Unless someone knows someone conversant with Joomla! who could look into the site coding, I fear we have no real way of fixing the problems plaguing the site. I don't code. I don't know anyone who does. Mitharus has no time or expertise to fix whatever is causing the trouble.
I continue to pay the site hosting all by myself because there is no way to run a fundraiser (in which I'd have to send PMs to everyone) with the site mail problems we're having. It's probably a matter of time before the whole thing collapses under the weight of its outdated software.
I'm so sorry. I wish I was better able to address the problems myself, or hire someone to do so, but I don't even have the first clue where to FIND someone capable of doing so!
If anyone wishes to reach me, please use my comcast email rather than site PMs, as they are not reaching me. The addy is:
Again, my deepest apologies for letting things get to this point. I'm just not sure what else I could have done, or even could do now.