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The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag
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TOPIC: The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 7
I would say the story that really got me hooked is...Cultural Differences by Mlmonty. The summary just drew me in, although I was pretty skeptical about the whole thing, since I was a die-hard InuKag fan... And it only got worse from there lol. I started reading SessKag more and more, and that's actually how I got into Dokuga; Mlmonty had a MA rated chapter so she posted it only on this site. I have to say, I'm glad I got into this pairing. Now, I'm not only a reader, but a writer of it!

EDIT BY WICCAN: The Dokuga version of this story is rated MA, NO YIMs! Here's the link:
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Last Edit: 2015/08/28 21:25 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: insert link with revised rating
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 5 Months ago Karma: 16
Definitely Tales from the House of the Moon by Resmiranda (rated MA)

Hands down, one of the most angsty, heart-tugging and well written stories I have ever read and THE story that converted me from an Inu/kag shipper to a Sess/kag shipper. I was actually running out of Inu/Kag stories to read and saw that HotM has top reviews on, decided to go for it - it was the first sess/kag fic I've read. Best decision of my life, and have since been reading stuff on Dokuga for the past 3 years now

Even many stories after, if you're looking for a good emotional story, check out her work, you won't regret it, but you might need a huge teddy bear to hold after.

Another top top top favourite of mine that kept me in the fandom are RosieB's
- The Once and Future Taiyoukai (M) and
- Beside You In Time (M) (incomplete)

These two ladies have some major talent, if their stories were real people, I would have asked them to marry me.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
Hello! I'm new to Dokuga. I wanted to start posting and getting to know everyone. I thought this might be a good thread to post on. I came into this fandom pretty late because my parents didn't want me to watch anime. I saw my first Inuyasha episode in my college dorm.

I never got into the Inu/Kagome pairing, but right away I fell in love his GORGEOUS brother. I remember thinking, "gosh, I wish he and Kagome would get together". Around that time, I discovered While looking for stuff to read, I found a few stories that really got me hooked on this pairing. I don't remember the authors too well. It was pretty long time ago and I really suck with names. If you guys remember who wrote these I'd love to know so I can send them a message in thanks (I didn't leave many reviews back in the old days but I want to fix that now).

1. Forget Me Not EDIT BY WICCAN: This story would be rated MA on this site, NO YIMs!

2. My Hatred, My Obsession (this story...i was so obsessed with it...but then the writer stopped writing it and I was sooooo sad) - EDIT BY WICCAN: This story would be rated MA on our site, NO YIMs!

3. Unworthy One (I had mixed feelings about this b/c the chars seemed OOC, but the idea was cool)- EDIT BY WICCAN: This story IS rated MA on our site, NO YIMs!

4. There was another one where the story happens in the modern time. Sess is older and mature. Kagome is depressed about the well closing and stumbles on Sess. She's just happy to find anybody at all from the feudal era but she wishes it was Inuyasha. I think he said he wanted to look out for her. They get to be friends, but then Kagome tries to take their relationship to more but Sess gets pissed and hurts her. I think eventually they do get together, but it was one of those slow burner kind of fics.
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Last Edit: 2015/12/31 21:10 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: Insert rating required by RULES!!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
I 'm new to the site and I feel love. I love Sesshomaru and Kagome is my favorite girl . I have little more than a year as originally SesshoKag fandom was born in Naruto fandom .

I confess not find good fics in my fandom I came to this out of curiosity , I ran into a fic called THE DARK SECRET OF A TAISHO , in Spanish and I love , then I came across Dark Moon and it was ... wow , a fantastic fic that left me really shocked if I fall I am Kagome was recommendation of the same author .

EDIT BY WICCAN: Both of these stories are most likely MA on our site, NO YIMs!

I felt butterflies in my stomach , I was stunned by the complexity of history, it was absolutely brilliant and when you reach the end felt a void that prompted me to keep looking ... anque fics in Spanish there are very few who are really wonderful in English is a number of spectacular fics .

Do you understand what I'm saying? not much English and I 'm worth a translator , so any clerical error is the fault of Google translator.
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Last Edit: 2015/12/31 21:17 By wiccanmethuselah.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 0
I hope somebody can find the fourth one! It looks super interesting!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 8 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
My first SessKag fanfiction was 'A Cross of Blades' by Striking Falcon (rated M). It is shamazing. I had thought it was an InuKag, and then at the start it seemed like Kagome was going to end up with Inuyasha, so when Inuyasha ended up with Kikyo, I was just like 'Bro, seriously?'
When Kagome ended up with Sesshomaru, I was like 'Huh?' but then I found out I liked SessKag a lot better than Inukag.
From time to time, I read an Inutaisho and Kagome, but pretty much all the time I read SessKag.

SessKag is awesome! *fangirls*
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Last Edit: 2016/06/20 09:04 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: Inserted rating
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 8 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 0
Unspoiled by forthright was the one. I remember the chapter I had reached before I had to wait like everyone else. 'Little Boy Blue'. It changed my perspective a lot and opened up new horizons for me to explore!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 8 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 33
Unspoiled, of course. I've always bewildered seeing SessKag before (I only read InuKag but there is always something nagging at me no matter how good the story is) but decided to give it a chance and well... here I am.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 8 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 4
I don't really remember the first one that got me hooked but the one that comes to mind that at least deepened my love of sess/kag was 'A Sentinel Mother' by demonlordlover. I still read that one over and over.

EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated MA, NO YIMs!
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Last Edit: 2016/07/05 20:56 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: Insert rating
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Shizuka Asano
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 8 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 7
The thing that got me hooked funny enough was YokaiYume's Doujinshi "Raindrops"

I LOVED her art style and after seeing her story I tried to see if there was a fanfic.

The first SessKag fanfic I read though was "Trick of Fate" by PristineUngift.
RATED MA (mostly for violence) NO YIMS!

After that I was caught HOOK LINE AND SINKER.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 8 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 8
Shadows Against the Shoji Screen by cappie on FFN

Actually, I think that was the first Inuyasha ff I've read. I've never been interested in any other pairing.

EDIT BY WICCAN: As of now, this story would be rated M on our site due to violence. NO YIMs!
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Last Edit: 2017/01/22 21:14 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: Insert rating
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Beautifully Wicked
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 8 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 20
Passion by CiraArana was my first SessKag. I still read it from time to time.

EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated MA, NO YIMs!! Here is a link:
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Last Edit: 2017/01/22 20:42 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: Insert rating required by RULES!! AND added link for others
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 0
Wow, this thread has been on here probably forever, and I'm ridiculously late in putting up mine, but that's just typical of me. Haha ^^;

Anyway, the Sess/Kag story that got me hooked is one that I can't recall the title of, and the author's name escapes me. I've been searching for it, because I'd read it here on Dokuga and I keep coming up empty handed.

The basics are that Kagome has gone back to her world, grown up, and become a nurse. Something happened to Sesshoumaru in the past, and he was found in her time pretty much a living skeleton. He got rushed to a nursing facility where Kagome worked, and she started nursing him back to health. However, something went wrong and she took him out of that place and brought him to her own home. He recovered after a grueling bit of therapy, and took a trip around the world to check out what he'd missed. And it ends with him coming back to her.

The summary I give doesn't do the story credit. It was masterfully done, with attention to detail that truly made these characters come to life. If I ever find out the name of the author and the story, you can guarantee that I'll be bookmarking the crap out of it. Lol

Thanks for listening!

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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 58

Yo se cual es el Fics del que estás hablando, es excelente!!

Embrace the Silence By Trouble_In_Shangri_la
Silence is the voice of time, it speaks to you in a language without words. You must listen in order to hear it. You must watch in order to see it. You must be still in order to feel it. And then you must understand it if you wish to embrace it. ***COMPLETE*** ---> MA

Soy una fanatica de Inuyasha, nunca quise leer nada del par Kagome/Sesshoumaru, pero me interesó el prólogo de una historia y empecé a leerla! En la época no sabía que la historia no estaba terminada y me frustro bastante porque estaba muy bien escrita. El fic fue The Sword Smith's Secret by MissKatt (MA), excelente historia, se la recomiendo a quien aún no La Haya leído, y por suerte la autora aún continúa subiendo los capítulos.
Esa fue la primera de muchas, creo que ya leí todas los fic, terminados de Dokuga y también los de Spark!
Siempre busco algo nuevo, de preferencia completo!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 8
LOL I was honestly just looking for a smut story to read and googled lemon stories and I stumbled upon "Just Another Lemon" by Tiegrsi. (MA) I was so shocked because although I always loved Sesshoumaru, I never pictured him with Kagome, it never even crossed my mind before. And here there was a whole site of it. I loved Just another lemon and I was hooked from there.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 18
For me it was on the old site A single spark by an awesome now published author Amy Blankenship

Her fanfic name was amyfushiyushi I believe and the fic was Posession after reading that I absouloutely could not go back to inu/kag and have even attempted my own fic with sess/kag

The story basically mimics Texan ladys The breeder Sess kidnaps Kagome tells inuyasha he ll trade her in for tetsuiga but decides (after molesting her basically) he wants her for himself but he still makes inuyasha think he has a chance to redeem her back with the sword I cant remember for sure everything because she removed herself completely off all fanfic sites. I believe its because she has turned her fanfics into actually published work with different names (mostly vampire books) anyways awesome writer

Another one I first read on single spark was by KogasAngel "The bet" and "Santuary" by Aladydestiny (I believe) WOO fanfic has come a looooonnng way I'm glad!
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Utsukushi tenshi
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 5
I am a hardcore shipper of inukag for 15yrs...after the final curiosity hit in because the ending of the series didn't satisfy me thus it made me wonder to find more interesting ending version on wattpad and there i see the sesskag fanfic, first i am very hesitant to read it but decided to download it and maybe read it later...but the moment i laid my eyes on the fic and read it all the way i found my self wanting more but unfortunately sesskag fics are few on wattpad until i discovered to tumblr and to this haven which is Dokuga, that day i find it hard to go back to inukag...but i have no regrets because I'm happy and proud to become a Sesskag shipper.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 12 Months ago Karma: 7
Wow, I can't even remember! I actually liked the Kagome/Kouga pairing first, but then I stumbled upon SessKag and FELL IN LOVE. Their pairing just makes the most sense. I can't remember my very first one that threw me into all of this but Pseudo Courtesan by Aikosan28, rated MA, on AO3 was definitely one of the first ones. Sadly it's incomplete.
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Last Edit: 2017/03/18 22:22 By Mimichou.
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Anna Grey
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 11
Well, inukag used to be my otp, but when I searched for somethings...diffirent, I found sesskag, I always love Sesshoumaru and just found sesskag are really meant to be together!!! I read some lemon by thehattertheory first, but "The light at the end" by LikeABlueThread was the reason why I worship sesskag forever!! man, I have reread it like 3 times now, just love it!!!

EDIT BY WICCAN: "The Light at the End" is rated MA, NO YIMs!!
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Last Edit: 2017/03/19 11:12 By wiccanmethuselah. Reason: Insert rating required by RULES!!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 7
Symone wrote:
My first SessKag fanfiction was 'A Cross of Blades' by Striking Falcon (rated M). It is shamazing. I had thought it was an InuKag, and then at the start it seemed like Kagome was going to end up with Inuyasha, so when Inuyasha ended up with Kikyo, I was just like 'Bro, seriously?'
When Kagome ended up with Sesshomaru, I was like 'Huh?' but then I found out I liked SessKag a lot better than Inukag.
From time to time, I read an Inutaisho and Kagome, but pretty much all the time I read SessKag.

SessKag is awesome! *fangirls*

Oh. My. God. Cross of Blades, I swear. I came across it the exact same way. Started out as an InuKag shipper, and then that fanfic came along AND CHANGED MY LIFE.

Forever hooked from there.

I'm going to also join the "Resmiranda" and "RosieB" hype train, also. *_*
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BETA FOR HIRE: will read anything, but loves slowburn, fluff and naughty. HIRE MEEE!!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
Omg, my favorite author ended up publishing her story into own book, but my favorite fic of all time was Utopia by Kagome357. It was my first introduction to the SessxKag universe and I thank her lil naughty heart to this day!

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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 279
If anyone else is interested, the published version of 'Utopia' is still available on Amazon, I believe. The author is Nila N. Brown. It is definitely MA, so NO YIMs!

Check it out, you won't be disappointed. I must admit that, when I betaed a couple of the first versions of it, I still read the InuYasha characters in their roles, but the story is quite inventive, engrossing, and amazing. Kags357 has hella world-building skills so you won't want to pass it up!

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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 2
I saw it on amazon a long time ago, if you can find the link, can you send it to me?
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 279
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\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
- James Russell Lowell 1864

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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 7 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 27
Tortured Love, by Rinsternalsoul!

Find it here.

Warning: Extremely MA, no YIMS!
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