Well, it has come to my attention that we've had a massive influx of spammers posting comments on fanart all over the site!
I dug into the system today and believe I've managed to stop the spam comments. Unfortunately, I'm having to delete the spam comments in sort of a scattershot fashion. Working back from today, I'm deleting all comments made by unregistered users or users who didn't log in.
Long story, somewhat shorter...
If you come up missing some comments on your arts, it's probably because I had to delete some valid comments to get rid of the massive (about 200K worth) amount of spam all over the place. I'm TRYING, really hard, to watch for valid comments, but I'm also going through them 500 at a time. Yes, it's gonna take a while. Yes, I'm gonna miss some.
Apologies for both the spamming influx, as well as the disappearance of any comments.
