Drabbles versus Chapter stories? 9 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 1
I've practically talked to myself incessantly about this but I still haven't come to a conclusion.
I planned to write another story (SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING MELANCHOLY <3) and I'm throwing around whether it should be told in drabbles or chapter story. Recently I've written a drabble story and I'm LOVING it but at the same time I find my new story idea to be in the balance of drabbles as well as a chapter story.
With drabbles I'm able to jump around but with chapter stories I can focus on developing complex character relations. I've also realised that I can pump out drabbles in almost no time while chapter stories I need at least half a day of concentration to write anything substantial.
To make a long rant short and to try not reveal anything...
What do you guys think is better? Pros/cons? Or should I post a prologue and see what people can agree on?
Thank you very muchhhh! <3
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Re:Drabbles versus Chapter stories? 9 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Personally I prefer chapter stories, but I'm biased because I don't really like drabbles lol
If you're pressed for time I would say go with drabbles if you feel you write them much faster and easier than chapter stories, but if you have the time chapter story may be in your advantage. Though since I have no idea what your story is about ill try to give you an unbiased pros/cons list lol
Drabble - Pros
Much shorter time to write
They are fun to write
Doesn't need to focus soley on one thing
Drabbles - Cons
They aren't as in depth as chapter stories
Can be hard to get your point across within a certain amount of words
Chapter Story - Pros
Development of characters and plot is much easier to go into depth
Not confined to a certain amount of words
Gives you time and space to develop well written characters
Readers enjoy well developed stories
Chapter Story - Cons
Takes longer to write
Can be overwhelming at times and may hit alot of writers block lol
Don't have much room to jump from topic to topic as drabbles since it can become confusing for readers - and messes up the balance of the story
Final Thoughts
If you're writing a true drabble, it's difficult to write exactly 100 words. Alot of editing may be involved and it may be hard to write a well drabble with such confinement. However, I do believe writing a drabble may be more rewarding in its on way since you do have that confinement, it is a great way to polish your writing skills.
As for a chapter story, having that unlimited word count takes off the pressure of having exactly 100 words but there still is the pressure of developing the story well, which can be stressful at times. But is also rewarding when you feel like you just wrote an epic chapter until you go back and reread months later and realize it wasn't as epic as you thought (happens all the time to me lol)Though, I'm sure you'll write a very good chapter story if you so choose to do so.
With that said, I guess it's just a matter of opinion now of which one will do your story more justice. If your story is a balance of drabbles and chapters, im my opinion I would suggest going with the chapter story. You could always write less per chapter in a chapter story wit it having elements of sort of being a drabble if you really want the drabble aspect but if you write purely drabbles you can't make any more or less than a drabble, if that makes sense.
Anyways, sorry I wrote so much lol I may have went overboard. I hope my suggestions/analysis helps you with your decision =]
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Drabbles versus Chapter stories? 9 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 57
Nicely said.
Drabble - short, few words, to the point plot.
Chapter Story - Long, lots of words, plot twists and turns like a rollercoaster.
Conclusion - Both are fun to write, but I think the Chapter story takes more head space with plot, characters etc.
Drabbles I find are harder to write than Chapter stories, because of the shorter length, I can't 'waffle' as much about details.
I have to maximise the use of my words and sentences to say more while using less of both.
~ Pyre
Last Edit: 2015/11/04 20:39 By Pyre.
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Re:Drabbles versus Chapter stories? 9 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 1
Definitely nothing overboard! Thank you both very very much, I might save my drabbles for something more lighthearted then haha.
Cheeers! <3
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