I stop to think, every once in a while, about what has kept me here since late 2004...
First, the pairing is unlikely, but far more palatable than Inu/Kag. Let's face it, Inu is a teen hero, but immature & angst-ridden as all get out. Not quite ready to face his own insecurities and mistakes, not quite ready to admit to his real feelings, all muscle and action.
Sesshoumaru is far more complicated, which just makes the pairing that much more satisfying, for me at least. Strong, silent, full of his own sense of self-worth and ripe for being taken down a notch or two, and a girl from the future is just the one to do it. As we see her evolve through the canon story, Kags is the anti-heroine. She's empathetic, soft-hearted, and far too self-effacing to be a true 'heroine' type. Her problems with her lack of training and misfiring magic just add to her mystery for a being like Sess.
So many different ways a relationship can evolve between those two, so many contact points that may or may not lead to more in canon, so much unsaid and unexplained... yeah. That's why I'm still here and still enjoying all the ways others find to take those two on a shared journey.
