Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 3
Greetings Dokuga!
I've always loved anime Inuyasha, but I wasn't able to buy the Manga to read, and I wasn't much of an avid follower. But now I am!
Now that I'm starting a cannon fanfiction I realized I'm missing a lot of information!
Please help me out! Thank you!
1. Where would Sesshoumaru's Palace be in Modern Japan? (An estimate?)
2. How old was Kagome the day they defeated Naraku?
3. Did Sesshoumaru really help Kagome out during the fight with Naraku? (or is it a rumor?)
4. Did the anime/manga say what happened to Kikyou and Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku, Shippou after the death of Naraku?
5. Did Kagome return to her time?
6. How long was the death of Inu no Taishou, from the year of his death to the year kagome first passed through the well? (Was it around 350 years?)
I apologize for these somewhat obvious questions, but I don't know the answers to them at all!
I feel such a phail-fanatic...
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!
Last Edit: 2010/12/09 17:37 By Jade R. Rayne.
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 92
1. Where would Sesshoumaru's Palace be in Modern Japan? (An estimate?)
2. How old was Kagome the day they defeated Naraku?
3. Did Sesshoumaru really help Kagome out during the fight with Naraku? (or is it a rumor?)
4. Did the anime/manga say what happened to Kikyou and Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku, Shippou after the death of Naraku?
5. Did Kagome return to her time?
Alright, let's start one at a time....
1- in the manga/anime verse there is no Western Palace/Fortress/whatever you want to call it. So, you can rather stick it where you want to since there is no basis for it.
2-Kagome was 15 when Naraku died. The whole manga/anime, timeline wise, took less than a year to complete.
3- Sesshomaru did help Kagome a couple times in the anime/manga at various times. One was the poison master incident with the Band of Seven. Another was during the final battle in Naraku's body.
4-Kikyo died well before Naraku. As for the rest, other than Sango and Miroku having kids and Shippo training, nothing is said about what they actually did.
5- Kagome was thrown into her time after being released from the Void. After several years, she was able to return to the Feudal Era but, from the way I gather, was unable to ever return home after that.
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 4
Oo, its like an Inuyasha quiz to test your knowledge of the series, I like : ]
Just a quick disclaimer, I haven't read the series in a while and I never saw the anime all the way through, so my knowledge is limited. And I'm not verifying anything because the Inuyasha manga is too long. And that would be cheating XP
1. As far as I remember, Sesshoumaru never had a palace. In fact I don't remember ever actually reading in the manga that he was even the lord of the western lands. (Not saying her isn't, just that I don't remember.) I did hear that in one of the movies they said his father was lord of the west (likely the third movie, about sounga), but I haven't verified anything for myself. Also his mum had a palace. Possibly it floated, but I don't remember that part very well and I might be mixing it up with fanfiction...
2. Trick question. I believe according to the time line of the manga only a few months had passed, I don't think she'd even turned 16 (and we all remember she was 15 when she fell down the well). BUT the series began in 1996 (I did look that up on wiki), and it clearly has that feel at the beginning, but by the end she had a modern cell phone, one from 2008 or thereabouts, that obviously wasn't available at the beginning of the series. I think that puts Kagome and the lot in line with Ash form Pokemon, in that the series may go on for years both within and without of the manga, but it never feels like she ages.
3. Oo, a hard one... As far as I remember !!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!! Kagome got separated form everyone else and I think Naraku sent something to kill her, 'cause thats what Naraku does. She is all alone and can't really fight back, but then Sesshoumaru comes in with all the fanfare and saves her life (because its killing Naraku... or possibly because she was needed to purify the jewel...? I don't remember this part well). Then she follows him when he walks away without so much as talking to her, sort of like Rin did. Actually I think they go to find Rin too... !!!!!END SPOILER!!!!!
4. & 5. I'm putting four and five together because they sort of get the same answer. Oh, hey, more !!!!!!SPOILER ALERT!!!!!s. After Naraku dies either Kagome disappears and is sent back or she goes back to her time on her own. Either way, she spends three more years in the future to finish high school, and then on her graduation day she decides its time to go back. I think she only says goodbye to Souta, too. You know she's gunna regret that. Anyway, she has a happy reunion with Inuyasha and they have their happily ever after. I think Kikyou actually died, for real this time. Maybe. Shippou went off to learn how to be a foxy fox child... That is, he went to the school towards the end of the manga that teaches young fox demons how to do tricks and what not. Sango and Miroku are married and are rebuilding the slayer village. They probably had kids, I don't remember. And Sesshoumaru dropped Rin off in the village to learn how to be a miko. At least I think it was a miko. Anyway, he visits everyonce in a while, and when she returns to the past after her three years in the future he happens to be leaving and flying by overhead, so she yells out "Sesshoumaru-onii-sama!" which means something like, honorable older brother. Very formal. Except for the fact that she calling him her brother. XD !!!!!!END SPOILER!!!!!!
So yeah... wall of text. I obviously enjoy the short answer part of tests. If anyone wants to grade me or correct my mistakes I welcome it. I hope that helps Rayne  Also, if you search hard enough, you can probably find the manga, anime, and movies online if you want to read or watch them
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 78
Even though only a year went by between the time Kagome was pulled into the well on her 15th birthday and when she got separated from InuYasha and stuck back in the modern era, in terms of the EVENTS that happened during that year, Kikyo died significantly before the time Kagome began her three-year exile from the feudal era. There was a very dramatic and romantic death scene. InuYasha held Kikyo in his arms, and cried like a baby. Kagome, et all sat on a separate hill, and witnessed the whole thing from a distance. Then, after the death, the gang came upon a village surrounded by a field of flowers. During the night, a demon who controlled the village managed to lure InuYasha into his clutches because, as he told Kagome, InuYasha wanted to be dead because THE WOMAN HE LOVED had died. Sesshomaru found her lost and injured by InuYasha's claws inside of Naraku's body, which is like a dark maze-thing, and she hangs on to his moko-moko, the second time that he rescued her, in a way more than just incidentally in battle or giving her advice on controlling InuYasha's demon side (the other was from Mukotsu, the poison master of the Band of Seven). When Kagome is held back from returning through the well for three years, InuYasha, while he didn't keep a vigil by the well, returned there frequently (I think every three days?). After all, Kikyo is now permanently dead (apparently, maybe...) and Kagome's the next best thing, right?
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: -666
Let's try to be objective please. Skewing events in the manga by adding inflections that are in all likelihood not there is not permissible. This comes close to outright bashing in my opinion, and I will lock and delete threads over that sort of attitude.
I know that there are some of you who don't care for Inuyasha, the character, but please remember that this person is looking for FACTUAL information and not your opinion.
I reject your reality and substitute it with my own.
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 78
Ooops, sorry, I'm in a bitter mood this morning. I won't do it again, I promise!
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 15
1. Where would Sesshoumaru's Palace be in Modern Japan? (An estimate?)
--- Nothing is said about Sesshoumaru having a palace or being a lord really (though his father is mention as a lord). Though Lady Mother (Sesshoumaru's mom) is seen having a palace, location is still unknown though it is hinted that it floats.
If you want to take a writer's stand point on it you could try placing it somewhere's on Japan's west coast (?)
2. How old was Kagome the day they defeated Naraku?
--- When she was pulled into the well she was 15 though the timeline may have only taken a year to comeplete, when she was sent back to her time she was there for three years before returning.
You could take writer's stand point and go from where's between 15 and 18, and still be correct on her age.
3. Did Sesshoumaru really help Kagome out during the fight with Naraku? (or is it a rumor?)
---I won't give away much because it is better seeing -winks- but yes Sesshoumaru did help Kagome out, not only during the fight with Naraku. But he also helped out when she was attacked by Naraku's minions - aka The Posion Master-.
4. Did the anime/manga say what happened to Kikyou and Inuyasha, Sango and Miroku, Shippou after the death of Naraku?
---Again don't want to give out much -hulu as all of the eps. from Inuyasha: Final Act-
Though this is what I will say...Kikyou was killed/dead earlier on way before the fight with Naraku ended, Inuyasha it is hinted married Kagome, Sango and Miroku have three children and work together to rebuild the Slayer village, and Shippou goes off to learn how to be a fox demon.
5. Did Kagome return to her time?
--Kagome does return to her time after Naraku is defeated though comes back three years later after finishing high school.
~I hope that was helpful to you, but like I said check out hulu..search for Inuyasha Final Act and well the eps should be able to give you all the other information you may seek.
Last Edit: 2010/12/09 10:33 By Miss Anna.
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 3
Wow, thank you very much everyone!!
These are incredible answers! I, for one never realized Kagome had been exiled back to her time for 3 years!
Heh, now that I know on hulu.com they have Inuyasha episodes, I will definitely put some time aside to watch each one!
Thank you, dokugians very very very very very much!
I hope I won't be a nuisance if I have a few more questions that needs to be answered in the future!
The title of my story is: The Quest of Nyratar (KNEE - rah - Tarh)
Thanks again!
New questions! I'm very sorry!!
(continue as 6.)
6. How long was the death of Inu no Taishou, from the year of his death to the year kagome first passed through the well? (Was it around 350 years?)
and Thank you! 
Last Edit: 2010/12/09 17:36 By Jade R. Rayne.
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 15
I don't think it was a bother for you to ask the questions nor do I believe you will be a nuisance. This is a place for writer's so where better to ask questions about your story?
Now for question 6...it is a toughy
Inu no Taishou doesn't not from what I remember have a major role in the manga or anime, maybe at the most mentioned in passsing. What information that is gathered about him comes from Inuyasha: Swords of the Honorable Ruler...
He looks to be about 30 something in the movie (there is a post on here about Demon Dog Age and how you figure it out), and he died on the same day Inuyasha was born. Inuyasha looks to be 15 or so when pinned to the God tree and he was pinned there for 50yrs before Kagome released him, but his time peroid is 500yrs before Kagome's.
So....I would roughly pin the number of years to about 565years in human terms...give or take a few.
Last Edit: 2010/12/10 00:37 By Miss Anna.
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
Miss Anna S has Claimed Hitomiko\'s Bells in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 2
In Inuyasha movie 3, it was mentioned that Sounga was sealed 700 years before it was released and found Inuyasha - then went back in time with him. Which implies that Inuyasha is 200 years old, because Totosai, Myoga and the seal(I don't remember his name) Delegated what to do with the 3 swords just after Inu no Taisho died. Which was shortly after Inuyasha was born.
Does that all make sense and help? I hope so.
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 92
there was no timeframe given anywhere about Inupapa and how long he was gone. Since the 3rd movie isn't canon or considered to be canon in any way and nothing in it relates anywhere to the manga/anime you can't really take it into account for accuracy.
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 3 Months ago
Karma: 15
Yeah Rin is right lol I re-watched the movie last night and it was 700 years so it could be upwards to a thousand or more years.
I am the Master of Italian Pastry in Dokugareers, my tool is the rolling pin of cannoli.
Miss Anna S has Claimed Hitomiko\'s Bells in the Dokuga Claim Game
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 3
According to Miss Danyealle-sama,
We shouldn't use Inuyasha Movie 3 as a Canon reference?
~ Also, I am wondering how I can rate a fanfiction with *hinted* sexual scenes, but it is not that overly lemon type of thing...
but instead like series the Fyne Witches and Children of the sun series by Linda Winstead Jones.
Her "sex scenes" are not those hardcore lemony goodness like many authors here, but... softcore, if you will.
I understand M, means can hint some body parts. How would you rate books written by Ms Jones? (Since I found these books in my high school library 2 or 3 years ago, they are rated as Teen books)
Will I be in trouble if I post that kind of story in Fanfiction.net as rated M, or here on Dokuga as Rated M?
Thank you!
Sorry for the bother!
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Re:Need Info on Inuyasha! 14 Years ago
Karma: 0
thank you ````
Bring me to the sea of cosplay, reminiscing through some chocolate ice.
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