So we all know that Sesshomaru is an dog demon and we love him for this
But i have read here and on other websites stories where the author/authoress has made him a member of another species, like an tiger, a mermaid or a vampire to name a few. And they are really good!!!!
I would like to know if you too could picture him as another species and why. Or if you prefer him to be a dog demon. ( As dogs are the best friend of the human or because you like him so the best

I think he would be a good white lion.
Why? Because the lion is the king, a proudful and majestic animal and Sesshomarus Moko-moko sometimes remains me of the mane from the lion. And the white lion is rare. And sometimes i think he is arrogant like an cat
(He was on my mind as i thought about Sesshomaru as a lion:
(Ugh i read too many fantasy books in the last time with to many werelions, werewolves, aliens...)
Yeah sometimes my imagination just goes *boom*.
So, Dokugans, what do you think?
Ps.: I hope this is the correct forum for this question