Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 8
Hi everyone! So IDK if ya'll have heard but.... there will be an official Inuyasha Sequel coming out sometime later this year, and Ms. Rumiko Takahashi will definitely be more hands on in this upcoming production.
As an Inuyasha fan for at least a decade (and a Sess/Kag shipper since the beginning of time [I exaggerate, but I've shipped them for like...16 years now]), this news was both received like a ray of sunshine while simultaneously being punched in the gut.
While I am shocked and excited, I felt like a part of me died when I read that Yashahime: Princess Half Demon will be following Inuyasha & Sesshomaru's daughter....WHAT. And that she is half-human. DOUBLE WHAT. ....[insert expletives here].
Inuyasha Fans are Questioning Who Sesshomaru Has Kids Withhttps://comicbook.com/anime/news/inuyasha-sesshomaru-daughter-mother-sequel-reactions/
So, there is a highly probable chance that Rin is Sess's baby momma, and the fact that Inuyasha & Kagome's daughter Moroha is also in it, this news basically killed any hopes of Sess/Kag ever getting together. Like ever. (even though TFA ending + assate basically pointed to Inu/Kag ending up together, I still held on hope...and happily got lost in the world of fanfiction to keep my ship sailing)
And I can't help but feel sad. Nothing against Sess/Rin shippers (they're probably celebrating til kingdom come with this news/speculation) but my heart is having a hard time digesting this. Doesn't help that I've read some AMAZING Sess/Kag fics over the years, which made me ship them that much more
Am I the only one who feels this way?
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 7
No you are NOT the only one feeling this way. I have literally lost my sleep and appetite upon hearing this sequel is coming out. I came back from the dark ashes of inactivity to suddenly be back here lurking into the sesskag fandom again. I swear I spent half of my lifetime loving sesskag so it really does feel like I just got punched in the gut too. I just wanted the whole thing to not be real and all that jazz but you know its gonna be. I literally wished I was never this invested into the sesskag fandom but here we all are. Trapped in the same hell so hooty hoo XD
Still we decided to ignore canon when it was released so...why stop now
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 26
Ohhhh poor Eleven and Isa... ;< *hugs!* I also am the one feeling so sad. I have been out of my mind for the past few days. Everything in my head and mind was "What the hell is going on" "Sumisawa is writing his own FANFICTION" these two.
I deeply was disappointed in him cause I thought he was an wonderful screenwriter. He wrote exquisite scenario and script for InuYasha series, so he must be one who knows about InuYasha much more than others. But.....what's wrong with him for now? WTF made him write..........synopsis like this?
Why Moroha barely knows her parents? Why Inuyasha and Kagome left her? Why Sesshoumaru lost his daughters just because of freaking forest fire?
I can't accept Yashahime as sequel of InuYasha cuz I think its synopsis was written for Sumisawa's InuYasha OOCs -_-
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 5
Created an account just to say you're not alone.
Personally, I've never shipped Sesshomaru with anyone.
But even this bothers me. I'm betting high on Rin being the mother. (even writing that out feels gross)
I get that she gets older but they still met and spent a lot of time together since she was eight. And he still slowly watched her grow even if it was from afar. That just does not sit well to me and it never will.
This shipping has always bothered me since I knew it was such a popular thing in Japan. But lolicon is also a popular thing there so color me unsurprised.
What I don't understand are those who say "of course we never shipped them together until she's an adult" are the same people who were elated with the Drama CD that had Sesshomaru confessing to a TWELVE year old Rin.
Since the animation creators are behind this and Rumiko only supplied character design, I'm a thousand percent sure it's Rin because it's the animator directors who made that atrocious Drama CD too.
I am now divorcing myself from the Inuyasha-verse completely. Sesshomaru was such a good and interesting character, now I cannot look at him without feeling ill.
This does not feel like Rumiko's style in writing a couple at all. Which makes me more disappointed in her that she allowed her characters to be influenced by the shippers who worked in the animation.
I will try and forget it exists like I avoid The Cursed Child and Boruto. But it still sucks that it will exist at all and that such a narrative and development that I personally find disgusting is confirmed and celebrated.
I hope this is not moderated and deleted, because these are the feelings I need to get out and I'm sure its cathartic for some of you to read. And a lot of people feel the same way in other western public forums, and a good small handful of Japanese fans too.
I don't see how it's "ship shaming" when I feel it is justified criticism of such an idea to have s*xual relations with a woman you've known since she was 8, and it makes sense that a lot of people initially have a negative reaction to it.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
Lots of people are looking back to that era in Japanese history, when daimyos basically 'groomed' young girls for future wives or concubines...
...but I'm still not good with that. That was then, this is now, and it's an anime in the here and now. Sure, I get the Sess/Rin 'shippers, but I'll stay here, in my own little corner of the world and be blissfully unaware of any canon that portrays a grown-up Rin getting it on w/Sesshy. Srsly.
Yup, gonna be all *lalalalalalaICan'tHearYou* and "Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil" but I'm old and I get to do things like that, lol!
Sesshoumaru & Kagome, my OTP forever!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 7
dani wrote:
Created an account just to say you're not alone.
Personally, I've never shipped Sesshomaru with anyone.
But even this bothers me. I'm betting high on Rin being the mother. (even writing that out feels gross)
I get that she gets older but they still met and spent a lot of time together since she was eight. And he still slowly watched her grow even if it was from afar. That just does not sit well to me and it never will.
This shipping has always bothered me since I knew it was such a popular thing in Japan. But lolicon is also a popular thing there so color me unsurprised.
What I don't understand are those who say "of course we never shipped them together until she's an adult" are the same people who were elated with the Drama CD that had Sesshomaru confessing to a TWELVE year old Rin.
Since the animation creators are behind this and Rumiko only supplied character design, I'm a thousand percent sure it's Rin because it's the animator directors who made that atrocious Drama CD too.
I am now divorcing myself from the Inuyasha-verse completely. Sesshomaru was such a good and interesting character, now I cannot look at him without feeling ill.
This does not feel like Rumiko's style in writing a couple at all. Which makes me more disappointed in her that she allowed her characters to be influenced by the shippers who worked in the animation.
I will try and forget it exists like I avoid The Cursed Child and Boruto. But it still sucks that it will exist at all and that such a narrative and development that I personally find disgusting is confirmed and celebrated.
I hope this is not moderated and deleted, because these are the feelings I need to get out and I'm sure its cathartic for some of you to read. And a lot of people feel the same way in other western public forums, and a good small handful of Japanese fans too.
I don't see how it's "ship shaming" when I feel it is justified criticism of such an idea to have s*xual relations with a woman you've known since she was 8, and it makes sense that a lot of people initially have a negative reaction to it.
Yeah everything you said is spot on. My head is rotating between ignoring it like how I have been ignoring canon this whole time (which I am kinda failing because this one just hits too different). I am ALREADY viewing sesshomaru as disgusting and is the reason why I'm losing appetite as well as sleep. I just really cant man its like, I loved this character so much and everything I have believed is now crushed. Hes gonna become what we feared the most and we can't do anything about it oh my god. I want to bail but at the same time sesskag is my passion so wtf IDK what to do xD
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 66
I am almost ready to hide my head under pillows! But then the reasonable prat of me thinks... Wait look ta the pictures! I really really hope they won't go that way.
Let's think reasonable people please. Waiting for your thoughts here.
1. Moroha is red headed and dresses like Koga? Why? And why red hair?
2. we are told twins, so Sesshoumaru's daughters are twins no? Then why does the silver haired child look like a boy and dressed in modern clothing? We have three characters without knowing who they are except Moroha?
3. they all look relatively the same age, so if we think of that no matter how children age, Rin cannot be the mom. How old is she in the final act? So please don't let it go that way. She is still not mature to have children the same age as Kagome's no? Even if we take in account that Kagome was how old in the final act? It's logical to think that they had children in a few years after she came back. I would think one to two years no? At that time isn't Rin still child? And Oh my God I know they married at 13 14 years in that era but would Kagome allow that to happen to Rin?
So I decided that I will not watch the sequel and quietly think to myself that Sesshoumaru enacted pack law and had children with Kagome and that they are all a big happy family /pack. And Inuyasha's child ran away from home feeling abandoned or something. Cause I don't see how else can she not know her parents! If they go this way they will disregard all the character growth the characters had and just made Kagome a door mat since I don't see how can she abandon her child.
No offence to anyone, I don't hate kag/rin shippers but a part of me will still shudder at it. But I do not mean any offence to anyone... So I vote for totally ignoring the sequel!
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 5
Natalia wrote:
3. they all look relatively the same age, so if we think of that no matter how children age, Rin cannot be the mom. How old is she in the final act? So please don't let it go that way. She is still not mature to have children the same age as Kagome's no? Even if we take in account that Kagome was how old in the final act? It's logical to think that they had children in a few years after she came back. I would think one to two years no? At that time isn't Rin still child? And Oh my God I know they married at 13 14 years in that era but would Kagome allow that to happen to Rin?
This is what simultaneously worries me and eases me at the same time.
It makes me think if the children are the same age, it seems highly unlikely that Kagome and Inuyasha would wait so long to have children until around the time Rin is at a appropriate age (ew). So perhaps Rin isn't the mother.
But then what worries me is that Kagome and Inuyasha did have kids soon into their newfound relationship since the Final Act, which means Rin got pregnant way too early, and the anime directors are just completely fine with that. They were fine with Sesshomaru confessing his love to her when she was TWELVE years old in the CD... So.. Let me just set my head on fire I guess.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
dani wrote:
This is what simultaneously worries me and eases me at the same time.
It makes me think if the children are the same age, it seems highly unlikely that Kagome and Inuyasha would wait so long to have children until around the time Rin is at a appropriate age (ew). So perhaps Rin isn't the mother.
But then what worries me is that Kagome and Inuyasha did have kids soon into their newfound relationship since the Final Act, which means Rin got pregnant way too early, and the anime directors are just completely fine with that. They were fine with Sesshomaru confessing his love to her when she was TWELVE years old in the CD... So.. Let me just set my head on fire I guess.
Which is exactly why I'm not listening... or watching, or... anything.
I'm fine in my own little world here, where Sess & Kag get together and have terrific lives with beautiful kids and somewhat happy endings, etc., etc.
Really. That's just how it is. Period. Say no more about this heresy!
Oh, all right, keep discussing, but Imma firmly stick my head in Dokuga and leave it there. MY Sesshoumaru would not do anything squicky like get with Rin. Never happen.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 2
Capitalism strikes again. Ruining a series and its characters for the sake of easy money. I mean of all the things, Seshoumaru losing his kids to a forest fire? Heck! He found and rescued Rin from the underworld but he couldn’t save his own twins from a forest fire? It doesn’t add up. Also I hope that Rin isn’t the mother of his kids. It’ll ruin the unique bond that they developed in the original series.
It’s like Boruto and Cursed Child all over again.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 24
Erika Takahashi wrote:
Capitalism strikes again. Ruining a series and its characters for the sake of easy money. I mean of all the things, Seshoumaru losing his kids to a forest fire? Heck! He found and rescued Rin from the underworld but he couldn’t save his own twins from a forest fire? It doesn’t add up. Also I hope that Rin isn’t the mother of his kids. It’ll ruin the unique bond that they developed in the original series.
It’s like Boruto and Cursed Child all over again.
You make a really good point about why couldn't Sesshoumaru save his kids from a forest fire. It also says InuKag's daughter doesn't know her parents well... What is the point of this "spin off" without our beloved original characters? Not only are the original characters missing, but the writers are literally dragging them through the mud!
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 24
Well, I know for certain I won't watch this... When I heard it was getting a sequel and saw that one of the caracters kind of looked like Rin I said "yup, goodbye, not gonna hear anymore of this".
I'm just REALLY hoping the writers aren't going to justify that Rin could have had kids because back then it was a common thing to marry kids at an early age... that's using a terrible tool in what was supposed to be a story aimed for kids/teenagers when it originally was published. Even more so if we add that the possible father might be Sesshoumaru (I can't even think about him grooming Rin, period).
All in all, to me this sequel doesn't count, it doesn't even exist.
Though now it does make me wonder... I read a while on tumblr that Hayao Miyazaki said that the anime industry is dying because people working on it no longer pay attention to what real people look like and how they behave. And the person that shared that info made an analysis that was quite interesting (can't find it anywhere right now, will post it if I can) and stated that, nowadays, studios adapting light novels/manga are full of fans and modify the originals (not just character design and personality, but also the story lines) to suit their own fan expectations... like basically doing animated fanfiction instead of staying true to the original.
I have to wonder if this person was right when they say this. The examples they gave made you think twice about the whole thing.
Anyway, to stop rambling. If I can't see it, it doesn't exist. That's my view lol.
Last Edit: 2020/05/10 11:51 By Fye.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 8
Omg thank you all for your reply!! So good to know I am not alone in my sentiments..
Also, I since have scoured the internet to try to make sense of the world since this bomb dropped...
The timeline confuses the crap out of me. If his twins are both 14, and Inu/Kag's daughter is also 14, then that means Sesshomaru either knocked some other human up while Rin was living in the village with Kaede (don't hanyou kids age super slow anyway? Unless they age like humans until adolescence and slow down from there?) or Sess waited until Rin was 17/18 and then went for the kill. Others are of the opinion that technically Seshomaru didn't groom Rin since they only traveled together for like...a year and he left her with Kaede and has been living there for 3 years (since Kagome comes back to the Feudal Era 3 years later). So that would make Rin like...11-12 years old. Yes, Sesshomaru checked in on her and left her gifts, but I acquainted that with the whole provider/ward dynamic they had, not courting or with the intention to court. And I don't think Rumiko was a fan of lolicon/young girls doing the nasty, getting married & all that jazz until they were an adult...like 17-18. Example being the whole Kaoru/Miroku thing (or whatever that peasant girl's name is) since she was like...12 or 13 when she kept chasing Miroku to have kids with her (and the rest of the gang seemed appalled by it). As uncomfortable as the concept is, did Sesshomaru always see Rin as a potential wifey all this time?
Also technically the whole Kouga/Ayame relationship is similar to this unfolding Sess/Rin pairing, with Kouga promising Ayame that he'd marry her when she grew up while he was carrying her on his back as a CHILD. But Kouga didn't spend a whole year with Ayame on his tail though. I heard Ayame is not canon...so...that's a whole nother can of worms that I'm not going to get into here.
While I am trying hard to come to terms with Sesshomaru boning Rin (and failing miserably since their whole relationship still sounds really weird to me, idc how old she is), what I am even more worried about is...WHERE TF IS SESSHOMARU!? Like Erika Takahashi mentioned, I am shocked that Sesshomaru would even let anything like this happen. Did he die during the forest fire? Did the whole series come full circle and he died protecting his human wife (whoever she is) and his babies just like his father did? I hope not, because that would absolutely break my heart. I am hoping he is ok and he is alive somewhere! It just seems really odd that the most powerful demon in Japan LOSES his own dang kids in some fire and has disappeared when throughout the series he's been able to literally go to hell and back, track and save Rin from wherever she was in a heartbeat (i.e. that episode where she goes in search of some special plant/berry after Jaken gets stung by Saimyosho and falls off the cliff, but Sesshomaru shows up in time as a ball of light and saves her from a second death). And what about Kagome?? Where is she in all this as well? Did they all get amnesia and/or get trapped somewhere during that fire? I guess I am at the mercy of the directors and will have to play the waiting game all over again.
I still can't get over the fact that SESSHOMARU. HAS. CHILDREN. I think part of the appeal for me with Sesshomaru was that he had the most character development throughout the whole series and yet he was untouchable and technically not paired with anyone officially when the series ended. This gave rise to the endless possibilities.
I really do hope the talented artists/authors here at Dokuga will get inspired to write their own versions of what happened to make this more palatable and I will continue to ship Sess/Kag until eternity...
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
Eleven wrote:
... the most powerful demon in Japan LOSES his own dang kids in some fire...
I will continue to ship Sess/Kag until eternity...
Same here.
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 5
Just as I will never accept nor believe that Lord Voldermort, the most asexual being in existence, the one who hated his own humanity the most, would ever in a billion years do something as human and mortal as have a baby with Bellatrix, I will never accept the fact that Sesshomaru would ever grow lustful or romantic towards a woman he's known and bonded with since she was E-I-G-H-T years old. NOPE.
Cursed Child and this Half Demon Princess monstrosity both:
- NOT written by the original creator
- Have to do with the original gang's children
- Don't make sense
- Have characters making babies together that definitely shouldn't be making babies together
- Have the original cast be extremely OOC (Harry, a victim of child abuse and knowing how it feels to be abused, telling his damn son that he wished he wasn't his, and Sesshomaru having children to begin with, and also letting them succumb to a forest fire in anyway and not being able to sense their danger and teleport their asses out of there)
- Both are retcon in a sense. JK Rowling ALREADY answered to the question a long time ago that Voldemort NEVER had kids. And yet years down the line she lets two random guys fan fictions about him having some evil child be canon? Yeah, no. And I am positive that Rumiko began to write Rin into the story as a redemption arc for Sesshomaru to have some humanity. NOT for him to have coitus with down the line "when she grows older".
- And I hope they both end up being widely rejected by a talking majority.
Big Nope.
Major Nope.
Just NOPE.
Last Edit: 2020/05/10 13:47 By daenerysdidnothingwrong.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 18
I dont mind the Sess/Rin ship to be honest
Sess is such a complex character I dont mind shipping him with anyone I read some good fics on here about Sess/Kag they were great I even wrote a fic about Sess/Kag I can see why their an enigma kag and him are complex in the way they act think and their contribution as a power couple is interesting and has more novelty than sess/rin (older rin of course) due to kagome modern knowledge she has more to offer and well Sess being all mighty sess it's a great duo. However looking at Sess personality I can say he and Rin are compatible. Sess is a dominant alpha male Kagome and him in many fics I've read have clashed she is very assertive Rin is a silent stream but she has managed to carve her way into sess heart like izaoyoi remember the mom word rin is much like inuyasha mom she has a silent strength she understands sess and well still waters runs deep guys. Btw I love dokuga I'm just not mad at the sess/rin ship I wish they put more effort into a sess/rin site because it's more cannon.now. Anyways he never raised her kaede did he left her in village at 12 he spent only a few years with her which he left her alone he was more of a guardian guys let's not be too bias I love this site but let's fo by facts he wasnt raising rin she was independent and he was an overseer hes 19 in demon age shes 9 human grow up I dont see the big deal if she grew up I mean my boyfriend is 19 almost 20 years older than me guys lol so ye and my dad 12 years older than mom when my boyfriend was 20 I wasnt even born...and he does not look his age at all in some ways hes my sess lol maybe that's why I'm not bias also I seen ppl justify sess beast in alot of stories saying it's not rape hes a demon it's his beast well if he waited for rin it's not grooming its cultural and let's face it were not all Japanese I am learning mandarin and I am around its customs so I get it alot is taboo to us but not to the Japanese culture let's be open minded but sess kag is great
Last Edit: 2020/05/10 14:58 By ...
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 5
I mean... Age gaps are fine. I'm one of the few who defend all the hate Florence Pugh is getting for dating someone as old as her dad. Because she's already in her 20s when they got together.
If Sesshomaru and Rin met when Rin was already 16 and over, then I would have no qualms about it. I agree that I don't even think Sesshomaru was any father figure to Rin. But they still spent a lot of time in each others presence and bonded quite a bit for a good year when she was 8. How cringe would it be for them to reminince the important parts of their lives in the future as romantic partners, when he saved her multiple times, and they both have to remember she was just basically a toddler at the time.
It almost sounds worse that just because Sesshoamru slowly separated himself with her and still visited Rin giving her gifts, that makes it okay for them to get together when she comes of age. Just because fans chose to interpret that as not grooming, or just because the anime directors tell us to interpret that as not grooming, it still sounds a hell of a lot like grooming to me. And I really don't want to think Sesshomaru is in any sense that kind of person.
edit: and I believe that just because something is cultural, doesn't mean it's exempt from criticism. I've heard Sesshomaru and Rin shippers say that arranged child bride marriages are beautiful in other cultures. Just because child brides or the practice of an adult man waiting for a young girl to come of age is normal in another culture, doesn't make it okay.
Not to mention we are seeing this in our modern eyes, so I feel the judgement is rightfully so.
It just sickens me that the anime directors made Sesshomaru confess to Rin in that CD when she was twelve. Just because of that, I could not go forward thinking their intents were ever pure in this new sequel.
Last Edit: 2020/05/10 15:06 By daenerysdidnothingwrong.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 18
I get it but you said something there you dont want to think of him like that ..that's the issue we went wrong by creating our version of who we think he is I mean this is a fanfiction site we create our own ideologies about sess while trying g to keep him as close to character get as we can but do we know the character? No only the creator the original one rumiko does so if this is her version then doesnt it prove we were wrong? No it just proves we are optimists we awesome imagination all which I love and will continue to love however this expectation we created just isn't real...it is what it is I'm a nurse guys I'm all about facts and what's in front of me evidence and proof I'm pretty open minded too and I'm a huge realist with this mentality it keeps me from disappointed I know what's real and what isn't but it doesnt mean a girl cant dream or fantasize. I mean look at it kagome 15 in alot of fics and shes having sex that's being a minor where age of consent is 21 in some country I'm Canadian so its 18.. but some day 16 now isn't that wrong too? We can argue all day but it is what it is... like I said the anime told us this through clues the reference of him being like his dad the underworld scene her asking if he will remember her some day I knew it I just dont care sess will forever be my fluffy and I can ship him with anyone hes that hunky
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
We can ALL 'ship Sesshy however we wish. That's the great part about fanfiction.
This IS a Sess/Kag site, however, devoted to the Sess/Kag pairing, so of course a bunch of us here are going to have somewhat negative opinions about Sess/Rin. It just comes with the territory. I'm sure on other sites, like ff.net or AO3, people are going nuts with the whole "It's gotta be Sess/Rin" stuff. That's their prerogative, just as it's our, on this site, to disagree wholeheartedly and sometimes vehemently with that idea.
On other sites, I'd be a whole lot more conciliatory, if I posted at all, but here I feel like it's okay to let one's feelings fly (as politely as possible, please). We're devoted to Sess/Kag, that's why we're here, and many of us will still be devoted to Sess/Kag after this comes out.
Just my 2 pennies' worth!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 18
Yes of course I totally get it I was just saying I'm bit open minded I wasnt disappointed really at the news and I write sess kag fic anyways never did a sess/rin one and probably wont but I get it I can see why it happened is all I'm saying. But I was more disappointed we wont see the actual main character we love how dare they just create a new world with the kids without continuing from where left off..then again maybe it's for the best we saw the ending..lol it would probably more depress the ship as kagome is indeed with inuyasha etc so it did end perfect I'm just bummed I dont think this movie is neccessary at all we dont need to see the kids go through hardship.. hopefully it's worth it I wont watch thats all I'm saying
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 2
I'm with you
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 2
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
Lots of people are looking back to that era in Japanese history, when daimyos basically 'groomed' young girls for future wives or concubines...
...but I'm still not good with that. That was then, this is now, and it's an anime in the here and now. Sure, I get the Sess/Rin 'shippers, but I'll stay here, in my own little corner of the world and be blissfully unaware of any canon that portrays a grown-up Rin getting it on w/Sesshy. Srsly.
Yup, gonna be all *lalalalalalaICan'tHearYou* and "Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil" but I'm old and I get to do things like that, lol!
Sesshoumaru & Kagome, my OTP forever!

Forever and ever! SessKag.
I'll sing with you <3
Anyways, does when canon has stopped the fanfiction?
At least, the SasuNaru or NaruSaku fans doesn't with the end of Naruto.
Last Edit: 2020/05/10 20:40 By Harlett.
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
Zauberer di Vent wrote:
Forever and ever! SessKag.
I'll sing with you <3
Anyways, does when canon has stopped the fanfiction?
At least, the SasuNaru or NaruSaku fans doesn't with the end of Naruto.
Exactly! Canon has never stopped us from following our passion!!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 41
WiccanMethuselah wrote:
Zauberer di Vent wrote:
Forever and ever! SessKag.
I'll sing with you <3
Anyways, does when canon has stopped the fanfiction?
At least, the SasuNaru or NaruSaku fans doesn't with the end of Naruto.
Exactly! Canon has never stopped us from following our passion!!

I've mentioned this on Discord, and feel I should mention it here, as well. We don't even have to consider this canon. From everything I'm seeing, Rumiko isn't writing this! She's just overseeing the design and artwork.
Also, there was a time when Disney published a series of Lion King books that looked into deeper lore and the fanbase really ate it up. But despite the fact that Disney published it, they announced that it was absolutely not canon even though it was official merch. They pretty much just gave the okay to publish someone's fanfictions! So official does not equate to being canon.
No matter how this series goes, even if we like where it goes, it's technically not canon and you don't have to see it as such! 
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Re:Official Inuyasha sequel and I'm crying inside 4 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
Avi wrote:
I've mentioned this on Discord, and feel I should mention it here, as well. We don't even have to consider this canon. From everything I'm seeing, Rumiko isn't writing this! She's just overseeing the design and artwork.
Also, there was a time when Disney published a series of Lion King books that looked into deeper lore and the fanbase really ate it up. But despite the fact that Disney published it, they announced that it was absolutely not canon even though it was official merch. They pretty much just gave the okay to publish someone's fanfictions! So official does not equate to being canon.
No matter how this series goes, even if we like where it goes, it's technically not canon and you don't have to see it as such!
Y'know what? I like that thinking. Yup, it's not even canon cuz Takahashi-sama isn't writing it!! Thanks, Avi, I feel so much better now!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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