Yosh minna-san! Do you have an impressive art portfolio but suck when it comes to writing a comic? Or perhaps you rock at creating storyboards but lack other skills to make it possible? I need a discliplined artist/editor/writer who can materialize my story ideas. I'm looking for someone who is able to understand and emulate my art style and expression, and accord to the storyline. Petty preferences include someone who can draw ala 90s manga style (think Yuu Watase) and a writer who reads works by Neil Gaiman and Haruki Murakami.
However all of this is negotiable.
Currently I have two SessKag comic projects in mind--a comedy and an angsty drama. Tell me which you are more comfortable to work with.
The Comedy (
Hanako Express)
The comedy deals with an amnesia-stricken Sesshoumaru and involves him in drag. I understand these themes may sound out-of-character and ridiculous, disturbing even. That is why I need someone who can pull it off not only convincingly, but with a touch of surreal nonchalance. When it comes to comedy I am more inclined towards
visual slapstick humour, rather than the sarcastic verbal abuse you tend to see in today's comics.
Plot Summary
Warning: Spoiler!: The premise is simple; Kagome meets Sesshoumaru who has lost his memory, and reluctantly allows him to join their group, but not without putting him in a disguise as a woman (Hanako) first. You can wonder how this is even possible, and the incidents that occur during his stay with them. This is why I need a good assistant writer with a good sense of humour for this.
The Emo Drama (
The Passage of Time)
The title is a direct translation of a song by 70s Japanese pop singer Kenji Sawada (otherwise called Toki no Sugiyuku Mamani). It follows the unlikely romantic relationship between Sesshomaru and Kagome through time. This story carries a dark sombre tone to it and explores the human fickleness, from Sesshoumaru's point of view. Throughout the story, he is portrayed with a beautiful face, almost mask-like and expressionless, but nevertheless unchanging.
NOTE: Kagome's face is not shown at all, save for her teasing smile. This story contain hints of sexual scenes.
Plot Summary
Warning: Spoiler!Both Kagome and Sesshoumaru are already involved in a clandestine relationship in the beginning. Kagome leaves the feudal era after the completion of the jewel, and tells him she is not coming back. Sesshomaru promises to wait for her until they meet again in the future, of which by then, Kagome has already changed.
I do not need a writer for this one as I have already written the script. I don't mind an editor though.
All in all, I don't want to be perceived as talking so much.

Please drop me an email at
dawnnite_7@hotmail.com or PM me or whatever. I love anyone who can pitch in to help.