Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 11 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 37
I just saw this thread and I had to write something because the first fan-fiction I read got me obsessed. It was in 2009 and I happened by accident to check out a website that was left open by a co-worker of mine on my computer at work, and I never forgot it. The story was called A Mere Digression, by Elle 6778. Wow! it was fantastic and hot. I have been reading fan-fic ever since. 
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 11 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 1
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 11 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 76
I was in here before, but I wasn't sure which one it was. I finally remembered what my first Sess/Kag fanfic was. It was "In His Arms" by Telepathic Hawk. There was a sequeal but it never got past two chapters from what I've seen. Great story.
My Motto:
Honor mea arma est, timor mea stultitia est.
Respect is my Weapon, Fear is my Folly.
My Belief:
If you can, do. If you can't, try.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 37
The first fanfiction that got me hooked was 'A mere digression by Elle 6778, and I cannot leave out Love's Inexorable Turbulence by Mistress Sianna because both of them did the trick.
EDIT BY WICCAN: Both of these stories are rated MA, no YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2015/04/28 18:08 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Inserted rating
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
This was the vey first Inuyasha fanfic that I read. It was great and after that I couldn't get enough of Sess/Kag pairing. I have never read Inu/Kag pairing. It somehow just doesn't click for me but there are many stories that I have yet to read but which are surely great so I'm sure that I will never be short of what to read. Plus I sometimes read Kag/Nar or Kag/Bank stories, though rarely.
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story would be rated MA here, no YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2015/05/04 10:26 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Inserted rating
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 9
Dance on Ice
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 0
Forthright's Unspoiled got me hooked, from then on, I was a complete Sesshomaru/Kagome shipper
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
Youkai Society by heartlessenchantress on FF.net unfortunately it's not finished
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated M on ff.net, but would be a definite MA here, NO YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2015/05/08 13:32 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Inserted rating and link
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 8
My first SessKag fanfic is "Neighborly" by Lady-Suchiko on DA, and i'm thankfully to Lady-Suchiko even though she didn't finish it.
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated MA and is here on Dokuga, NO YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2015/05/08 14:14 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Inserted rating and link
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 6
Dream child by Libra Court
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated MA, no YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2015/06/07 15:50 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Inserted rating as required by RULES!
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 6
Definitely The Once and Future Taiyoukai by RosieB.. Read it on FF in 2009 and have never turned back since. Inspired me to write my own fics back then, and actually got a lot of traction on FF until I went on a .. er.. 4 year hiatus..
So excited to read all these fics though, this is a great thread
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated T on ff.net, but would be at least an M here, no YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2015/07/06 08:44 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Inserted rating
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 31
"Oh Lollipop, Lollipop" by quirkyslayer. It was extremely cute and wonderfully done. Back in ye-old "A Single Spark" days. It was the reason I got into fanfiction, period.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
For me it was My Experiment by ShadowWeaver1. I read it at FF.net and stumbled upon it by accident back in 2006. I remember spending hours and hours reading on my desktop computer, not minding if it was the wee hours of the night. I got hooked so hard.
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated MA on this site, NO YIMs!
Last Edit: 2015/07/14 11:50 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Inserted rating
There was a reason I collided into you. - Susie Suh
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 65
For me it was I when accidentally 'transfered' to 'Kagome's Trust' by Fire Witch 55 by google..
Rated M there and definetely MA here, so no YIMs please!
It was my first time to saw the fanfiction world, and it got me confused first... 'why Kagome got paired with Sesshoumaru in the first place? Wasn't she with Inuyasha?' the author was did a very good job with the story that made me believe that her story was canon and was the continuation of Inuyasha series, oh silly and innocent me...
After that, I read 'The Broken Miko' by RosieB (rated M there and will be MA here, so no YIMs!)
And since that I'm totally hooked to our pairing.... 
Last Edit: 2015/07/14 15:31 By golden_flower.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 8 Months ago
Karma: 0
The first Inuyasha fanfic that got me hooked was so long ago, I can't remember. But the first one that got me hooked to SessKag was probably Utter Doom by Tally Mark.
And then everything else by Tally Mark.
EDIT BY WICCAN: This particular story is rated M and would be so here, NO YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2015/07/15 14:49 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Inserted rating
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
My first sess/kag fanfic is Beside You In Time by RosieB. It's still ongoing, though.
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated M, NO YIMs!!
Last Edit: 2015/08/13 09:40 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Inserted rating
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 16
It was forthright's story Unspoiled www.dokuga.com/fanfiction/story/2508/1 then all went Kaboom from there.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
The First fanfic that got me hooked to Sess/Kag was called "Dreams". I can not even find the story anymore, anywhere! I guess it was removed by the author (I just do not know). It was written about nine or ten years ago, I guess. That story was so great that so many reviews kept getting posted to each chapter, that the author kept giving us one chapter right after another. I think (no joke) that in one days time I stayed with that fic for over six hours waiting for a new chapter to be posted and the author gave them to us hot off the key board (LOL). I've been a fan ever since
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 1
Honestly it's been so many years I don't know. But looking on my FanFiction.net profile the oldest sess/kag story is from 2003. www.fanfiction.net/s/1267700/1/Means-to-an-End
I have to say this would be the closest to what hooked me. But there's a good chance that there was others before but they have been taken down. I found dokuga from google, trying to find more stories to feed my obsessions!
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story would be rated MA on our site due to violence, NO YIMs!
Last Edit: 2015/08/16 15:37 By wiccanmethuselah.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
I've read "Means to an End " as well. A very well written fic. However, as I said before I can not remember exactly what year "Dreams" was written in or it's sequel, but, I was a fan from then on. The sequel was just as good. I think it was called something like "Vengeance" or "With a Vengeance". I looked everywhere for those fics.  Maybe that author may one day repost them 
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
The first fanfic that not only got me hooked to Sesshomarou and Kagome but also introduced me to Dokuga is Just another lemon by Tiegrsi. The story is rated MA. 
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 8
I totally forgot that i could just look at ff.net and just look at my first ever favorited story. Lol. And then i realized ive been reading fanfiction for 11 years.
So the first story i ever favorited was kagome's demon side by sora-tsuki-neko.
Its probably ma here since its m there so no yims. I have no idea what its even about too.
As for sesshy/kag-i have no idea what hooked me. I just remeber looking for another site to see of there was more out there and then stumbling on this site as well as aff.net. Either way, happy i did.
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 3
I've been lurking on sesskag fanfic sites obsessively for around 15 years now, and never posted a thing. But asinglespark, ff.net and dokuga have been such a hugely enjoyable part of over half my life, and from time to time I get a bittersweet nostalgia about it.
I started reading inukag fanfics bc I was watching the series every night on adult swim, and I was getting impatient waiting for the show to get them together. After reading a few, I couldn't get into the stories people were writing, and found some with sess. He always intrigued me, so I read sess/Oc at first. It wasn't until I found sesskag fics that it all clicked-the writing style and fun!-and I've been hooked for life.
But to answer the thread, I can't remember the first one, but Kagome! Where Are You? By jeffs on ff.net was my 1st all time fav.
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story by jeffs would be rated MA on our site, NO YIMs!
Then, Imperceptible by forthright became my obsession.
Vying for Dominance by shadowsweaver1 is probably my all time fav.
EDIT BY WICCAN: 'Vying for Dominance' is rated MA on our site, NO YIMs!
Last Edit: 2015/08/27 01:13 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: insert ratings
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Re:The first fanfic that got you hooked to Sess/Kag 9 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
Omg, there are so many great fics out there, but to me, like SilverBlossom, the fic that got m3 hooked (and brought to this fabulos website) is Just Another Lemon. By Tiergsi. Awesome fic for those naughty kids (like me) who enjoy the taste of lemon in their life.
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated MA, NO YIMs!
Last Edit: 2015/08/28 07:47 By wiccanmethuselah.
Reason: Insert rating
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