Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 9
I know I shouldn't, but I am in need of some venting. Now I love reviews. Even the negative ones, telling me there are errors, or the plot is hard to follow, I adore those. It is those reviews that helped me become a better writer, and gain confidence. Of course my favorite are always the positive reviews, but it would be dishonest to say otherwise.
There are reviews that I instantly make my blood boil. Those are the reviews telling me how I should have written it instead. Not grammatically, but concerning the actual storyline. For example, the below review was posted on ff.net that made me want to scream.
Seriously? You made him evil? That sooooo doesn't work. You should have had him be much calmer, cuz he makes a better hero that way. And Kagome needs to be stronger too. She should weild a sword like him. I hate when people make her physically weaker than Sesshomaru. (And this isn't the whole review, the rest made me too mad, and this was the "nicest" portion. If I included the other part, Wiccan would yell at me for the inevitable language that would follow. So to save my hide, and save Wiccan from having to get angry, I decided not to post it)
Now, this is may just be me, but I tend to try to keep the characters fairly close to how they were written. That is not to say I have anything against it at all, there are a few stories with a bamf Kagome that I adore, its just not for my story. There are even stories where I have a soft Sesshomaru (Keeping Faith). See, I vary from the norm a little...!
Does anyone else get super intensely irritated when someone tells you how you SHOULD write your story? Gives you the plotline that you SHOULD follow? Or am I just spitting fire over nothing? Now I know I should just ignore these... but this person posted a review like this on Every. Fracking. Chapter. or Every. Single. Story. I have on FF.Net. My patience just... didn't win.
To ALL my reviewers here, though, I adore you  Even if they were not positive, I have taken into account each and every one, and I find that most often you are correct in your correction
But the FF.Net reviewers... man sometimes I want to take down all my stories.
Last Edit: 2014/07/18 09:54 By CaleesciK.
I claimed the Shikon no Tama in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 279
Yet another reason we have the rules we do for reviews.
Yes, folks, we not only have tons of rules for authors, but we have rules for reviewers too!!
The people who started this site, Miss Kagura and Demonlordlover, were both authors. They knew what they DIDN'T like when it came to stories and reviews, and those things were part of the driving force behind Dokuga. They wanted a site where the stories were (for the most part) well-written, readable, and properly categorized & rated. They wanted a site where authors would get CONSTRUCTIVE feedback, not the run-of-the-mill "you should have made him this way and her that way" subjective nonsense.
True, your review numbers aren't as high here. Still, I would hope that at least SOME of our authors receive true reviews from people who either truly enjoyed their story or took the time to point out areas for improvement.
I would be remiss, though, if I didn't take this opportunity to remind our readers that we DO have rules for reviews, and they can be found both in our Rules/ToS and here:
I'm sorry that your reviewers on ff.net are driving you up a wall, Caleesci, but I'm VERY glad that your reviewers here are offering you constructive feedback!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 37
I really do understand where you are coming from and can feel your frustrations. Someone posted a review for a story that I am writing telling me pretty much the same things that you have described. However, she took it a step further saying that my story sucks and I should have written it this way; and I mean that she wrote a paragraph in her review explaining the plot that she thinks that I should have written.
To say that I was upset is putting it mildly because she was rude and obnoxious. Anyway, didn't care for the feed-backs and had asked one of the moderators to delete them, in which they did and that ended the drama. Reviews can be a very useful tool or a destructive force if an author isn't as confident in their efforts as they could be. My advice to anyone who wishes to leave a review is that you can critique doing it nicely or please don't do it at all. 
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 0
I write in a different fandom on FF.Net (only one) and have done so for years. I, too, try to stick as closely to the characters as they were written and still have my story lines work. I have a fairly decent following that understands I only post rough drafts by choice. They know I write seriously in real life and my fanfic is me letting free with my creativity without having to follow the rules for a change. I'm very honored they accept my work for what it is.
That being said, I have the same issue with reviewers as you have and have had from the start. I don't mind constructive criticism and I don't even mind a reader taking fault with my character portrayals as long as they aren't rude about it.
Unfortunately, reviewers on that site can be unnecessarily rude as guest reviewers. I let it get to me once in my early days. I pulled down 20+ stories and destroyed over a million words of some good work. I didn't think much about it at the time since I was never writing fanfiction again. I've regretted it ever since. The truly sad part is I let a couple of persistent reviewers like you're talking about get in my head when I shouldn't have. They weren't even 1% of my reviewers even if they did appear on all of my stories saying the exact same thing. Please don't let some ugly people drive you to pulling your work down.
They're the ones with the problem. I should know. I've had a "review stalker" for a couple of years who pops up on my stories with the same comment, "Your characters are wooden, etc." over and over again. If that were true, I wouldn't have the following I do. She always leaves a guest review with her name on it and no way to contact her. I finally deleted one of her reviews and she called me out as a coward for doing it. I've never deleted any of her reviews (or anyone elses)before this one which was just plain rude!!!
In response, I wrote an A/N very politely reminding my readers that while I love every one of them and I'm honored they choose to read me, that I write these stories for fun as an escape from my novels. I thanked them for reading and supporting me. I reminded them they mean the world to me. I then politely invited anyone who didn't enjoy my stories to exercise their freedom of choice and read something they like better! I'd feel better if they didn't waste their time on me. I also called my "stalker" out by name and let her know that that one review was the only one I've ever deleted in four years of writing fanfic. I did it because she was unnecessarily rude! I ended by telling her perhaps it's easy to be nasty and hurtful when she knows she'll never meet the person she's writing to!
While I don't recommend anyone do that,and if you do you're kind about it, my outpouring of support was phenomenal. It reminded me I don't truly write for myself; but, also for the people who enjoy my stories.
As fanfic writers on FF.Net, one of the most important things we need to remember is there are people on that site who seem to make it their life's work to spread their negativity. No matter how good the story is or how well it's written, they live to spread their poisonous sunshine. Most of them leave their name on a guest review so you know it's them; but, give you no means to respond which only makes it worse because you feel impotent to protect the baby that's been so brutally attacked. There's really nothing we can do about it except consider the source, delete the review if we want to, and try to ignore them. If it gets too much, write a nice A/N and politely call them out. Let them know while you appreciate their POV, you're the writer and you decide how the story will be written then do your best to ignore them if they don't take the hint.
I hope it helps to know you aren't alone.
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 47
You're not alone. I get irritated when I get reviews like that, too. If they are written nicely, where it is clear that the reviewer is just expressing his/her opinion, rather than acting as if I am supposed to customize my story just to fit my audience's expectations (as opposed to writing the story I want to write), I'll generally ignore it. But when I have obnoxious reviews like the one you had, I take the time to write a reply (if possible), usually with a cheery, if not a little snarky, tone that explains I will write my story however I want.
There was one time I got annoyed because someone commented on one of my stories that Kagome was a Mary Sue. I don't remember my exact reply, but it started out something like, "The dreaded Mary Sue! *Clutches hand to chest.*" The reviewer wrote back laughing at my hysterics and stating that she didn't mean her comment to some across negatively.
Then I get some reviews where I just want to write back, "Umm . . . did you even read the story/chapter?"
Like you, these experiences are ones that I have had on ff.net. I think part of the issue is that there are so many more people on that site, compared to smaller ones like Dokuga. With that bigger population reading your stories and not as many enforced restrictions on reviews, you're going to get a lot more people who feel the need to make ridiculous and/or demanding comments just because they can.
I tagged . . . err, claimed Sesshoumaru's cute, elfin ears in the Dokuga Claiming Game
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 8
Been there. I used to write on FF.net but stopped after some rudely written reviews and private messages saying similar things. It's amazing what reviewers (especially anonymous!) will say in order to try and have an author write what they think should be say or done. To those rude demands, I would generally ignore them, but there was one or two that were so obnoxious I had to reply with the (snarky, I will admit) comment that if they felt they could do a better job and had the time to lay out not only the plot but how the characters should act then perhaps they would also have the time to make their own story.
I try to keep the characters true, but it doesn't always work, especially if your plot is going somewhere where say like a more mature Kagome is needed in order to deal with the events taking place. Its not easy writing, even more so when you have petty comments telling you that your story "sucks". I'm thankful to all the positive feedback on dokuga 
There is a darker side in all of us that needs to be appeased...
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 57
Yah I've gotten a few reviews like that. One wasn't too bad, it was actually very polite, but it ran along the lines of 'Could you have Kagome do this like in the story by author *********, 'cause it was real awesome'.
I didn't mind it so much, but all I could think was 'Thanks, but I am not going to commit plagiarism to satisfy one reader'.
Additionally I had another review that was more critical, but not too bad highlighting the reader's opinion but very rudely. It was Anonymous so I deleted it, not so much for the wording, but because all I could think was 'And that was fairly obvious it would happen in the story, which means if you're offended, why read and or review?'
I don't understand sometimes.
I've also been criticised for writing something very romantic, but not writing any actual lemonade to go along with it as a side-dish. The story was rated M not MA since I don't write MA, and there are plenty of authors who do. I was more amused than offended, but it is interesting to see that some of my readers read for the lovey-dovey'ness minus the clothes. I had to write a polite PM and state I did not write lemons, and the responses was along the lines of 'But you can still write and post them it doesn't matter how dirty they are'.
It was enough to make me blush.  .
I don't mind reviews that ask for updates, since I only ever update when I can or as interest prevails anyway. So that's all to the good or not so much for my readers waiting for an update. XD.
Sorry! R.L comes first peeps!
I did get one review that was confusing, which entailed a link to a Sess x Kagura blog somewhere. I was like 'WTF?' Although out of curiosity I did click the link to the blog, and was showered with reasons why Sesshy is better off with Kagura than Rin or Kagome. I guess they didn't like my OTP which is entirely the fault of Dokuga.
Sesshy x Kagome is yah, the best.
Chin up peeps!
I know that some reviews make you want to boil your innards, but really only the good ones and the constructive ones are worth paying attention too. The rest, meh, if it's flames than ignore them. The reviewer is just trying to goad you into a reaction, it's even more amusing when they fail to sign under their usernames, which is common on FFNet.
~ Pyre
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 60
Reviews are lovely, especially when you're told you're doing a great job and other such high praise, but I do enjoy helpful criticism. If I accidentally made grammatical errors or some how deviated from characterization or plot, then I would REALLY like to know cause I obviously hadn't caught such mistakes myself. However, when people complain and demand an author to change the plot how they want it to be without their comments being helpful criticism really irks me. If they aren't cowards and comment as a guest, I let them know that if they want a story to go how they desire than they can write their own fanfiction and stop reading mine.
However, I rarely get such reviews, but it does happen T.T Even once is too many times. I've had this problem on FF.net but very slightly on Dokuga as well. >.> I was told it wasn't flames, but when someone tries to demand, even gets upset when I pitch the story one way and not how they would prefer, I think it is unnecessary and rude. It's my story, not theirs. *le sigh* Tis the bane of any author's existence to get a review that is neither supportive or constructive.
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 62
I am very sorry hear that, but please don't ever stop writing.  I wrote several short stories in the DBZ fandom on ff.net many years ago, but luckily the reviews were only positive. I rarely give constructive criticism on stories, though, because there are others that do a much better job at it than me.
Last Edit: 2014/07/19 11:49 By silentsoliloquy82.
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 17
I did get one review that was confusing, which entailed a link to a Sess x Kagura blog somewhere. I was like 'WTF?' Although out of curiosity I did click the link to the blog, and was showered with reasons why Sesshy is better off with Kagura than Rin or Kagome. I guess they didn't like my OTP which is entirely the fault of Dokuga.
That was because your story had Sesshomaru and Rin in the character tags, in if you noted it was SessKag. That person is an infamous spammer and troll in the SessRin fandom, and a complete pairing nazi.
Gah,  that person makes flames spit from my ears.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 57
Wunderberry wrote:
That was because your story had Sesshomaru and Rin in the character tags, in if you noted it was SessKag. That person is an infamous spammer and troll in the SessRin fandom, and a complete pairing nazi.
Gah, that person makes flames spit from my ears.
XD LOL, I know what you mean. They are quite prolific from being on FFNet to Deviant too. I couldn't believe it at first, not that I read the blog post anyway. Meh, I just blocked them on FFNet. LOL, is that why? XD! It does make sense, I tend to stuff as many Inu chars besides Sesshy and Kags into the character tags on FFNet. It's pure laziness anyway. Although I still don't understand why they posted that blog link since I don't read or write Kagura x Sesshy, or Rin x Sesshy. >.>. And I only read like two sentences of said blog before closing the page.
For me, if you can't justify something in like a sentence, I'm not gonna read the rest of the forty pages of reasons after.
~ Pyre
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 62
Wunderberry wrote:
I did get one review that was confusing, which entailed a link to a Sess x Kagura blog somewhere. I was like 'WTF?' Although out of curiosity I did click the link to the blog, and was showered with reasons why Sesshy is better off with Kagura than Rin or Kagome. I guess they didn't like my OTP which is entirely the fault of Dokuga.
That was because your story had Sesshomaru and Rin in the character tags, in if you noted it was SessKag. That person is an infamous spammer and troll in the SessRin fandom, and a complete pairing nazi.
Gah, that person makes flames spit from my ears.
Oh dear. One of those, hm? *sighs* I am glad you guys handle it as well as you do. 
Last Edit: 2014/07/19 12:01 By silentsoliloquy82.
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 9
Dear everyone,
I am so glad I am not alone! Well I am not GLAD, but I do feel better knowing my annoyance is justified. In truth, I do not get many bad reviews, but it seems that if I do get one, it is an obnoxiously bad one. I went and removed this person's reviews. She posted a review to every single chapter of each story on ff.net. So it took me a good 40 minutes to delete them. I log in to my email and had 67 emails from FF.net! She REPOSTED a review to each chapter of each story, and them SPAM mailed my account calling me names the rules say I can't repeat here.
I won't lie, my natural response is to tell her off, but I (for once) practiced the whole "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" bit. Quite proud of myself. It's not often my temper and patience lose out to better judgement. I did delete all her reviews... again. If she wants to keep popping onto my story and reviewing, that's okay. It makes the read counter increase which makes me feel better.
I wish they could make a reply button that instantly sent this to flamers:
Last Edit: 2014/07/19 17:21 By CaleesciK.
I claimed the Shikon no Tama in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 279
If this person continues to harass you, I would suggest taking screenshots of her PMs and reviews, then sending them to ff.net. That, if I recall correctly, is against their ToS and can be grounds for profile ban.
Just a thought if he/she/it keeps it up!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 47
Caleesci wrote:
Dear everyone,
I am so glad I am not alone! Well I am not GLAD, but I do feel better knowing my annoyance is justified. In truth, I do not get many bad reviews, but it seems that if I do get one, it is an obnoxiously bad one. I went and removed this person's reviews. She posted a review to every single chapter of each story on ff.net. So it took me a good 40 minutes to delete them. I log in to my email and had 67 emails from FF.net! She REPOSTED a review to each chapter of each story, and them SPAM mailed my account calling me names the rules say I can't repeat here.
I won't lie, my natural response is to tell her off, but I (for once) practiced the whole "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all!" bit. Quite proud of myself. It's not often my temper and patience lose out to better judgement. I did delete all her reviews... again. If she wants to keep popping onto my story and reviewing, that's okay. It makes the read counter increase which makes me feel better. 
I wish they could make a reply button that instantly sent this to flamers:
Wow, this person has way too much time on his/her hands to go through all of your stories again, leave new reviews, and send you PMs.
I'll admit that if I were in your shoes, my first reaction would be to write a reply like, "If you don't like my stories, don't read them. Go and write your own." But I get the feeling that that would just be the beginning of a downward spiral with a person like this. Reporting her/him for harassment would be the best option if this nonsense keeps up. Good luck.
I tagged . . . err, claimed Sesshoumaru's cute, elfin ears in the Dokuga Claiming Game
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 62
LMFAO@the raspberry face. Where did you find that, Caleesci? 
Last Edit: 2014/07/21 20:24 By silentsoliloquy82.
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 17
Pyreite wrote:
Wunderberry wrote:
That was because your story had Sesshomaru and Rin in the character tags, in if you noted it was SessKag. That person is an infamous spammer and troll in the SessRin fandom, and a complete pairing nazi.
Gah, that person makes flames spit from my ears.
XD LOL, I know what you mean. They are quite prolific from being on FFNet to Deviant too. I couldn't believe it at first, not that I read the blog post anyway. Meh, I just blocked them on FFNet. LOL, is that why? XD! It does make sense, I tend to stuff as many Inu chars besides Sesshy and Kags into the character tags on FFNet. It's pure laziness anyway. Although I still don't understand why they posted that blog link since I don't read or write Kagura x Sesshy, or Rin x Sesshy. >.>. And I only read like two sentences of said blog before closing the page.
For me, if you can't justify something in like a sentence, I'm not gonna read the rest of the forty pages of reasons after.
~ Pyre
The essays aren't even hers, they belong to another prolific anti-SessRin person, though a lot of people have speculated that they're one in the same.
Yeah, I got 'em blocked too and I think a lot of other SessRin shippers do to. I've been thinking about asking her how often she finds she's blocked from posting a review.
But that's off-topic.
Oh dear. One of those, hm? *sighs* I am glad you guys handle it as well as you do.
Yeah, there was a bit of outrage at first but then every collectively sighed and started rolling their eyes. She's old news now. She's managed her way onto fanficrants though so she's got a bit of infamy.
If this person continues to harass you, I would suggest taking screenshots of her PMs and reviews, then sending them to ff.net. That, if I recall correctly, is against their ToS and can be grounds for profile ban.
Just a thought if he/she/it keeps it up!
All you can really do with anon review on FF is delete them. You can't report them or anything; only if they have an account. And anyway, it's FF, even if you reported their account it would be forever and a millennium before anything is actually done about it.
Since I'm still posting I feel as if I should comment on the actual topic here. Sorry about what your dealing with. Recently I got one on a story I have up on FF saying Rin sounded egotistical to her and she couldn't get past chapter 4(these are all 300 word chapters). I just rose an eyebrow and deleted the review since it was posted anon.
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 78
Since I've started using this new (to me) computer, which brings up all kind of news stories, I've been noticing this kind of behavior a lot. I know the stories will be shallow and badly researched and poorly written, but from time to time I can't resist clicking on one! The readers' comments tend to be a lot more interesting than the so-called "news story", but always, always after a few legitimate comments, they degenerate into this totally juvenile name-calling and taunting, and the same repeat idiots show up again and again. I looked at a forum on Amazon, and the same thing was taking place there, as well. I wish this only happened on the internet, but this total lack of manners is becoming more common in the real world, as well. It's like a whole lot of people never advanced emotionally beyond their Junior High level. I know it can hurt, when it's aimed at YOU, but to me, it seems like a truly alarming trend, societally speaking. Are more people becoming mean, or has the internet empowered a very small portion of the population who craved a larger audience for their dysfunction to make themselves seem ubiquitous, in the manner of the Wizard of Oz?
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 9
I don't think people are necessarily becoming more cruel, but I do believe that people are acting much more on their "right to opinion." Especially when they believe it cannot be tied back to them, they can post what they truly think. I think a lot of these readers are ones that have to have a character a certain way, and when this varies, even if it may be a very slight variance, they view it as wrong. A large majority of my negative reviews on FF included some form of: "Sesshomaru is not a bad guy! or I hate when people make Sesshomaru kill!" I often scoff at these ones, because they clearly did not read/watch the manga/anime.
However when I get reviews that are pulling apart the plot because they have a different view, those ones tend to get under my skin. The original person I posted about has since been blocked, and thankfully she hasn't felt the need to post anonymously.
@silentsoliloquy82: Isn't that thing great? I just googled it to be honest. It cheered me up. I contemplated sending it to her, but then I decided I was going to be an adult. But I thought it would be fun to share 
I claimed the Shikon no Tama in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 57
Caleesci wrote:
I don't think people are necessarily becoming more cruel, but I do believe that people are acting much more on their "right to opinion." Especially when they believe it cannot be tied back to them, they can post what they truly think.
Yeah I totally agree. It's the anonymity that draws folks in, and since the internet is like a playground that's considered to be not an official part of the real world, people tend to go wild. I've seen all manner of craziness in various online communities, never here on Dokuga, and it doesn't really surprise me.
I mean if you're posting derogatory this or that and insulting people it just shows how immature you really are.
If you post intelligently by using constructive criticism, and explain why you feel a certain way, without insulting someone, you might actually be taken seriously.
It makes perfect sense to me, but then I tend to spend fifteen minutes writing my reviews, in which I gush about how awesome a story is, or explain what I found seemed to be lacking.
Most of the time, I am actually more likely to be in the 'awesome' department squeeing incoherently like a bazillion more fan-grrls, or fan-bois.
I find it very hard to be constructive or critical when I'm hip-deep in awesomeness, and usually leads me to drooling over Sesshy being Sesshy-tastic.
I blame Dokuga for my Sess x Kag addictions.
I also blame wonderful authors like MissKat for getting me hooked on their fabulous stories, and inevitably inducing such fangrrly excitement in my brain that I have to spend fifteen minutes writing a review, or ten.
~ Pyre
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 5
I actually had to look up my login for Dokuga to come over and comment on this thread as I've been away for so long.
Oh, I so feel your pain, trust me! However, I'm also going to say if any of you lot think it's bad in Inuyasha with a few select 'special ones', write Harry Potter slash and do something to Draco that his die-hard fans don't like, then watch yourself end up deluged by screaming reviews. What you're mentioning is nothing compared to some of those that are such die-hard fans that they are of the mindset Draco is just a misunderstood and misjudged little boy that people just need to give a chance. *snickersnortgrin* The flames of hell are nice compared to what you get if you do that! Trust me, this I know. It's gotten so bad I have to actually put warnings up on stories that I'm doing something some might not like to Draco even though what I'm doing was in the stupid books! Even then I get screaming reviews. One even excused what he did by disobeying Voldemort, blaming Lucius and Narcissa for it. Sorry, when your father, mother and Voldemort himself tells you not to do something at the age of 15-16 and you don't listen, it's your fault, not your parents! I actually just did a major epic rant on this topic, among others, on my FB page this week because of it. *grins*
As someone who is dealing with just such an issue on one story, every flipping chapter I put out no less (why you would keep reading something you hate and drives you into fits of anger with each chapter is so beyond me, but that's another topic entirely), I can safely say you did the right thing. Since before the turn of this century, when AOL was still an ISP, there has been a saying; don't feed the trolls. It holds true for these kinds of people as well. Don't feed them. Ignore them, delete the anon reviews and move on with your life. The more you engage, the more you just egg them on. If it gets too bad, turn off the option to anon review then start blocking.
You need to remember that Inuyasha, like Harry Potter, is an older fandom. In some of the older fandoms, what is standard fanfic cliched fodder sometimes gets lost in what was actually in the books, movies, anime, manga, whatever. Some only saw the Inuyasha anime a couple of times, became entranced then delved into fanfiction, so they don't always get what was there and what wasn't. Even if they watched the anime a few times, they don't realize how cleaned up and, in some areas, different it was from the manga, especially the uncensored Japanese version. So, they go by 'what was always there in stories' and assumed it to be fact. If you move away from that, especially keeping a character, well, in character from what they were in the anime or manga and that doesn't jibe with fanfiction, expect screaming (the screaming gets louder when you're talking fans of Draco, trust me LMAO).
I also do agree with what was said about the internet culture and how they feel they can vent their spleen on anyone with no consequences to their actions because of the anonymity of the internet. This has gradually gotten worse over the last few years and they don't expect consequences for anything they do or say. The things that were drilled into our heads, well, most of us anyway—you wonder about some, about being polite and keeping some bits to ourselves (the adage of if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all bit) has become lost. They feel, because they are super-offended, you have to sit there and listen to them because, gosh darn-it, they are special and you have to do it their way. They don't get it isn't that way.
My only other suggestion is, going in, you post a big, huge author's note of this is my sandbox, I get to force the characters to play how I want and you don't get a voice in the matter. While it won't stop them, you have something to refer the worst of the offenders to. They just block them. No one, anywhere, says you are forced to sit and take abuse because your view of characters doesn't match anyone else's. That's what it comes down to with people like this. And do it. Then keep on doing it. Eventually, they do stop. Or they find one of my Harry Potter stories and go after me... 
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 9
Speedy, I agree with everything your wrote. I have not written for HP, but I can see people getting positively heated over those characters. They were pretty much part of our culture for almost a decade.
I have been debating on moving to a less popular fandom to try my hand at different types of characters, but have yet to make a decision.
I claimed the Shikon no Tama in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 62
Pyreite wrote:
Caleesci wrote:
I don't think people are necessarily becoming more cruel, but I do believe that people are acting much more on their "right to opinion." Especially when they believe it cannot be tied back to them, they can post what they truly think.
Yeah I totally agree. It's the anonymity that draws folks in, and since the internet is like a playground that's considered to be not an official part of the real world, people tend to go wild. I've seen all manner of craziness in various online communities, never here on Dokuga, and it doesn't really surprise me.
I mean if you're posting derogatory this or that and insulting people it just shows how immature you really are.
If you post intelligently by using constructive criticism, and explain why you feel a certain way, without insulting someone, you might actually be taken seriously.
It makes perfect sense to me, but then I tend to spend fifteen minutes writing my reviews, in which I gush about how awesome a story is, or explain what I found seemed to be lacking.
Most of the time, I am actually more likely to be in the 'awesome' department squeeing incoherently like a bazillion more fan-grrls, or fan-bois.
I find it very hard to be constructive or critical when I'm hip-deep in awesomeness, and usually leads me to drooling over Sesshy being Sesshy-tastic.
I blame Dokuga for my Sess x Kag addictions.
I also blame wonderful authors like MissKat for getting me hooked on their fabulous stories, and inevitably inducing such fangrrly excitement in my brain that I have to spend fifteen minutes writing a review, or ten.
~ Pyre
 You sound so much like me, Pyreite. One of my latest reviews was this, "WOW! That was hot, hot, hot, and more hot. I have no other words for it at this moment. O///O."
Last Edit: 2014/07/26 01:57 By silentsoliloquy82.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Reviews 10 Years, 7 Months ago
Karma: 57
silentsoliloquy82 wrote:
You sound so much like me, Pyreite. One of my latest reviews was this, "WOW! That was hot, hot, hot, and more hot. I have no other words for it at this moment. O///O."
I know right? XD! You just can't help it. I mean your brain just kind of freezes like an iceblock and all you can do is think over and over is 'Such an awesome story, what do I say in the review, what?' XD! It's actually quite nerve-wracking sometime writing reviews. I have difficulty myself disconnecting my brain from my Auto-Fangrrl response. I want to wave pompoms and squeal happily, not think in a straight line and be all intelligent and critical in a review.
I have melted into a puddle of goo and actually written more of the former reviews than the latter too.
It's almost shameful.
But if the story is so good, like a piece of delicious chocolate for the eyeballs, you can't help but be a fangrrl or a fanboi in your reviews!
It's just impossible not to be!
~ Pyre
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