I actually had to find my password to post this so... LOL
First, the issue isn't the site. It's coming up clear on almost everything out there. Nothing but the FREE versions of AVG and Avast are chucking it up. I had the same problem up until about midnight tonight. Even putting in the exclusion wouldn't get the AV to let me through, chucking the messages to me.
All right--
I found a couple threads on Avasts forum for this. I read through them and certainly didn't like the condescending and sarcastic tone of them supposed tech support fool. So, I didn't point out anything there (Mith, Wiccan has the one thread for you to see what they are saying. It's bunk, of course, but you'll see what they are yammering about).
Rather than do the dance of the stupid with people I have more knowledge than (the fix this fool gave for some other issues I already know doesn't work because I tried it with a Chrome problem. The fix that did, he didn't seem to know. Double strike there and I'm not playing with them). So, I
called them at their number.
They didn't like me

No, I don't scream, shout or curse, but they didn't like what I had to say.
I'm not dumb, I've done troubleshooting for AV's and all the nasty junk out there since Win 95 and know what I'm doing then how to fix problems. I ran them through everything, including I've sent off the reports they want. I also pointed out that the only two programs chucking issues are the
free versions of Avast and AVG. Rather negates their condescending and attitude laced forum bunk. I also pointed out that this issue has been going on for days now and Avast can't deign to reply to anyone on the topic and has done nothing to fix the issue on their end. That is where the problem is. I also pointed out that programs
they suggest on their forum to fix issues are showing no issue. As anyone would expect, I just got bluster and BS in return. In the end, the woman I dealt with said to send a ticket in to get it reviewed. I pointed out, I
had, multiple times a day since the issue presented itself. She said send another. So, Mith, you might want to nail them but good with one. Here is the URL...
About midway down the page, left hand side is send a ticket for it.
On my end, the problem is solved. I uninstalled it and went to Comodo (another free one that is about the highest rated out there). I also made it clear as glass that I was done with Avast and uninstalling because I will not put up with this bunk from an AV that wants to blame everything in the world but themselves.
I know many like Avast and it's good, but this might be the only way. Comodo (no, it's not a misspelling) is only one of may free AVs out there. You can easily find another and it'll work. If something is giving you this much of the runaround when they have had it reported repeatedly and proven it's not an issue, you might want to change. Especially since no one can seem to convince anyone from Avast there isn't a problem. They want to blame Joomla, LiquidWeb, how old some of whatever is (I pointed out in the phonecall if the age and outdated software was triggering the warning, plenty of other sites would get blocked as well and named them, another bit they couldn't counter) and anything
but themselves. You don't want to deal with a company that does that. Because when it comes down to you needing help and the issue is their software, you won't get it either.