So, some of ya may have noticed that anonymous comments have been disabled on the site for Fanfiction/Fanart.... Yup, that was done. *nod*
Now though... We have "Anonymous Comments v2.0". Basically, it's the same anonymous comments that you've all grown to loathe (or love?.. whichever), but you dear authors (*authors only ... artists need not apply; artists are slated for version Three dot Oh*), can control if you want to allow the wide masses of the internet to have the ability to leave an anonymous comment, or be registered with the site.
In the 'Properties' section of your stories, you'll find an 'Allow Anonymous Comments' check box. Please, read the fine print underneath. Selecting that will auto-magically make it so anonymous comments will work. Yeah! So magical eh? And you can even allow / disallow without harming the comments that are already there too! Bonus!
Err... Holler if ya'll run into any problems.