive. Maybe not. The fact still remains that asses exist in every ship.

Yes it is very harmful to romanticise a trope like this which is why it makes so many of us sick to our stomach that some people do. But like you said it is just one aspect of a much bigger and more systematic issue and defecating on shippers of SessRin is not going to fix the issues with the overall lolicon and all other problematic things with the anime industry. It's not even going to help with stopping people from romanticising tropes like these because the moment you attack someone over what they like and enjoy you put them in defensive and anything you say after that falls to deaf ears.

You are free to disagree with that of course. Especially when the topic is something this complicated and sensitive and so personally meaningful to you. Again, I'm sorry for all you have been through.

I just personally want to keep my fandom space as free of negativity as I can because there's too much of it happening everywhere else. Fandom is where I come to escape the real world and to find joy in something I love. And that's why I can't deal with the drama and the pointless ship wars that just leave everyone hurting on top of everything else going on. That's why I don't want to tell anyone else what they come to enjoy as their escape is bad and they're a bad person for liking it. You just never know who the person on the other side of the screen is and what they are going through, which is why I, personally, would rather ship and let ship.
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Last Edit: 2020/07/20 09:12 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: ALL POSTS MUST BE K RATED!!
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 279

We've expressed our *opinions* about Sess/Rin vs. Sess/Kag, etc., and now the thread (as my dear Chie pointed out) should go back to dealing with the sequel.

I thank everyone for being as polite and forbearing as possible when considering alternative points of view. That's why this thread is still here and all posts are still here - as our long-term members know, if it starts getting personal, I won't hesitate to delete stuff.

As it is, you'll notice that I've edited a few posts... as our rules state ALL parts of our forum and other public areas of our site must be K rated in nature. You'll note that K rated on our site means "think puppies and kittens" and sugar and spice, etc. Please try to keep it that way despite however heated you may be over the subject matter at hand.

Again, my thanks to you all for keeping this as civil as possible!

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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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