Lone saiyan woman wrote:
Just curious. Does it depend on reviews? Hits? Weekly schedule?
A review encourages me/
remindsme that I have a story... lol I really don't have a schedule which probably isn't the best method. Some writers hold on to chapters for a while before releasing, but I find I get too excited and post it as soon as I type the last period. To give myself a loose deadline I try to say, "Okay Kendra, update at least once a month."
I just came back to the site in March after a 2.5 year hiatus due to RL... so I'm making up for lost time. I've added 17 chapters to Legal Jargon (rated MA) in 4 months out of guilt lol. Since it's been well received since its return and nobody has cursed me out

I find myself updating once or twice a week with a disclaimer saying, "I'll get what I can get to you when I can." Then I get side bared with other one shots and what not... sigh. Woe is me.
A true schedule only makes me a slave to the writing, and I do this as a hobby/ pleasure. Making schedules and hard deadlines makes it feel like work and I have enough of that IRL with papers and my dissertation which have real deadlines to stress over.