Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 34
hey guys! I am trying to write a story involving kagome being pregnant. The problem is that I have never been pregnant so I am trying to describe something i have never felt.
I would like some suggestions about what it was like being pregnant.
What made you miserable?
what were your symptoms? (ie cravings, sense of smell)
if you had a problem with your pregnancy what was it and how did it affect you?
did you develop anything from the pregnancy?
What were your fave aspects of being pregnant?
When did your first start to feel the baby kick?
Could you feel if the baby had hiccups and how would you describe it?
basically anything and everything that you could think of to help me make it sound like I know what I am talking about. I really appreciate any help!
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 8
Whoosh, you dont ask for much, haha!
Firstly, every pregnancy is different. My two were polar opposites.
For example, when I was pregnant with my first (my daughter) I couldn't stand the smell of any type of meat. I despised the thought of certain vegetables, like cucumber and I had cravings for freshly baked bread. With my second, (my son) it was cravings for anythimg sweet, and oranges.
Morning sickness makes anyone miserable, it was bad both pregnancies for me, I could hadly keep food or liquids down and spent from my 4th week in until I was 4 months pregnant throwing up. Ginger cookies and peppermint tea helped a little, but I ended up going to the doctor to get medication.
I did have complications with my second pregnancy, I wasn't able to do much in the way of exercising or lifting anything heavy without it backfiring and causing me to go onto bedrest for a couple days after. It sucked.
I developed lactose intolerance in both my pregnancies, and kept it to a degree after.
Favourite thing of being pregnant...hmm, that's a tough one. I definitely loved feeling the movement of my babies, and the knowledge that I was growing a precious part of myself and my husband. I'll keep thinking of what else, its hard to describe all the small details.
I felt my daughter move the first time at 18 weeks, which is normal in a first pregnancy. With my son I felt movement around 15 weeks. It's the sensation of feeling bubbles move across your belly.
Hiccups! Oh those were something else, lol. To describe it...hmm, it would be similar to feeling something popping/jerking motion almost I guess. I could feel it easily in my womb, but my husband was never able to feel the baby hiccup.
There are a lot of things to tell, like how your entire body shifts and changes. Hips widen, your belly grows and expands, your breasts get stretch marks, your skin and hair can go through a greasy stage before clearing, your eyesight can change-especially noticable if you wear glasses or contacts.
First trimester you are sick and tired, second trimester you gain energy and in the third trimester you are back to sick, tired and now sore, haha. There are a ton of things to tell.
Hope this helps, I better stop while I'm ahead!
There is a darker side in all of us that needs to be appeased...
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 34
that was really helpful i appreciate it a lot.
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 8
Not a problem, if I can help with any other questions let me know 
Good luck with your story, I look forwards to reading it.
There is a darker side in all of us that needs to be appeased...
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 9
The previous poster was indeed correct. My pregnancies were beyond awful. My first, I was on medication until 20 weeks, then was on bedrest until my daughter came at 34 weeks.
My second pregnancy... that is a whole different story. I knew I was pregnant because I was sick. I could not stand the the smell of anything. Literally anything with a strong smell made me sick. Even water. I spent the majority of my pregnancy in the hospital, or hooked up to fluids at home. I had a severe case of Hyperemesis Gravidarum. For four months, I could not put a single thing in my mouth. I received food via an IV. NOT fun. I lost 19% of my body weight, half my hair, and all my coloring. I was one sick mama!
On a happier note, both babies are totally healthy, but my second is a bit of a peanut  (she is 10 months old, and my oldest turned 4 today!)
I claimed the Shikon no Tama in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 76
I can totally commiserate with my fellow mothers. My first two pregnancies were beyond awful. However, I was 20/21 when I had them (15 months apart).
I developed Gestational Diabetes with my first one, which I attribute to my bad eating (or lack of eating) habits. I had to eat every 2 hours and could not eat sweets - except for a half of an apple once a day. Being a raving chocolate addict, it just sucked.
I had cravings for Taco Bell burrito supreme's with my 1st one towards the end (okay, I cheated), and could not STAND the smell of meat (any type) with my second one. To this day, the second one would rather not eat meat. Hmm...
Both were cesarean babies - too big for my little body.
However, 8 years later, I had my third and last child. My pregnancy couldn't have been more different with him. No morning sickness (where I had that for the first 6 months with the other 2 - did the medication too which didn't help), felt fantastic, just tired in the first 3 months (which is pretty normal).
This one I craved spicy food like crazy. Funny, he came out with a whole lot of energy, at 5 lbs, 11 oz and I had him naturally (totally unheard of after 2 c-sections).
The hiccups were the worst. I'm sorry, but yes that little flutter is cute at first, but gets to be really annoying after a while. You just want to give it some water to stop already!
Then there where the little appendages that would poke the internal organs and ribs as the fetus gets bigger and you run out of space. My youngest always seemed to find my pelvic bone and push on it - it felt like stretching muscles really tight, and it wasn't fun. Pressure on the bladder had to be the worst because as you get bigger, your bladder can't hold nearly as much.
Ah, the joys of pregnancy!
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 8
I agree with Shisui Uchiha, the appendages going into your ribs was the worst feeling, probably right up there with the head digging into your pelvis...not going to even mention labour.
Hope this isn't going to scare ladies into not having kids, haha, there are definitely ups and downs in a pregnancy, but mostly you just hear about the ups!
There is a darker side in all of us that needs to be appeased...
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 52
I have Three children and let me tell you the first two were a dream compared to my last. But You wanted to know what it feels like to feel the baby move right? Well this might sound a little strange but, rub your finger agents the inside of your cheek. That's about as close as you can get.
My first baby (My Daughter) I didn't really show until just two weeks before I was due than It was like over night, BAM, baby freaked out my Husband. I craved PB&J sandwiches and tea.
My Second baby (1st Son) I got soo huge! gained like 70lbs. My dr. kept looking for a twin! I was over due with this one. His lungs were severly under devloped. When they finily induced (at 11 1/2 months) He got stuck and I had to have a C-section. Man that Sucked! BTW He was the biggest baby born that year! the nurses nic-named him Moose at a whopping 10 1/2lbs 23in him was not a little boy! Don't really understand why I got so big with him thou. All I wanted was fresh fruits and veggies and Milk.
My Last baby (2nd Son) I lost 80lbs with him and developed sezers. I took Jujitsu all throu this pregnancy. My Dr. cleared it so it was ok. But he was supremely ticked that I kept loosing weight. My last month of pregnancy I gained 10lbs and he was mad I wanted nothing but fried food with my last Baby, go figure right? There is a reason that this one was my last. I had to have a c-section with this one too. The eppy didn't work right and I could still feel everything,(ie, cleaning the belly) when I told them that they put me to sleep. I bleed out on the table and they had a hard time controlling the bleeding. they almost lost me there for a time. as a result I can have no more children. But Im not sad I have three beautiful children.
I hope this helps you with your story!
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 279
You NEVER forget being pregnant. I'm almost 60, yet I remember both of mine so vividly!
With my daughter, I had gestational diabetes and gained almost 75 lbs. I had borderline placenta previa (where the placenta is partially over the cervix) and was on restrictions for a couple months until they determined it had shifted slightly. I craved chocolate with a passion... so much so that, in a fit of chocoholic madness, I made what we dubbed triple chocolate pudding. Dark chocolate fudge pudding with melted bittersweet chocolate and cocoa powder. I was huge, ungainly, and uncomfortable for almost the entire time... then delivered her in a record 5 hours from water breaking to holding her. First deliveries are usually a lot longer!
With my son, my pregnancy was a dream - except for the weight gain. Again I gained about 70 lbs., but somehow it wasn't nearly as bad as with my daughter. I had an unreal craving for corned beef sandwiches with Swiss cheese and mustard (and I'd always hated mustard prior to that!). My husband had to convince me that corned beef every day AND night wasn't a good idea, LOL. When I went in for my last check-up with my son, they found I was dilated to a 2 (on a 1 - 10 scale), so they admitted me the next morning to be induced. From the induction to delivery took only 4 hours this time, so it's a good thing they put me in.
I had periods of nausea with both pregnancies, but never real "morning sickness." Just a little queasy, with a lot of heartburn. I had the usual dead tired first trimester, relatively energetic second trimester, and tired, running-to-the-bathroom-every-five-minutes third trimester. The one thing I remember most, aside from my son kicking my crossword puzzle off my stomach at one point, is Braxton-Hicks contractions. I either didn't have them with my daughter or I never noticed them, but they are the WEIRDEST thing I've ever felt. Imagine all your stomach muscles becoming as tight as a bowstring, then just relaxing on their own. No pain, just a rock hard baby belly!
I hope all this sharing helps you understand how very different each pregnancy can be, and that you've found lots of inspiration for your story!

\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"The foolish and the dead alone never change their opinion.\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" - James Russell Lowell 1864
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 56
I've been through 3 pregnancies (the kids are now 19, 8 and 4) Between my first and second pregnancy I was treated for a DVT (blood clot) so it threw the last 2 pregnancies at a higher risk. I could have developed another clot that could have killed me or the baby. Treatment was me giving myself shots of blood thinners twice a day in the lower stomach, until that got too big, then in the thighs.... yeah, there's a reason I didn't go into the medical field (insert cold shiver here)
With all my pregnancies I was an emotional wreck. Happy one minute, crying then yelling the next.
Nausia wasn't too bad except for my first. He made sure I couldn't eat (or even smell) Campbell's chicken noodle soup or sausage gravy for years.
I have found that an irritating thing developed after each pregnancy. I used to never be allergic to any jewelery until after my first was born, then I could only wear gold without having to itch like crazy. After my daughter was born, that allergy went away, then my youngest son was born and the allergy returned. (sigh) Not a big deal, unless you have 3 piercings in one ear and four in the other... then it's irritating.
Everyone else has talked about the baby kicking, but I will tell you I enjoyed the expressions on my 'non-parent' friends faces when the baby would drag their head or foot across the front of my stomach. People would just cringe.
My favorite preggy memory was something my husband told me right before I had my first. When you walk, the baby has a tendancy to sleep, because you are rocking him/her. But when you stop and try to sleep, baby usually wakes up and considers that playtime. My husband, being a night-owl, would see the baby moving while I slept (or the baby would kick him away  ) So he would lay his head down on my stomach gently and talk to the baby... I always thought that was sweet.
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 34
Thank you all for sharing your experiences I truly appreciate it. All this is awesome and you have definitely inspired me to rewrite some of what I have written to make it more believable.
I was wondering. Has anyone ever fainted while pregnant? Or had swelling anywhere? I am trying to think of what could be common or rare. Basically anything and everything I can know. Thank you all!
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 8
No fainting for me thankfully, but I did have several severe dizzy spells.
I had swelling in my ankles and calves in my first prenancy, it was a very hot summer and fall leading up to my due date. Didn't have the swelling so much with my second.
I know that a lot of women swell up in various places in their body because of the water retention, I was lucky only having it in my ankles and calves, and only gaining weight in my belly, despite giving birth to almost 9 and 10 pound babies.
There is a darker side in all of us that needs to be appeased...
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 52
My Feet swelled so bad I thought I was walking with water balloons on my feet for 2 months!...LOL Something fun you could add to your story, when I was preggers with my first son and blew up like a whale, I craved Ice Cream. My Husband would always put it in a glass bowl for me and I would set the bowl right on my tummy. After a few min, baby would shift and kick the bowl trying to get away from the coldness. You know that light trick with a Chicken egg? The one where you hold the egg up to a light and sometimes you can see the chick through the shell? Well If you hold a flash light right up to the skin of your preggo belly the baby will kick at it to get away.
Happy writing!!
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 34
wow that is actually really cool. I think i will add that and I just when i want to...mwahaha! thanks I like that. I am trying to make this pregnancy as realistic as I can. I am definitely gonna include swelling and hiccups.
Which leads me to another question...has anyone been on bed rest? and if so what was the reason I know that someone earlier mentioned they had been. I was thinking of being evil and making Kagome really sick or something not fully decided yet and i was toying with her having to go on bed rest with Sess as a caregiver but i am not sure what would put a pregnant woman on bed rest other than multiples or something.
Anyone have any experience with what caused it or how it felt? Or if you were being driven crazy?
basically i am asking for everything under the sun lol.
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 8
I wasn't put on official bed rest, but my doctor did heavily suggest I take it easy in my second pregnancy when I continually had spotting into my second trimester. Not being able to exercise and unable to pick up anything remotely heavy and rest constantly drove me insane.
Since my son is only 6 weeks old, I still have some of the stuff from my prenatal appointments. Not sure how other countries do their visits, but each prenatal you do a urine test, check weight and blood pressure.
The first prenatal is a pap and blood work, at 10-12 weeks and again at 15-20 weeks there is bloodwork for genetic screening for fetal abnormalities.
24-26 weeks is bloodwork and rhogam
28 weeks- glucose tolerance test for gestational diabetes
35-37 weeks a swab for Strep B
And after the 28 weeks I was to go for a checkup every two weeks. I had two doctors because my hometown doesn't do deliveries so I had to go to another town to give birth, which was not fun to plan around for the two hour drive.
But like I said, it may be done differently in other towns, provinces, countries etc.
There is a darker side in all of us that needs to be appeased...
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
What made you miserable?
My first pregnancy it was when I couldn't be around someone cuddly. I always had to be TOUCHING someone.
This pregnancy it's more like every little thing makes me upset. I can't find my favorite pen? I cry. My favorite Ice Cream is sold out at WalMart? I bawl and we check Walgreens. My boyfriend is upset? I bawl and hide in the bedroom and bawl more.
what were your symptoms? (ie cravings, sense of smell)
Cravings during the first pregnancy was ALL FRUITS. Some nausea at first at the smell of chicken, but otherwise nothing really. I didn't want chocolate or candy or icecream at all.
This pregnancy it's a lot of junk food and random mixes. Pizza with pickles on top. Hot dogs with cheese(not odd to the normal person, but I happen to not like the mix usually), Coffee Ice Cream, Ranch Dressing on a grilled chicken salad with black olives and mushrooms. Nausea comes when I'm near burger king burgers. or any milk less than whole. I can't stomache lots of chocolate, but I crave it :|
if you had a problem with your pregnancy what was it and how did it affect you?
I'm not gaining weight. It's a huge throw off to the doctors, they can't keep the time line straight and I'm being told I'm further and further along. TODAY they told me I'm 14 weeks, when they told me that TWO WEEKS AGO. They took it BACK! So instead of finding out the sex of my child today, I got to listen to the heartbeat and get all upset at the doctors for not making up their minds! @.@
did you develop anything from the pregnancy?
From my first one? A love of watermelon covered in lemon juice and sugar. Also chocolate covered cheese this time around.
What were your fave aspects of being pregnant?
Honestly? I like to waddle. I do. I feel like an adorable asian mommy with my rounding belly and off balance walk. Also I adore sleep. lol
When did your first start to feel the baby kick?
12 week(apparently) with this one. My first one it wasn't until I was 23 weeks along.
Could you feel if the baby had hiccups and how would you describe it?
If the bubbly sensation is the baby hiccupping thats cool. otherwise, I'm starting to think this one moves a bunch and then has random jerking that feels kinda like popcorn instead of bubbles *headdesk*
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
Also, I had mine vaginally, but I did opt for the Epidural(because the nurses kept pushing for it) it really actually relieved ALL the pain. I just felt pressure, no pain at all. I didn't get all loopy and high, just pain. I wasn't numb, I could feel people touch me, I just didn't feel things like, oh, me tearing a little.
It was absolutely fabulous. >> Totally opting for it again just because yay no C-section and YAY no pain.
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 1
Well for my two, I was one of the lucky ones, sort of.
I never had any morning sickness ever.
What I did have within the first month of being pregnant was a very bad case of bronchitis. Which made my stomach muscles ache as well as having dry heaves from all the coughing. And it happened for both of my pregnancies.
I also kept a calendar of my own and from the date I believed I became pregnant to their actual birthdays were exactly nine months. The doctors were so off on my due dates for both of my kids.
My first one was a daughter, which I'm grateful for having as most from his family were boy's. (25 to 2 when I married him)
I only gained 27 pounds with her, which all disappeared after she was born including losing another 7 additional pounds from my prior to preg weight
My son on the other hand (which my mother had warned me about) I gained almost 90 lbs. never did know exactly how much, cause once their scale hit 200 I refused to look or listen as they would write it down. Plain out told them to not even say it out loud. I'm still fighting to get the weight to come off. And my son is now 16. But I wouldn't have it any other way. My kids are precious and we are close.
I enjoyed being pregnant for the most part.
But my first was the hardest on me. As far as delivery went, I was in the hospital having contractions from Friday afternoon until she was born on Tuesday a quarter after three in the afternoon. Talk about not being able to sleep long enough to get any restbit.
I know it may be a little strange, but i atcually felt her moving from 3 weeks of being pregnant. It was a very strange feeling for sure and I didn't understand what it was until I had an ultrasound and every time I felt this strange feeling in my abdomine and there on the live viewing she was moving around. It was an eye opening experience for me.
Her doctors had kept moving her due date around, so by their books I was over three weeks overdue. From my calendar she was spot on. So I always kept that date and didn't worry about what they said. After all they can only guess.
Oh and talk about cravings!
With my daughter it was crab meat and cherry twislers. LOL
Of course when I finally got a chance to have crab legs the moment it hit my tounge I couldn't eat it. Was like putting a solid block of salt in my mouth. Hahaha
My son was steak and potatoes, the rare the steak the better. LOL
Smells have always been an issue with me so nothing really changed on that part. I've just been very sensitive to them, so not certain if that part changed during or not.
Oh and something that was very interesting was a dream I had about a week or two after I became pregnant, I had a dream, in the dream two play pens were in front of me. In one there were boy dolls, in the other were girl dolls. I reached into the one with the girl dolls and pulled out a girl with brown hair and brown eyes. AND. That is exactly what my daughter was born with. Her eyes never changed color. I was wondering if she would have gotten my hair color or her dads, but she got somewhere in between I guess, as I have red hair and light bronze colored eyes with a ring of blue, and he had blonde with blue eyes. Her eyes are a warm milk chocolate color, very deep in color. Very beautiful. And exactly like the doll I pulled out of the play pen.
Well hope this has helped too.
I know I didn't go into much detail, pain is pain and I had a lot bringing my daughter into the world, but after you're holding your little one, some of that pain totally gets forgotten how bad it really was. Almost like a switch that has been turned off and you can't access that remembered pain again.
Every pregancy is different even when some things happen the same for the same person.
I look forward to reading your story when it comes out!
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 31
Well, the phishy is currently pregnant... ummm..... SURPRISE!
I didn't have morning sickness... not really. But I did get sick with an upper respiratory infection somewhere between weeks 20 to 25 (lasting 3 weeks) which did make me vomit because of drainage. And it's hard to get rid of any illness because of the very specific (and limited) kinds of medicines a pregnant woman is aloud to use.
Since this is technically my first pregnancy to term (since almost 2 years ago I miscarried after 6 weeks), I didn't feel any movement until around week 21. I however do get headaches and migraines more now. And since acetaminophen (Tylenol) wasn't doing the trick, I am on a medication. I suffer from almost constant back pain, occasional sciatic nerve issues (mainly while at work) and charlie horse pains at night. Not to mention the constant needing to pee... and little energy (I nap often).
I'm at 31 weeks 4 days, have a weight gain of 25lbs so far and gotten 3 ultrasounds. The first was a vaginal ultrasound (internally, which was a shock to me) and 2 abdominal ultrasounds. So no more ultrasounds for me. These can be basic or 3D scans. My little one refused to face the camera... lol... all we got was mugshots.
In the first visit they make you pee in the cup to check if you are pregnant or not. And every visit there after is "here, pee in the cup". Later you are tested on things. One of the tests you can take is to see if your child will have things like Down syndrome or Edward's syndrome or something. I refused to take the test. I don't need to know. It doesn't matter to us. You also take a glucose tolerance test, usually around 24 to 28 weeks. It's to see if you have pregnancy diabetes. I call it the funky drink test, they make you drink a juice (orange, grape or fruit punch flavored) then wait an hour (where you are positive your blatter is going to explode) then draw your blood to test (around 5-6 vials worth).
My nose is now a super sniffer, I am very affected by smells... buuuuut only certain smells. Brussels sprouts make me gag by scent and I will vomit from the smell of cigarette smoke (even stale smoke). But other smells (like mens cologne and sandalwood) make me super happy and relaxed. I haven't had any weird cravings.... just stronger cravings for things I already like, like strawberry banana smoothies and certain food chain items.
Also you have to be more aware of the world around you. How you fall (if you start to fall) to protect the baby, illnesses of others that can kill your little one, changing your habits (staying away from soiled cat litter), eating habits and the like. Buying new clothes for your growing body, kick counts.... I have to be super careful as a STNA (what we call nursing aides in Ohio). I have to stay far away from someone with shingles (pregnant women and those who haven't had chicken pox yet have to steer clear), which patients can come in with. I have to ask for more help with lifting and transferring people (because you can dislodge the placenta if you pull/move too much weight), but on the good side, my belly is rubbed/molested by most the staff and residents of the nursing home I work at. A pregnant belly brings joy to many nursing home residents... kind of like a therapy pet. They LOOOOVE to touch the belly! And I let them, and anyone who wants to touch... just ask first. lol -- belly rubs help the soreness of my Chuck Norris fetus fan.
But something that many women get but don't usually talk about are fibroids. They can pop up during pregnancy due to the levels of estrogen increasing. I have a rather large one (5.6 mils) in a bad place. But I went from high risk to low risk because they are shrinking. But 2 other women I know are high risk now because of multiple ones, one on the umbilical cord and one who's fibroids are causing her to bleed.
Wow... I left a huge post... but there is also the FMLA, Short term disability, medical bills, pregnancy classes, the choice of breastfeed or bottlefeed, baby registration, baby showers, baby announcements and may other things.
I'm gonna stop now....
Last Edit: 2014/04/25 19:56 By phishbon3s.
When he heard a sound which was bitter sound and a sweet sound all at once, which began like hello and ended like goodbye. ~ The Storyteller
“And then, Dave made an improvised megaphone by using a squirrel, some strings and a megaphone.”
- The Narrator from Dave the Barbarian
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 34
thank you phishy! I really appreciate the time you took to type all that. Congratulations on your belly monster!
I really like the information you had added to my growing collection. This is gonna make it interesting to write (well rewrite what I have already written) and you made me want to add a few more chapters i had previously skipped over.
I want to thank everyone for all the stories and experiences. I am always open to more information too *smiles impishly*
You Dokugians are all awesome!
Ok i have a couple more questions! What are pregnant women supposed to avoid doing? I know the not changing cat litter and caffeine and not lifting heavy things and alcohol. But are there any other restrictions that a pregnant woman should be aware of?
I know googling would be easier but I like hearing everyone's stories and experiences. It makes it more real and less clinical.
Last Edit: 2014/04/25 20:22 By Kirai.
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 17
Kirai, it seems like you opened Pandora's box! Nothing can get a mom talking like discussing being pregnant. LOL
I have only my one, but I feel very blessed to have had a relatively easy pregnancy. No morning sickness, but garlic smelled like dog poo and mint just didn't taste right and made me gag. I had to use a different toothpaste for the first few months. I didn't have any strange cravings which for me is unusual. I'll admit to being a fast-food addict, so having a pregnancy where I ate incredibly healthy and didn't crave empty calories was kind of nice!
On the downside, I was huge and uncomfortable. I'm pretty tiny, and I gained about 60 lbs with my daughter, so think about strapping a 60 lb medicine ball to your stomach. I really missed being able to pull my knees to my chest! I had hot flashes, so I'd be in the middle of Target in an Upstate New York winter stripping off 10 layers to cool down. The hormones were horrendous.
The mood swings were so strong I was constantly apologizing for them. I put my poor husband through hell with how bad they'd be. I'd be so angry/sad for whatever reason and within seconds it seemed I would be deliriously happy. It was frightening sometimes. Emotions were incredibly strong for anything at that time... some of them never went away. I now cannot control crying at sappy commercials or movies - I cry at the end of Polar Express. It's a little embarrassing. ^^
The only trouble I had was eating enough and migraines. I have hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) so when I was eating for two, I really had to work at keeping my sugar levels high enough. If I couldn't, I would pass out. I was already avoiding caffeine and alcohol as they're my migraine triggers, but stress could set me off too, and then it would be a 5-10 hour stretch of misery. Tension headaches would get so intense I'd have trouble seeing and keeping anything in my stomach. They were big concerns.
Hiccups! Oh Boy! They can be so annoying, and if you're annoyed, just think how irritated the baby can get! My little one had them daily and Braxton Hicks (which are false contractions) every night. She was incredibly active and constantly moving, so I was always getting kicked in uncomfortable places. She was long for a baby too, so it always felt like those little toes were curling around my bottom ribs. She did that during labor and I had a brief moment of panic that she would never come out!
Fortunately though, I had a very short 4 hour labor. I got the Braxton Hicks contractions again at the same time as usual, and two hours later, they were full blown. I was mostly dilated by the time I got to the hospital, and after 2 hours of pushing she arrived already making tiny noises. We still call her "baby bird" since she was born with her mouth moving for food!
I guess for me being pregnant was all about what was going to happen next. I was afraid of being a bad mom, of the labor, of there being some problem I couldn't fix. I was afraid of not getting close enough, not caring enough, not "enjoying my pregnancy". You see other moms struggling with more physical symptoms, but they just lit up when they talked about their pregnancy. I felt just ok with it. I felt out of control, but still so amazed that my body could make such an amazing little person. I'd be scared, but I'd be stroking my belly and telling my little one what we wanted to do with her once she greeted the world and how hard I was going to work to be the best mom I could.
My favorite part was the sheer connection to the wonder of it all. I still have a hard time believing this little person with all of her ideas and personality came from me. I once read an article that summed pregnancy up nicely for me. In short, you are dying when you get pregnant. Your old identity is gone and you take on new life - you are now Mom, and things will never be the same again. Whether that is good or bad is up to you.
LOL sorry to type a novella for you, but either way, I hope it helps give a little different insight! Best of luck with your story and I hope to see an installment soon!
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 60
After reading these posts I am now more than a little hesitant to have children, more so than ever considered the hardships some pregnancies can have on the body lol
My twin sister has a seven month old baby and I certainly remember her pregnancy. She's a very tiny young woman, so she was constantly uncomfortable and in pain. I was even there when she gave birth! Something I'll never forget. She has a healthy baby boy and I love my nephew dearly :3
Very informative forum thread I have to say.
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
the joys of motherhood are well worth all the pain. the first time holding my daughter was like nothing else. I remember how slick she still was--they hadn't washed her off yet. I remember holding her close to me and looking down at her thinking 'that...this little girl is mine'. she still had her eyes closed at the time and looking to suckle. Her breath on my skin was cold because of the fluid, her little fists moving against my skin, she was trying to curl closer to me.
no crying, just snuggling and wanting food. When she opened her eyes for the first time she gave me this 'oh' face. it was the face she made every time she looked at someone trying to figure something out for a few months. I talked to her and there weren't smiles--babies LEARN to smile, but she seemed to understand who I was immediately. I couldn't stop staring at her for the first few days.
It's...a feeling that is overwhelming and, especially at first, I was just stunned. That was my little girl! She was right there, really right there. She was beautiful, red faced and swollen from birth. A full head of hair and eventually a raspy cry that came in spurts. Her eyes at first were a strange blue-grey but over time they evened to a brown. Her hair was really really dark when she was born, and there was so much of it!
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Shikon Miko
Posts: 1154
Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 34
aww thank you for sharing that kitten. That made my eyes tear up. I may not have kids yet but i know i want them eventually. That was such a beautiful description.
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Re:Pregnancy Writing Help 10 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 4
I have twins if you still want info on being pregnant.
Multiple pregnancy is a little different than a singleton.
Last Edit: 2014/05/30 22:48 By twistidcandi.
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