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How do you portraying Sesshomaru?
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TOPIC: How do you portraying Sesshomaru?
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How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 3
Hi I am new here.

I would like to make a fanfic and I do have a few ideas in my head. But I am afraid I won't be able to portray Sesshomaru as he is. I don't want it to be too OOC.

Anybody with any tips on how to keep Sesshomaru the cold hearted killing perfection that he is?
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 54
He can be pretty tricky and all I can really say is it takes practice and he's gonna be outta character for at least your first few stories.

A few tips though to tone it down:

1. No combined words. IE didn't, don't or couldn't. To me, he sounds more in character when he says did not, do not or could not.

2. Keep his dialog down. It will be harder for a newer writer, but say more in less words. Like 'I do understand' rather than 'I understand what you mean/where you are coming from'...etc. If you cannot get your point across with just a bit of dialog to your readers, you can always try adding it into the details.


"I do understand," Sesshoumaru informed her and Kagome knew right then that he really did. He could understand how it felt to feel so betrayed by someone you trusted, someone you looked up to. If anyone knew what it was like to be in her shoes-finding out that her father had left her mother for another woman rather than dying in a plane crash as she had always been told-it would be him.

Rather than:

"I understand what it is like to be betrayed by someone I trusted. It is not just you that have been betrayed by your father," Sesshoumaru insisted...

Does that make sense?

3. No conversations with his inner demon. If it is done right it can really add to a story and remain IC, however, I have yet to see it done right. Their conversations usually just turn the story to comedy and make him seem really OOC. Now in the defense of those who do write those conversations, I have not read every story.

Hope these help .
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Shrine Girl
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 23
Sesshoumaru is a very complex creature, not only does one have to think about his character when writing him and including him in their story, but they also have to think about the era he is in.

Sesshoumaru is the hardest character for me to write, his thoughts anyways, his actions are simpler. Remember that blood line and title are two of the most important things to him, in his mind he is 'royalty' or above others. He will not address them by their names until he believes they have earned it. Which will most likely be through strength. He will see people more as objects or tools at first then anything else.

He is the type, to me, to think first then act. Though his thoughts might not be as simple, which can lead to some questionable actions. It all depends on how you want to present him. Honestly, I think the only way he will be OOC is if he is skipping around a field of flowers with Rin and singing lullabies..or at all. Also if he is super nice, without a motive, I also believe it would take him a long time to fall in love with someone. So making him all lovey dovey will make him ooc.

These are just my opinions on his character, how I feel about it, so I'm sure there will be others that may be able to explain it better. Perhaps watching the anime or reading the manga will help you in portraying his character?

Good luck!
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Last Edit: 2010/12/01 21:14 By PRVN.
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Freya Ishtar
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 39
PRVN wrote:
Honestly, I think the only way he will be OOC is if he is skipping around a field of flowers with Rin and singing lullabies.

Omg, that made me laugh so hard I started crying.
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 3
Thank you Hairann and PRVN.

This are very good tips, I have read many fan fiction that are really good. The way the authors portrays him amazes me.

But I do understand how you mention, Hairann, about him talking with his beast. It does seem very tricky to me, because I feel like it could quickly make him seem OOC. I read a fan fic with a good plot but when it came down to talking to his beast, it went down for me.

Hairann wrote:
2. Keep his dialog down.
Yes, I can see and remeber how he doesn't talk very much. When he does, its always short and to the point.

PRVN wrote:
Honestly, I think the only way he will be OOC is if he is skipping around a field of flowers with Rin and singing lullabies..or at all.

That would be so funny to see him do that, but he will probably kill any one who witness it. I really hope I don't write his character like that or close to that.

Sesshomaru does seem the type that people have to earn his respect and he goes by his honor.

I think I will do more research on him. I have to go back to the anime and manga to get a better look at him before I can write.

Thank you for your help!
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 0
I like how 'Hn' and 'Hm' is used.

Whenever Sesshoumaru doesn't wish to respond but feels that he has to, 'Hn' is always the reply.
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 10 Months ago Karma: 78
I think re-watching the anime and movies to avoid sliding too far from the original characterization is a very good idea, and paying particular attention to the parts with Sesshomaru in them does not hurt the eyes, either...
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R.M. Avalon
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 10
I like to use his body language and very small facial expressions with him, more than dialogue. With him his actions speak much louder than his words; notice that he constantly say how much he hates Inuyasha but he actually helps him a whole lot, even if it is in a very roundabout way. When he is talking, he really says as little as possible ro convey his point in the most formal manner possible as well. He's also very precise and does not exaggerate. And that's what I do with Sesshomaru. Good luck!
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Last Edit: 2010/12/15 21:00 By R.M. Avalon.
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Miss Anna
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 15
He is very complex to write I would say your best bet would be to watch 'Inuyasha' anime and use it has study material.
I see Sesshoumaru as soon who is stoic, who doesn't say a lot but knows the right words when he does speak. Not overly loving to everything execpt those he considers his.
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Last Edit: 2010/12/21 09:39 By Miss Anna.
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 11
I also envision him differently when writing. If you write hims as AU you are already chancing making him OOC because a different surrounding (ie- the future) alters even a little bit how he acts to everything around him. Not saying it isn't possible to keep him IN...I love writing Sesshoumaru in as a futuristic just tends to be harder than working him into a canon setting.

I like to keep him from smiling or laughing it just seems too ooc to me...I like to use the word smirk or chuckle Sometimes the most subtle change in word usage can make him seem more realistic
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 8
Fanfiction is difficult because we might put the characters into positions they might not be in inside a manga or the anime.

We get a hint of how Sesshoumaru reacts to emotional pain when he's in Hell trying to save Rin. He grimaces and hides his eyes behind his hair like he's trying not to weep. It may be he's grown so aloof that Rin is the one thing that can still emotionally reach him canonically.

With Sesshoumaru, it's easier to start from "outside" IE another character(Kagome) observing him rather than trying to dive into third person limited or first person from his POV. Personally, I prefer fics from outside where we're on Kagome's shoulder trying to figure Mr. Fluffers out.

For me, it was a heck of a challenge to write Embrace the Silence because Sesshoumaru is so good at hiding how he feels. He went through hell before the story starts and he has scars that he won't explain. He's suffering post traumatic stress disorder and his stoic demeanor only drops when he's triggered, and then he'd act like he was being attacked. Then it would pass and he just got up, dusted off and pretended nothing happened while poor Kagome went WTF at him.

I believe Sesshoumaru can laugh. I believe he can cry. I had him do both. I had him blushing. But making it believable is the hard part. He has to go through something SERIOUSLY HORRID to be in a state where he needs help.

ETA: By the way, Sesshoumaru shows more facial expressions in the manga than in the anime.
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Last Edit: 2011/01/01 20:05 By Sesshoumarus_hair. Reason: forgot something ^^;
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Time Traveler
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 8 Months ago Karma: 57
Well ironically Sesshoumaru is actually the easiest character I find I can write. I just picture him as a big snooty brat that says a lot in as few words as possible. Kind of like a bulldog hanging on a teddy-bear's ear. He can't talk much but when he growls, snaps, and bites ya know when to pay attention.

Sesshoumaru is easier for me when its canonish, with the story set in the Feudal Era. He's a bit weirder if I set him in modern-times, I tend to try to avoid contractions like 'couldn't', 'wouldn't' or 'didn't' when he talks, because I picture him being more eloquent than Inuyasha.

I also try to avoid him using personal pronouns like 'I' or 'My' and rather just stick with 'This Sesshoumaru' in third person. I reckon he'd be arrogant enough to give himself airs just to set himself apart from everyone else. I do try to characterize him as having a 'Code of Honour' all his own. I see him as being haughty, self-assured, and just plain strong with ethics and a morals he establishes for himself rather than letting others influence or guide him. Kind of like a Lord that 'Keeps his own council' but isn't too proud to seek help when and if he actually wants it.

I like to have him as a little bit of the villain too. It's sexier, and funny to set him up to butt heads with Kagome, whose sweet, kind, and just as chronically stubborn XD.
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Callisto Callispi
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 0
With Sesshoumaru, it's easier to start from "outside" IE another character(Kagome) observing him rather than trying to dive into third person limited or first person from his POV. Personally, I prefer fics from outside where we're on Kagome's shoulder trying to figure Mr. Fluffers out.

I agree with this. I think that especially for authors who haven't written Sesshoumaru before, Sesshoumaru is an easier person to write from the outside than the inside. I unknowingly took on the challenge of starting to write for Sesshoumaru's POV in my first ever Inu fic, and my chapters have gone through years of revision before I got it to how I liked them. I still find it challenging to write from Sesshoumaru's POV.

I think one of the best advice I got was that Sesshoumaru is a refined character--he will never curse (except for the occasional, well-placed "hell" or "damn") or shout, even in anger. Instead, he internalizes anger and frustration, and translates them into cutting remarks or deadly attacks. For me, Sesshoumaru is a character of presence, rather than speech, which makes him very difficult to penetrate.

Thank goodness we have Kagome as his foil.
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 14
Sesshomaru Flow Chart
(Full Size chart available on request.)
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 13
zandrellia wrote:
Sesshomaru Flow Chart
(Full Size chart available on request.)

This is becoming my desktop picture. In fact, when I have a life problem, I am going to go to this flow chart for advice. >_>

HEHE. Amazing!

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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 4 Months ago Karma: 14
lol You crack me up, smo. XD
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Namara Ashina
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Re:How do you portraying Sesshomaru? 13 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 0
zandrellia wrote:
Sesshomaru Flow Chart
(Full Size chart available on request.)

full size version please?
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