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Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 41
It's what I'm here for!
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
I want to believe this so me I do. And it will take me time, most likely. But it's harder to shake off this feeling of dread this time around since the Sunrise animators (who illustrated the Inuyasha anime from the getgo- and why I instantly fell in love with the show that one night I randomly turned on adult swim eons ago) are making an entirely new series...with Rumiko Takahashi's blessing!

Personally, when the assate/Drama CD came out back in 2013 (or whenever it was) where Sesshomaru confesses and asks Rin to be with him at some point, it didn't affect me as much. Maybe because they were basically satirical in nature and that's all they were- audio. I feel like the audio-visual aspect of this upcoming sequel is going to mess with my head so much (esp if there are flashbacks of the OG characters), I'm gonna be screaming in a pillow while keeping my eyes on the screen. I can already see it. Nostalgia has an iron-grip on me.

But FML right, coz it's most likely not going to stop me from watching the first few episodes like my life depended on it. Because at the end of the day, it's not my story...I'm just along for the ride, subject to whatever tortures/plot twists/hard truths they throw at me as the target audience.

As far as the age gap between Sesshomaru & Rin, that's not really my issue. I mean, the whole age difference "debate" isn't really a debate in many countries (outside Western influence). In fact, it's being broadcasted in mainstream media now anyway (90-day Fiancé franchise on TLC ring a bell?) where couples with like...20-25 year differences meet and "fall in love" (questionable on some of them, but it truly does happen). I think it's more the circumstances that they met and having that as part of the foundation for their coupling that bothers me. Rin has had an extreme amount of hero-worship since the guy revived her (not gonna lie, I probably would too if a drop-dead gorgeous man brought me back to life after being mangled by a bunch of wolves and his beautiful face was the first thing I saw). One might say she has a very strong bias.... Sesshomaru can do no wrong.

All in all, I do appreciate the post, because ya'll have a point. Canon is canon. Sess/Kag has never been canon, yet I gravitated to them like a moth to a flame. This little development isn't going to stop me from continuing to read sess/kag fanfiction and shipping them to my heart's content. At least not now, hopefully not ever.

I am willing to give Hanyo no Yashahime a chance, and hoping that the people involved don't butcher this and send it crashing down to the ground (ok maybe a little... )
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 26
Yup, cannon is cannon, though we don't like it. But I think all fans have a right to have their own cannon, so SessKag also is cannon to us. Certainly I felt ill when I know that Yashahime will be on air in October, nevertheless, I won't stop shipping them even if Sunrise makes another half-baked sequel to InuYasha. Even if it has unacceptable synopsis more than Yashahime of course!

Finally, (*See the title of vid!*)
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Reiyn Isa
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 7
that video omg I just choked XD yaaaaaasssssssssssss
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
I've seen and heard from so many people who say they've lost sleep and appetite from this. Goddamit, Rumiko. I feel like a broken record hoping that she doesn't fail us. But I feel like everyones reaction has been so guttural because deep down we know she already has, we're just in denial.

Why couldn't they just leave this alone? You guys are right, it's capitalism striking again.

I am SO disappointed. I can NOT see the original Inuyasha series with the same innocent nostalgic eye, when on the arc that was so charming because it was so wholesome, is being ruined by a ship that will now have pedophilic and grooming undertones from the start. The Sesshomaru character for me now is garbage. I echo what someone else said that this is pretty much "character annihilation" for him.

The moment I read that he had "half demon" children, I had to take a shit because it riled up my anxieties. (tmi sorry ahaha)

I couldn't sleep a wink the night I found out. I relate to y'all so much when you say your heads are spinning, that's exactly how it feels.

I've never even had any fan fictions about Sesshomaru or anything! I don't practice shipping anyways! But Sesshomaru was a favorite character.

Yes, I've never saw him as a father figure, and yes this is the feudal era, but STILL. You mean to tell me the intentions were always for Sesshomaru to f*ck her in the future?! Dear GOD, why?! And shippers deny that "he never intended to think of her that way it just happened", are sick liars when they themselves probably get off on the thought that he did. Of course the anime directors can't say that's what Sesshomaru did out right. But they SURE did leave some major stuff that allows you to freely interpret it that way! (The Drama CD where sesshomaru disgustingly proposes to Rin when she's barely turned twelve and Kagome somehow finds this endearing not not disgusting, and Sesshomaru bearing her constant gifts)

Man, 2020 is NOT a good year.
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Anna Grey
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 11
At this point, I just cross my fingers and hope that the twins' mom is NOT Rin, actually any other woman but her. I love her, but I can't tolerate Rin being with Sesshoumaru. Why must they ruin this, he's always so cool and untouchable, maybe he became less human-hating, but to actually have children with Rin, I'd rather die...
Of course, SessKag forever!!!!
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
guru wrote:

The moment I read that he had "half demon" children, I had to take a shit because it riled up my anxieties. (tmi sorry ahaha)

HAHAHA this had me LMAO... but I feel you

maybe there's a plot twist... guessing from the title: Hanyou no Yashahime...maybe the twins' mom is not Rin but a princess (hence "hime")...who might be related to Inuyasha's mom somehow, or at least from that house. Wasn't Izayoi a hime, and her lord was Takemaru no Setsuna... find it odd that they would name one of Sesshomaru's daughters after the guy who killed Sesshomaru's dad for getting his princess knocked up and producing his half-brother (whom he did not get along with for the majority of the original series). If you have no idea what I'm talking the 3rd Inuyasha movie: Swords of an Honorable Father)

Also, even though Sota raised the other twin (Towa), she is a Higurashi... just like Kagome. My little heart is smiling at this farfetched idea that Sesshomaru's kid is linked to Kagome somehow, though not by blood.... not that we know of.

Also, just want to say I have no hate for Rin as a character; actually I loved her and her innocence. Her moments w/ Jaken always made me laugh. Thought she and Kohaku would make a great pair someday. But...the kami disagree, and apparently so do most of the Japanese fan base.... so meh

I know both theories out there, like gathering scattered breadcrumbs and making a meal out of it..and clearly I am in denial about this whole thing, but I can't help it. Still going through my stages of grief in a weird, convoluted way
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Last Edit: 2020/05/11 11:31 By elevenharbor.
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Zauberer di Vent
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
Eleven wrote:

Also, just want to say I have no hate for Rin as a character; actually I loved her and her innocence. Her moments w/ Jaken always made me laugh. Thought she and Kohaku would make a great pair someday. But...the kami disagree, and apparently so do most of the Japanese fan base.... so meh

I know both theories out there, like gathering scattered breadcrumbs and making a meal out of it..and clearly I am in denial about this whole thing, but I can't help it. Still going through my stages of grief in a weird, convoluted way

You're not the only one, you are not alone u_ú
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Last Edit: 2020/05/11 12:27 By Harlett.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
Eleven wrote:
[quote]guru wrote:

The moment I read that he had "half demon" children, I had to take a shit because it riled up my anxieties. (tmi sorry ahaha)

HAHAHA this had me LMAO... but I feel you

maybe there's a plot twist... guessing from the title: Hanyou no Yashahime...maybe the twins' mom is not Rin but a princess (hence "hime")...who might be related to Inuyasha's mom somehow, or at least from that house. Wasn't Izayoi a hime, and her lord was Takemaru no Setsuna... find it odd that they would name one of Sesshomaru's daughters after the guy who killed Sesshomaru's dad for getting his princess knocked up and producing his half-brother (whom he did not get along with for the majority of the original series). If you have no idea what I'm talking the 3rd Inuyasha movie: Swords of an Honorable Father)

Also, even though Sota raised the other twin (Towa), she is a Higurashi... just like Kagome. My little heart is smiling at this farfetched idea that Sesshomaru's kid is linked to Kagome somehow, though not by blood.... not that we know of.

Also, just want to say I have no hate for Rin as a character; actually I loved her and her innocence. Her moments w/ Jaken always made me laugh. Thought she and Kohaku would make a great pair someday. But...the kami disagree, and apparently so do most of the Japanese fan base.... so meh

I know both theories out there, like gathering scattered breadcrumbs and making a meal out of it..and clearly I am in denial about this whole thing, but I can't help it. Still going through my stages of grief in a weird, convoluted way

I will NEVER have anything against Rin! She will always remain the blameless child and the victim to sick fantasies of fans. If this ship comes to fruition, I will blame Rumiko, the anime directors, the fans who continue to peddle this, and Sesshomaru. No matter how much she matures, the power imbalance is stark. It seems natural for Rin to develop a crush as she grows older, but Sesshomaru as the one who's always been the adult between the two of them and has watched her grow, should be responsible to not pursue anything of it, otherwise he's a sick f*ck.

I will look at all of them with disgust and contempt if it happens lol. But never Rin. I love Rin because she's a sweet innocent person. Why can't it ever be enough for people that they healed each other in a wholesome way??? Anime fans always want characters to f*ck, even if it involves a growing little girl. *barf*

God, I hope you are correct with that Setsuna name coincidence as the link. I really would not be able to stomach Rin being the mother.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 4
The news came to me like a bucket of ice-cold water, poured down on my emotions. I was seriously devastated when I heard about the possibilities of the twins mother being Rin. It was like the 'most wrong kind' a ship could ever go. I have nothing against people shiping SessRin, but believe me, when I say this, I could never see that ship coming to fruition.

This would just seem like the entire storyline of this anti-hero was thrown out of the window and he turned out to be like any other character with no sensibility at all. This would highly contrast with the actual character development of our beloved Sesshomaru-sama. He changed from a seemingly arrogant alpha-male to one of the most revered character in a series, transforming him into a sensible and mature leader.

The next part is his relationship with our little Rin-chan. I would never bring forth any argument of what might have been their relation in the manga and or the anime, but I strongly believe that it gave no inclination towards him having any sort of romantic feelings towards Rin. Heck, he was not even officially paired with any female of the series, but his interactions with some of them is extremely open-ended, hence these plethora of fanfictions.

I for some reason, just cannot digest the fact that Rin could be the mother.

Now, coming to some of my theories,

Towa, the daughter of Sesshomaru and older twin to Setsuna gets seperated from her in a forest fire, where was their father? Is it even like Sesshomaru, to let his own children succumb to a forest fire? The next part, is where Towa actually hops through time and gets adopted by Souta of all people? This begs to ask a question, as to how on earth can anyone other than Inu and Kag even hop through time? And why would Souta be the one to adopt one of Sess's children? Moroha would have been fine since she is Kagome's daughter and Souta, her uncle.

But well, I believe we would get more info once the anime drops so I would not linger on this point too much.

The second part, in the character design of Towa, it is said that she is a pretty head-strong character and very prone to engaging herself in fights. Rin, for a matter was a very gentle character, I am not really sure about what happens in the future, but for now, she is a very gentle character, so how does her daughter turn out to be so rowdy?? Reminds me of another head-string feamle we kniw of!
The next part being that Setsuna was being raised by Kohaku which makes me think whether Sesshomaru was even aware of his kid's existence! The other possibility is something I would not like to touch on.

The next thing being that Moroha does not even know her parents, does that mean they never met her?
From all the above points, I would like to theoretise that Kagome could be the twins mother. The chances might be around 0.01%, abd call it wishful thinking, but I feel that some hints might just be there. And the fact that the mother of the twins is kept pretty illusive, does make my heart desire for such a plot twist.
The pairing of Sesskag might not appear pretty cannonish, but hey, they got a lot of interactions and Sess definitely tolerates Kagome, so, just maybe. And since the original series has always really dealt with love triangle relations, hence the theory of mine. But then again, everything would become clear once the anime is out. Fingers are crossed!
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Last Edit: 2020/05/11 14:07 By holyjewel.
Weirdly Kagome
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2

I would love to believe that. However, Cursed Child broke the canon's own rules with time traveling too. J.K. Rowling first destroyed the time turners to avoid plot holes in the future. It is also explicitly stated that traveling more than 12 hours back would cause some serious trouble. Yet in the Cursed Child, suddenly time turners are back and they can go back for years without any major consequences to the main characters. I would say J.K. Rowling is miles better in writing in every regard to Rumiko Takahashi. From character, to plots, to dialogue, to attention to details. And yet she still let The Cursed Child happen and be canonized. So my hopes in this sequel respecting canon and the original characters integrities, that's also sounding a lot like the Cursed Child already as pointed out by multiple people, is not very high.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 4

That does make a lot of sense. Since things have already gone south, once; the fact that this sequel would not be breaking barriers is a naive thought.

But still, like some fellow dokugans have pointed out already, more plot= more Sesskag shiping. I am just very worried about my view point of Sesshomaru right now, honestly none of us want to hate this one character, I believe.
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Last Edit: 2020/05/11 14:18 By holyjewel.
Weirdly Kagome
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 3
I was just saying on discord the other day that it wasn't until very recently that I realized the Inuyasha fandom wasn't Sesskag. Like, I knew Inukag was canon of course, I just assumed Sesskag was the logical alternative for most because why not. My bubble burst.

I do not like the idea of Rin being the mother of Sesshomaru's children. I have a four-year-old daughter so even more so these days. If she is that will be ignored by me. Otherwise, I'll probably watch the new series and try to appreciate it for what it is.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
Came to Dokuga boards after years away (and some lurking kukuku) just for the Yashahime assessment, and y’all did NOT disappoint. I bow to your greatness of dissecting this monstrosity. I, however, am very disappoint.

The first thing I felt after reading the synopsis was that unsettling tickle in the back of your throat before you’re going to barf. Ain’t no other way to describe it but sheer and utter dread.

So I’m going to treat this like Disney’s Star Wars. While that’s not my go-to fandom, the original trilogy’s story and characters are iconic. That’s who people want to see more of, but instead, IMO, aside from Rogue One and the Mandolorian, Disney gave us forgettable characters and choppy, mediocre stories that used the originals as little more than props. I don’t exactly hate the new trilogy, I find some enjoyment in it, but it’s just not the same.

I wish there was a hidden clue or deeper meaning in choosing the name Setsuna — that is a great catch, Eleven — but I fear it’s just lazy writing, like they forgot about their own movie. My gut tells me this will be the anime writers’ squicky SessRin wish fulfillment and butchering of the original cast. Why do they hate Sesshomaru so much, anyway? Making him go full pedo and too wimpy to save his own kids from a fire. It’s the dismantling of Han Solo all over again. The best characters get treated the worst. Does Rumiko owe a shit ton of money to the Yakuza or something? I’d assume she’s rolling in it, or at the very least upper middle class from her decades of success and wouldn’t need to attach herself to a massacre of her most popular storyline, but then I forget SessRin’s Japanese popularity, and after all, that is her main market. Still, Inuyasha has become so international that I’d think it would be smarter to consider the broader perspective for the sake of an even bigger paycheck.

I’m already going to rewrite it like this:

Kagome and Inuyasha were living happily in the village with their young daughter Moroha when Edo is attacked by nameless human warlords, as was wont to happen back then. Inuyasha dies protecting them, like his father, but Kagome gets separated from Moroha. For the most part everyone else makes it, but in the aftermath no one can find Moroha, and she’s assumed dead, too. Maybe she’s kidnapped at first and then runs away, so she’s in an area she doesn’t recognize. Being around the same age as Rin or Inuyasha when they were orphaned, she can’t figure out how to get back home.

So then, a la Chie’s amazing “Life After Loss” (and there’s a similar, radiantly brilliant fic that involves SessKag at a kitsune wedding and InuKag having a young son, but I can’t for the life of me remember the author or title... please share if you know it!!), Sesshoumaru takes Kagome in and mates her due to pack protocol. They fall in love (“but of course” in a Beauty and the Beast Lumiere accent) and have the twins around two years later.

Moroha doesn’t remember her exact age because she’s lived life just like her dad, scraping by to survive and trying to find her parents with the scant memories of childhood. That’s why there’s a ton of mystery surrounding the parent search when Towa comes back through the time tunnel/well/whatever as a teenager, because they don’t realize they’re all half-sisters. And of course Towa can time travel and gets raised by Souta because she’s already a Higurashi. And Setsuna trains under Kohaku because he’s her onii-sama (BTW my phone autocorrected that to onion-sama and I’m DYING HERR) a la marriage to big SISTER Rin. And let’s throw in a sad nugget: actually what happened was Moroha’s silver hair stuck out like a sore thumb and scared people, so they beat and chased her when she tried to find work or steal food. To hide, she tries to dye it black, like her mama. It comes out red, and at first she cries, but then it triggers a memory and she ties it back in a bow, vaguely remembering her beloved but nameless onii-chan (Shippo).

And then maybe it’s not random warlords but a new big bad who attacks a few times under the guise of skirmishes, not targeting Inuyasha or Sesshoumaru, but Kagome, because... well, because... okay who the hell knows why what do you want from me people it’s a gaspshock TWIST. Maybe they’re pissed that a powerful, now well-renown miko would soil herself with not one, but two demons, IDK. Once the Inu gang realizes the attacks were coordinated, everyone assumes the attacker must be an old enemy of Touga, but nah.

As far as why Setsuna and Towa were left alone in a forest fireat a young age, well, speaking of lazy writing... Kagome visits the village while Sesshoumaru goes somewhere for an important demon delegation. Let’s make it Korea, why not. That way he’s got an excuse for not realizing his family was in danger (although you’d think Kags would’ve learned her lesson about Edo’s paltry defenses by now but noooo.) Maybe the fire isn’t large enough to been seen from the village, and Towa and Setsuna are gallivanting farther away than their mom gave them permission to do, because they’re kids and make stupid decisions. Plus we find out later on in the three sisters’ journey that the fire was dark magic the big bad used to try and kill or capture them, but Towa got away through the tunnel and let’s give Shippou another moment, teenage big bro bursts onto the scene and saves Setsuna with his badass kitsune magic. The evil magic fire disappeared and Shippo reprimands Setsuna for being reckless, but she cries because really she’s the soft, gentle one and Towa was the bold one, and it was Towa’s idea to wander away so far, but now Towa’s gone. Shippo starts to panic when neither can find her. That’s also why Setsuna starts training and tries to emulate her father, “If I was stronger then Towa and Shippo wouldn’t always need to protect me.” What she doesn’t realize is that Sesshoumaru loves her for her sweetness, because it reminds him of Kagome and Rin.

I can’t think of a good reason why Setsuna wouldn’t remember Towa, because this kernel of the synopsis blows my super awesome bishounen Shippo scene above to irrelevant smithereens. Let’s just make it selective memory loss due to PTSD.

EDIT: Okay, so Setsuna’s memory loss comes on little by little, because she’s developing a mental break (think Lady Kogane in Jenineji’s lovely “Kakuchuu” fancomic) with her trauma. Like one day she calls Kohaku sensei instead onii-sama, and he thinks it strange but assumes she’s trying to be more disciplined. Sometimes with Kagome she starts staring out into space and then regards her mother like a stranger. Eventually one day Sesshoumaru checks on her and she bows, calling him “youkai-sama” and introducing herself. He’s in shock, they all are, because they don’t know what to do. Since her only connection seems to be with Kohaku, they leave her with him permanently. He suggests that because he’s familiar with memory loss, he can help her cope with the trauma. Kagome is heartbroken that she’s essentially lost all her children, even with one still right in front of her face. So Setsuna is not estranged in the typical sense, she just doesn’t recognize her own family. In her teenage years, she even convinces herself that her journey is part of her goal to become a vassal for the powerful youkai warlord and his human wife who’ve patronized her training, without realizing they’re her own parents. That way when the three sisters meet and later come back to Kagome after secrets are revealed, each one is having a sort of reunion with their mother.

Plus I like that the girls can bond not knowing they’re related, so once they all learn the truth, it turns their fathers’ half-sibling dynamic on its head. We can even have a sweet scene where Sesshoumaru welcomes Moroha because he’s suddenly overcome with how much he really missed Inuyasha (OF COURSE ain’t nobody pick up on this but Kags, he’s still stoic AF). Inuyasha’s memory has become as giant as his father’s before him. The reunion among everyone would just be brimming with feels.

So this is now my headcanon and I’m sticking to it. It’s the only way to salvage my view of Sesshoumaru.
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Last Edit: 2020/05/11 17:36 By swasdiva.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 279
OMG, Swasdiva... I am loling so much and in so much awe of your MAD SKILLZZZZ!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you for re-joining us to post that bit of brilliance. It was sorely needed and is greatly appreciated by all, I'm sure!

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Last Edit: 2020/05/11 16:02 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: *your MAD SKILLZZZ* much better than original

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 18
I'm a die hard twilight fan there's a new movie coming out remember Jacob wolf boy imprints on Renesmee half breed vampire while shes a baby to me that's worst shes a baby yuck he will be there until shes older (7yrs vampire time) then they mate. The book called midnight sun then movie follows it seems common in these paranormal type shows all I'm saying so I'm immune to any suprises
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 5
Guys, I am willing to accept Sesshomaru mated with a magical blow up doll before I accept that he mated with Rin.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 66
Do you know what saddens me the most? Not deny it even hurts. That if all goes this way, then they threw all the characters growth to the drain. Characters that fought grew and won. Because let's for a minute ignore Inuyasha's brashness and Sesshoumaru's arrogance, THEY WERE THERE EVERY TIME IT WAS NEEDED. They flew across timeliness hell and cursed jewels but always made it in time.
So they want to tell me that from the multitude of adults no-one was there to save the children?
And where the H is Jaken? AhUn?
Let's not forget their noses and Kagome's ties with the well. So like I said, somehow all the three children don't know their parents? Why? Why use the characters that are strong only as stepping stones for some plot, and used not in the nicest way.
So I don't believe that even if an asteroid was falling Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha or Kagome, hell even Sango could not have saved a four years old child. So if there isn't a second Naraku, please don't let them go that way, one "cursed child" is enough, I don't see what delayed them. As far as I see, even before airing this sequel is full of plot holes.
On a more positive note. One though came to my mind.
Does Kohaku and Kirara have children? Then my brain short circuited and I was laughing myself, not in this order and pairing!
Another thing is that all our theories about if hanyou are sterile or not, went down the drain... What can I say? It's magic.
So I will consider the monologue above as the true plot and it will be Canon for me, including red hair!
P. S. My opinion is my own and I don't mean any disrespect, just ranting. Cause seriously I can't believe it's true!
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Last Edit: 2020/05/11 19:52 By nyght_elf. Reason: Grammar
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 41
Once more, with passion!

Rumiko didn't write this! This is not canon! It's only canon if Rumiko wrote it as a manga first! Her only mistake would be blessing this.

There have been many, many, many production companies that have released media that did not fit into canon and then reworked it to be something entirely different, later. It's just a way to make more money. They knew the InuYasha fandom was still going strong, they knew they could make money if they brought it back and released more merch. They asked Rumiko, "hey, is it cool if we do a thing?" and Rumiko said, "yeah, sure." and off they went!

And above all else, no matter what happens, canon has never stopped us before! That is what canon divergence is for!

Y'all remember when The Final Act finally released and it went against several headcanons about how the story would end? Yeah, it's not that different. And at the end of the day, remember these are not real people. They are works of fiction. And there is no law that says we cannot write about them any way we please. Wanna go set off and write about a relationship between Kikyou and Jaken? Do it! Nothing's stopping you! Just...don't tell me about it for the love of Sesshoumaru lol
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 279

Avi, you got more karma just for this post. Srsly. Not even kidding.

I adore your upbeat take on this, and resolve anew to 'ship my OTP as hard as I can.


Whew. I feel even better now. Thanks again, Avi, you ROCK!
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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
@ swasdiva AHHH!!! Breathe some life into me! I would so jump on this in a heartbeat! Someone make a story out of this plot!

imagine the chaos this would ensue if the plot twist is that Kagome IS the mother. I was kind of hinting at it with one of my theories...that Towa is able to time travel BECAUSE she is a Higurashi, and not just by last name (which would make Setsuna a Higurashi too). Well, it would explain why/how all three of them can time travel if they have a bit of Kagome in them. If this new "time portal tunnel" is anything like the Bone Eater's Well (and Inuyasha & Kagome were the only ones who could use it ) then that's how I am justifying the twins being able to time travel between the past and the modern world as well. Moroha is a given since she is the child of the two people who could time travel, that much we know.

If this were the case, this would literally result in WWIII shipping wars. And I am all for it. Popcorn, tea, and all things in between.

Also, could Sota be the new Mama Higurashi for the kids? Or maybe play a bigger role this time? Like... still chill as a cucumber and is somehow OK with his adoptive daughter doing all kinds of shenanigans. I know lack of parental presence is a big thing in anime in general because it propels some kind of quest/character development, but I'd like to think Towa has that fiery spirit (like Kagome, as weirdlykagome mentioned earlier) and gets into trouble because she knows what she wants (also like Kagome...and Sesshomaru to an extent) and NOT because she is acting out from having parent issues if Sota is providing for her in the modern era.

Hell, I would legit shed tears if somewhere down the line an ADULT Sota can be reunited with Kagome, however old she is.

I also refuse to believe the OG adult characters are dead, more like they are under some kind of sealing spell that has them frozen in time and just sleeping like Inuyasha (he didn't seem to age a day between those 50 years of being stuck to the Goshinboku, regardless of his slower-than-normal aging process). The 'dream' and butterfly reference reminds me of Byakuya's ability to manipulate reality... (i know he had a thing for paper cranes) but what if he somehow finds a way back from the underworld to seek revenge? Or maybe someone with his kind of power wants domination after learning from Naraku's mistakes, so then they take their strongest opponents (Inu/Kag/Sess) and put them in some kind of stasis?

I loved your Chie reference in there, that story was a great read! And while it would be a major blow to the whole Inuyasha fandom if the main character dies, I could deal with it, if it means making way for Sesshomaru and Kagome to bless us with the twins (Setsuna & Towa- almost typed Toga there for a hot sec....hmm..)

Or maybe...the creators will never reveal Sesshomaru's baby momma, or have the reveal at the end, kinda sorta like...HIMYM (only read the plot, didnt actually watch it religiously- just knew that the "mother's" identity wasn't revealed until like..the season finale)

i might be losing my mind. IDK anymore.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 2
Man. I hate to be the negative Nancy here. But I'm trying to be realistic. What if the twins can time travel because Rin is Kagome's great great great grandmother or something. They made note before how much they "looked alike"... What if that means Sesshomaru's kids have Higurashi blood because Rin is related to them, and therefore they can go through the well?

Ughhh. Just kill me and be done with it.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 18
That's the major possibility in the series it showed a girl who was rin ancestor who remembers a little girl with short brown hair I forgot the episode but she was in modern times walking through a crowd someone bump her and said *watch it girl * sounded alot like inuyasha or sess someone iunno but yes she is an ancestor or someone is who can find the episode?but ye in no way is kagome the mom sorry guys lol cannon no cannon..we all watched the show and wouldn't that mean she had an orgy how could all 3 kids be nah lets hope the baby mmama of sess was a concubine or something I always figured that makes sense he is a lord
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 8
samantha wrote:
That's the major possibility in the series it showed a girl who was rin ancestor who remembers a little girl with short brown hair I forgot the episode but she was in modern times walking through a crowd someone bump her and said *watch it girl * sounded alot like inuyasha or sess someone iunno but yes she is an ancestor or someone is who can find the episode?but ye in no way is kagome the mom sorry guys lol cannon no cannon..we all watched the show and wouldn't that mean she had an orgy how could all 3 kids be nah lets hope the baby mmama of sess was a concubine or something I always figured that makes sense he is a lord

Do you mean Kaname from the Inuyasha PS2 game? She wasn't in any episodes, it was specifically for a game only. She has different versions of that ending "scene" depending on how you end the game and she is in the modern era. For the Sesshomaru one, they don't do the fadeout of the character like everyone else, but instead it pans back to the Feudal Era where he stares off into space and Jaken asked what he was thinking about.

here's the video of it

Also, I know the Kagome theory is a far stretch, but that's all it is...a theory, fueled by my sesskag fantasies. In reality, I think we all know (or have a strong suspicion) on who the mother is, and we're just in denial.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 52
A few predictions on my part, take them with a grain of salt;

1) Kagome dies in childbirth with Moroha.
2) It has been mentioned that Moroha was entrusted to the care of Rin. This could very well be done by Inuyasha if he goes off to battle some great demon threat nearby or just didn't think in his grief stricken state that he could properly care for Moroha.
3) Kagura's Modern Day Reincarnation finds her way to the past by accident, finds Sesshomaru, and they end up having the twins together.
4) Miroku and Sango and their family are most likely alive but off living somewhere distant.
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