Hi!! I've been doing sum reading here lately but there are two stories I can't seem to find

if someone would be so kind to help me out I would greatly appreciate it!
The first one is kagome helping sesshomaru getting out of an arranged marriage. It was a ten steps theme or had ten steps to get out of an arranged marriage. Before she was taken to his home, sesshomaru help teach her to talk properly, when she goofed or forgotten he kiss her. I'm not sure if the story was ever finished.
The second one is I believe to be completed. Sesshomaru is married to kagome but I'm not sure exactly how the story goes. It is in her future but after one night with her sesshomaru realize she is not a virgin so he tells her to stay in her room until he decides what to do with her. Inuyasha visits to see kagome and apologize on how he treated her now knowing she had a illness before. Sesshomaru now understands why kagome wasn't a virgin but when he goes to see her she doesn't want anything to do with him. Trying to get her in good graces he takes her to a private island he owns to try n woo her. Unfortunately a bad storm comes and while he tries to protect kagome he loses his memory from something that hits his head. That's all I can remember from that story
So if anyone knows a link to the stories I'm searching for I'd be really really happy for ur help.