Blind Love (Update and an sos call for help) 7 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 12
Hey, all.
So I have rewritten like four chapters of Blind Love (NO YIMS and no longer posted). So yeah.....  I keep staring at it in my files and I've grown to resent it honestly.
However, I want to finish it because I have really good ideas I'm just hitting the worst anti-muse moment (or months... DON'T JUDGE). I really think it's because I am politically burned out, the US is in such as a state and I have been pulling from real life so I think that is part of my burn out resentment.
I would like to bounce ideas and opinions around. So in the story, I have a racial conflict that has been on going. Demons vs humans, which means putting mixed individuals in the middle. Should I keep the conflict hush hush or publically creating issues? The other thing is Kagome is blind in this story. Should I keep her blind, or change it to where she is partially blind? Or have her regain her sight or not.
I also want to know how other authors map out their stories. I have tried the free flow of ideas and it took me almost six years to finish a story.
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Re:Blind Love (Update and an sos call for help) 7 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 66
I am willing to help you bounce ideas! I don't have much time to write myself but reading and giving my opinion is fine! I know how much brainstorming helps! Besides the idea of the fic was nice!
Let me know what you want and decide for yourself the best way to do it!
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Re:Blind Love (Update and an sos call for help) 7 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 12
Yeah, let me know what you think of the questions I have. I know you read some of it if you can think of anything please let me know.
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Re:Blind Love (Update and an sos call for help) 7 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 0
I would keep her blind or at least primarily blind with little to no sight, I vote no cure for regaining complete eyesight.
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Re:Blind Love (Update and an sos call for help) 7 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 60
Me personally, If you are going to keep the plot that Midoriko used her magic to blind Kagome I think she should be able to get her sight back. The whole premise if I remember the story right was for her to be able to see people without bias to gain greater power. I think if you are keeping this plot that she should be able to get her eyesight back through miraculous means to go along with it and to use all of her knowledge for the greater good. I have never seen a fic with blind Kagome fighting but I know it can be done but that is just my opinion. I vote she gets her sight back.
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Re:Blind Love (Update and an sos call for help) 7 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 12
I do not recall a plot where she fights blind either, that does not mean it doesn't exist. Due to the extension that her powers are she could fight blind, but it depends on how much of an extension it is. Is it like elemental bending or just as it is in the show and comics that it is just a burst of energy she can summon. I prefer more of a fluid bending extension, seeing as the power has the ability to heal others. Your memory is very good, I did have the sight taken and in the original, it was given back. I, personally, view her powers coming from a Mother Earth stand point. Same with Sesshomaru as well. One to heal and the other to take life. Kind of like a Hades and Persephone twist.
I have struggled with that thought which is partly why it is on hold. Her sight in the first place was ripped from her by outside forces, so in theory, she could get them back. I know a lot of people who have relatives or are partly blind themselves enjoy her being blind since it's a character that represents them. So maybe get back partial vision? The whole point of stripping her sight was to ensure that she was able to "see" people for who they truly are.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Blind Love (Update and an sos call for help) 7 Years, 6 Months ago
Karma: 57
As for fighting blind, that might only work if Kagome could sense a 'shift' in things maybe like Toph in Avatar? Although Arya did it in GOT, and she was only temporarily blind with a cure, and she learned how to fight and almost died doing it.
Would Kagome have an aide? Like a stick or a dog or something she can use to help herself? You could always work in an angle there if that's the case. Or you could go crazy with the psychic stuff. If not than keeping her blind for whatever reason or curing her probably depends on your plot.
~ Pyre
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Re:Blind Love (Update and an sos call for help) 7 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 0
Blind fighting sounds awesome especially when you think of all that it entails, she would have to rely on her other senses to fight, also I vote the stick or a husky/K9 in public or wherever but from what is said of Midoriko taking her sight you should give partial eyesight back and gradually give her glasses towards the end. Personally, I've been looking into Kagome being blind x Sesshomaru, but most of the ones I found she regains her sight suddenly or for some random reason. But because I have not read this story I can only give personal opinions not any based on the story, but it does sound good from what I've read here. Of course, these are only my opinion or what I would do in something I would write. but ultimately the choice is yours to make and i look forward to reading it. Also, Toph is awesome.
Last Edit: 2017/09/15 11:33 By Kageshi.
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Re:Blind Love (Update and an sos call for help) 7 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 17
Sorry to hear you're struggling with the story! I was enjoying your updates, but I really am a poor reviewer!
I like the idea of escalating a once hidden racial conflict - paralleling life in art. Social problems aren't born in a day, but any trigger can take something that was hidden and bring it to the forefront of everyone's minds. It may also help you to work through what you feel about the whole situation here in the US. I know I've done my own "therapy" through writing before, and it helps.
Having a legally blind hubby, I liked where you were taking the story with Kagome's blindness. She acquired her blindness through an outside intervention, perhaps outside intervention/time/certain scenarios could fix some of it. I don't know about total blindness, but light perception is not an uncommon form - maybe she could gain more clarity, but not enough to read? ...maybe everything is still fuzzy, but now she can perceive more colors and movement?
If she were blind with light perception, reading and daily tasks would still be a significant challenge, but it would make a blind warrior Kagome more workable. Personally, I've always been fond of the blind warrior theme (aka Daredevil, Toph) where the blindness opens them up to the use of other senses. Dealing in a world of youkai, it isn't too outside the realm of possibility to use a psychic/miko ability like reading auras or sensing energies to give her an edge. It wouldn't bring back full vision - things may still be indistinct - but it would give you a little more freedom in what she could do.
Just some thoughts and ideas, but you have a ton of great ones here from phenomenal authors! I can't wait to see what you do with your rework!
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