Let me assure you, first, that all money donated to the site is used to keep the site online.
Our site hosting costs $2,808 for ONE YEAR. That is on a server that affords the site enough space for all that we have on our server. This is with a hosting company that is the most responsive I've ever dealt with. Unlike this site's predecessor, A Single Spark, this site has a consistently excellent record of uptime. This money pays ONLY to host our site with this company.
Our chat hosting, which we really will need to review, costs almst $300 a year. Even if you don't use the chat feature, we have many others who do, and who gladly donate to keep that feature active.
Thus, this site needs a total of $3,108 JUST TO STAY ONLINE.
Our site personnel
Mitharus, our tech guru, DONATES HIS TIME. I find it incredibly unfair to insinuate that he doesn't handle what this site needs done merely because your favored browser doesn't work well with our site. Frankly, there are dozens of browsers available - and many of them MUCH better than Internet Exploder (oops, my prejudice is showing, lol!).
I am sorry that your favored browser does not interface well with this site. The fact remains, however, that we do not have the funds to completely re-do this site JUST to make it work with ONE browser. Mitharus does what he can to patch the site to fix the bugs we encounter with Internet Explorer, but I will not infringe on his goodwill and free time to any further extent. We are incredibly lucky to have him helping us and I, for one, am extremely grateful that he's been able to address as many issues as he has!
So, please, do not make any further inferences that the donations to this site are misused merely because the site does not work well with your browser. I find it somewhat offensive to those who donate so much of their free time and work so hard to keep this place available to its members.

PS - It's almost that time again... time for our annual fundraising! Please consider carefully what I've said here when deciding whether or not Dokuga is worthy of your hard-earned funds.