The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 60
Hello everyone,
I’ve been debating this idea for a while now. Kikyo. She’s dead but was brought back to life in a clay imitation of her body; however, her remains—bone shards and ashes—were mixed into the clay. She also has a piece of her original soul which is now Kagome’s. I’ve read many fanfics where Kikyo is either capable of having children even though she is made of clay, that a wish from the Jewel has given her new life as a human/half-demon/demon, or that she is meant to give up her fake body and ‘die’ again.
In the animated serious, obviously she was killed by Naraku, but we are talking about fanfiction here where an author can change whatever they please even if it is canon based. In my story The Perfect Mate (Rated MA), I originally wanted to have a tragic ending where Kikyo and Inuyasha cannot be together again because she is not alive and can only remain in the world of the living by absorbing souls so she dies somehow (probably willingly withering away in Inuyasha’s arms and not because of wounds sustained in battle). But, I decided against such actions.
I have gotten plenty of reviews and PMs from fans begging for Kikyo and Inuyasha to have a happy ending without either of them dying, so I decided to seriously take that into consideration. So I was desperately trying to come up with a plausible scenario where she could regain her body. Sadly, I do not believe very many fics have come up with such a scenario, so you can imagine how hard I strived to come up with a solution.
Then it hit me.
1) Naraku was first Onigumo—human. Onigumo allowed hundreds of demons to devour his flesh so he could regain a fit, working body and became the hanyou known as Naraku. In the animated series, we took this plot in stride thinking it legit, no questions asked how this was even possible. Okay, maybe I can make a play on this.
2) In my fanfiction, I have a plausible reason for Kagome turning into a demon because the Jewel leaked demonic energy inside of her which had remained dormant all these years till now.
So, when considering these two ideas, why not combine them? Kikyo is not just a clay body. In the clay is her human remains—ashes and whatever else, perhaps bone fragments, too. Also consider the fact that she is connected to Kagome in a spiritual way. They both possess the same soul. They are sharing it—if unwillingly. Onigumo was human turned demon. So why not play off that since Kikyo’s remains are mixed inside her clay body.
So, ashes + a piece of Kagome’s soul = when Kagome is being forced to transform from a human into a full blooded demon, so will Kikyo.
Powerful demonic energy from three sources, what was leaked from the Jewel, Naraku’s, and Sesshomaru’s, are forcing Kagome’s human body to change. With this idea, it is plausible to think that Kikyo will also feel this affect and transform because they are connected. However, I am playing off the idea that it takes a lot of energy to do this and Kikyo only has a small portion of Kagome’s soul and her body is clay mixed with her ashes, which leads me to think she can only change so much. Not only is her ashes restored to living flesh but she turns into a half-demon.
And presto! An answer to my conundrum for a plausible recourse for Kikyo coming back to life in truth and becoming a demon, well half-demon in this case. This sounds plausible to me. What I am wondering if it sounds plausible to everyone else.
I ask because I got a horrible flame-like review from someone either not a member or a member reviewing as a guest berating me for bringing Kikyo back to life, so there’s not really much I can do about his/her rudeness. The only reason why I even changed my idea to bring her back to life and possibly live happily-ever-after with Inuyasha is because of all the tragedy and OC deaths I had written in this story.
Phew that was a long rant.
P.S. Here is that deplorable review I mentioned:
ru4real (Chapter 45) - Sat 23 Aug 2014
I'm sorry but I find it completely absurd, farfetched, and ridiculous when writers suddenly turn Kiyou's body to real flesh. It's almost as stupid as when they have Kikyou, the clay-doll, get pregnant. Maybe if it was a wish made upon the jewel I would buy it. You had to go and ruin the story. Kikyou, the live one and dead, died in the show for a reason. Now you're gonna have two beings with the same soul living in the same space. She's not even a real corpse, only an animated clay-doll. What is it with people not understanding that?
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 279
Any time you receive flames of this nature, you NEED to alert an Administrator. And, yes, when someone reviews telling you how to write your story, that is viewed (here, at least) as a flame.
We have ways of finding out who our anonymous reviewers are, or blocking them. I will take the appropriate action with this flame - remember flames are a violation of our Rules/ToS!!!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 60
You can actually find this anonymous reviewer? O.O Wiccan, I think I have just fallen in LOVE with you! <3 I actually didn't think it was possible and only ranted here because I wanted feedback from other members to inform me if my Kikyo coming back to life scenario was plausible or not.
I have had similar reviews before from legit members who tried to tell me how to write this story but I didn't know they were 'real' flames and just dissatisfied readers telling me they would prefer a different scenario... I was able to stop that in it's tracks (courteously mind you!).
Thank you, Wiccan! *showers you with hugs* Did I mention how much you're my hero right now? ^^
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 279
Just as a further note, I have located the person who left that review... they have been warned that their account will be banned and their IP address blocked from our site if they leave reviews like that ever again.
We do NOT mess around with flamers!
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 60
How did you... And that fast..?
*bows down to the almighty Wiccan* You is my hero *-*
Okay. I have just learned a VERY important lesson here. If I even THINK I am being flamed, I am running to my new hero Wiccan to save the day lol
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 279
BelovedStranger wrote:
How did you... And that fast..?
*bows down to the almighty Wiccan* You is my hero *-*
Okay. I have just learned a VERY important lesson here. If I even THINK I am being flamed, I am running to my new hero Wiccan to save the day lol
Actually if you have ANY problems with reviewers, Private Messages, wall posts or anything of the sort, bring it to an Admin and we will handle it. We're good like that!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 60
I feel so grateful for your wonderful (and speedy) assistance, Wiccan, that I want to give you a gift, a new oneshot fanfic dedicated to you. If you'd like one that is ^^ Won't hurt my feelings in the slightest if you decline.
If yes, what would you like to read most? It can be any rated (keep in mind I am not the best with humor >.< Tis my Achilles's heel!). Any ideas on the plot and/or theme? Something fluffy or dramatic or lemony, angst-y, etc?
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 279
How sweet of you to offer!! You really don't have to, though, that's just part of our friendly service here at Dokuga!
I love anything that has a happy ending... I'm a sucker for them. Romance is great and makes me sigh, but I can deal with angst of any sort if there's a silver lining or a rainbow at the end, LOL! Reading here takes me away from my own issues, and I really love escapist stuff. In fact, I've been following "The Perfect Mate" from the start - I'm just not very good at taking the time to review (sorry!).
It's an intriguing story and your solution to the conundrum seemed plausible to me, at least. I've read soooooo much Sess/Kag over the years and yours seems like a very unique solution - I've never seen that connection anywhere else. *I* thought it made sense!
You should do whatever your muse dictates, though. I'm not one to tell an author what *I* want to read - I'd far rather see what pops up! If you feel like writing, write what occurs to you, 'k?
And I'm blushing from all your fulsome praise!
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
I just read the latest chapter and i can't wait for the next one! Anyways i would say your reasoning would be very correct i kinda thought of it as a form of fusion or fission and with the fact that both miko and youkai energy are inherently magical it seems to fit as it can change matter how ever it sees fit and provide the needed energy. As for the flamers i never understand why reviewers try to tell the author how to write they story, if they want it to go another direction then they can write their own. The whole idea behind fanfiction is that you go outside of the boundaries of the original story and make it the way YOU want it not how someone else wants it. Granted there is nothing wrong with asking the audiences opinion for ideas on where to go but other than that the story should go as the author intended. Thats why i enjoy reading fanfiction so much the variations of characters i already know are endless by simply doing things a little or even drastically altering things for a new perspective.
P.S. sorry about the rant
Last Edit: 2014/08/24 03:47 By Aniroth.
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 3
I honestly love the story! Sorry if I don't lead any reviews! But I like your idea, which it does make sense, since they share the same soul. Kikyo turning into a half-demon would make sense. Anyway you spin this would work too. There's so many ways you could do it. Go where your muse takes you! You have a wonderful idea!
If people don't like it, oh well, your author. All readers should appreciate that author takes time out of their lives to write and post them here or on other sites. We should thankfully authors are willingly to share their stories with us, when you authors don't have too.
Sorry for the rant! I enjoy your stories that you have shared here on dokuga! Your an awesome writer with a brilliant mind. I hope one day I will be up there with you! 
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 57
BelovedStranger wrote:
So, when considering these two ideas, why not combine them? Kikyo is not just a clay body. In the clay is her human remains—ashes and whatever else, perhaps bone fragments, too. Also consider the fact that she is connected to Kagome in a spiritual way. They both possess the same soul. They are sharing it—if unwillingly. Onigumo was human turned demon. So why not play off that since Kikyo’s remains are mixed inside her clay body.
So, ashes + a piece of Kagome’s soul = when Kagome is being forced to transform from a human into a full blooded demon, so will Kikyo.
Powerful demonic energy from three sources, what was leaked from the Jewel, Naraku’s, and Sesshomaru’s, are forcing Kagome’s human body to change. With this idea, it is plausible to think that Kikyo will also feel this affect and transform because they are connected. However, I am playing off the idea that it takes a lot of energy to do this and Kikyo only has a small portion of Kagome’s soul and her body is clay mixed with her ashes, which leads me to think she can only change so much. Not only is her ashes restored to living flesh but she turns into a half-demon.
And presto! An answer to my conundrum for a plausible recourse for Kikyo coming back to life in truth and becoming a demon, well half-demon in this case. This sounds plausible to me. What I am wondering if it sounds plausible to everyone else.
I find this very plausible, although I wonder if you've considered the social aspects of this idea. Kikyou being what she is, a literal corpse reanimated is a walking example of the desecration of the dead through magic. She would likely be feared by ordinary humans, viewed with anxiety by youkai, and probably be hunted by Monk and Miko alike to cleanse the sin of her being revived this way.
If she were to change into a hanyou via her spiritual association with Kagome, who would change as well, they would probably both be hunted again. Monk and Miko might think that their association is both unnatural and a corruption because of the youki involved in the change. The addition of Kikyou's unnatural state of being aka as a walking clay zombie wouldn't make it any easier socially either.
Youkai too would be uncomfortable with the idea that a Miko, being their natural foes, could evolve into being youkai too.
Humans might think such Miko corrupted by youki as well.
So you have a whole conflict culturally and socially and spiritually there as well.
I'd foresee civil war at the very least or a great deal of trouble for Sesshy and the Western Lands as a whole afterward.
~ Pyre
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 60
*phew* Perhaps I shouldn't have worried over much then if you guys also think my idea is plausible. Thank you for sharing your thoughts ^^ It's very much appreciated.
Pyreite has a very good point though. I MIGHT just have to make a sequel to this story. After I complete a few other fanfics of mine, of course lol I have many incomplete stories at present, so I'm going to hold off on that thought. Plus, I'm not sure if people are getting...tired of this story. I mean it IS pretty darn long, much longer than I thought it would be. But I'm proud of what it has become 
Last Edit: 2014/08/24 21:49 By belovedstranger.
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Re:The conundrum of Kikyo: Life or Death? 10 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 62
The idea does sound plausible indeed. I love your story The Perfect Mate, btw.
Last Edit: 2014/08/25 11:49 By silentsoliloquy82.
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