Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Free Semi-Real Portrait Art for Practice - Closed 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 57
Right, I'm willing to draw semi-realistic portraits of characters ( that's head and shoulders images not full-body) originally created by you, i.e., from your fanfiction, or from Inuyasha.
I emphasise that this is 'FREE' art not requests for commissions.
I am not a commission artist.
Examples of my work are available in my online gallery on Dev: Pyre on Deviant, and a couple are on Dokuga here: Sesshoumaru - Lineart.
What you need to know:
I do not:
- Own a wacom tablet, nor do I have access of any kind to one.
- Draw in digital media, nor do I have access to a colouring system other than GIMP, which I am new at using
I draw using:
- Pencil on sketch-paper
- I specialise in grayscale pencil work, not digital work.
I am willing to draw:
- Sess or Kags or any of the Inuyasha cast in a semi-realistic portrait with or without expressions. This is up to you.
Note that preference will be given for Sess or Kagome artworks over other Inuyasha characters, since this is Dokuga.
- Your Dokugasona as a portrait image provided that you can give me a detailed description of the character, or links to the image online if you have them.
Please, do not send me an image of yourself or your family members for reference if you want a Dokugasona protrait.
I will auto-reject any requests like this. If you want photo-realism in your Dokugasona of yourself, you should be considering a paid commission artist, and not me.
I'm good yes, but not that good.
- Your Dokuga fanfiction character as a portrait image provided that you can give me a detailed description of them, or links to online images for reference if you have had them drawn before.
- One portrait request per Dokugan. If you want more than one done than I am sorry but I am only willing to draw one per person as I take my time to draw.
- Fish, beasties, hair-ornaments, earrings, or anything really, provided that it's not M or MA, or incredibly obscure.
Please do not request Kanji or Chinese/Japanese characters on your portraits. I do not speak or write in either language, nor am I willing to spend hours looking for online references.
I will not draw:
- Anything M or MA, although I'm not sure how a portrait image could be M or MA, but there you go.
Anything else will likely be accepted.
- Your Dokugasona, OR, fanfiction character looking like a 'real' person, i.e. Johnny Depp or Justin Bieber. I do use photo-references as a guiding point, but please do not expect your Dokugasona to resemble Bieber or Angelina Jolie.
All drawings will be:
- Done in pencil on paper.
- Grayscale lineart.
- Portrait, head and shoulders images only, not full-body.
- Semi-realistic not cartoony.
All drawings will not be:
- Done using a digital wacom tablet as I use traditional pencil on paper as a medium.
- Inked, coloured, or shaded.
I do not mind if:
- You choose to colour the grayscale lineart yourself or get another artist to do it, but I do want to be credited for the lineart if you do this.
- You choose to use the portrait image as your Dokugasona, just credit me for the lineart
- You or another artist colours the lineart and you want to repost it 'coloured' on Dokuga OR on another online art gallery, just credit me for the lineart if you want to do this.
- You use the image in a button, stamp, or banner on Dokuga, just credit me for the lineart, if you want to do this.
Please overall just PM me if you've done this. Give me a heads up please. It's only polite. Thank you.
To make a request:
- PM me the details, but please have your descriptions prepared beforehand.
If I have to PM you more than three times to tease out the details of your character, I will auto-reject your request. Please... PLEASE... know what you want BEFORE you PM me.
RL Issues:
- I work in RL so sometimes I will not be home to check my PMs. I will be at work.
- I take my time to draw. Please do not expect an instant drawing. This image of a semi-realistic Sesshoumaru took me two days to do: Sesshoumaru - Lineart.
I am open to doing 'three' requests for semi-realistic portraits for now. I will update this post as the slots fill up, and close it off once I have three.
If and that is if I get any interest at all. XD There's a chance that I won't too. Which is okay as well. Don't feel pressured to ask either!
This artwork is free. I am not asking for commissions as I don't do them. If you want commissioned work there are plenty of artists that do this. I do not, so please do not ask for commissioned work from me. You will get a swift PM that says 'Thank you but no thank you. I do not do commission work' with my usual '~ Pyre' attached underneath it.
Request slots open so far are:
- KEdakumi - CLOSED - Drawing character - Cupid.
- AiRoku. CLOSED. - Drawing a 'Sona - Darker image
- BelovedStranger. CLOSED - Drawing character - 'Sai'
Thank you
~ Pyre
Last Edit: 2016/05/26 02:20 By Pyre.
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Re:Free Semi-Real Portrait Art for Practice 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 56
Oh! Oh! I'd love to have a picture drawn of Cupid as I described him in Sesshoumaru's Gift:The Courting (see Chapter 5). I.d love to use it as my avatar 
Last Edit: 2013/10/15 22:12 By KEdakumi.
Reason: just cuz...
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Re:Free Semi-Real Portrait Art for Practice 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 7
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Re:Free Semi-Real Portrait Art for Practice 11 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 60
I'd love for you to draw me a pic of my OC character in The Perfect Mate. Her name is Sai. Here is a little detail description of her I took from my story:
Kagome took notice of the clothing Sai was wearing. Her dark green hakama and lighter green haori bore a brown tree branch design marking the shoulders and a teal colored obi. Her long hair was a light tan color with a hint of orange tied in a high pony tail. Catching movement behind Sai, she caught a glimpse of a tail; a foxes if she wasn't mistaken. She then looked back to her face to see green eyes and pointed ears.
If you need more info on who Sai is just ask, but this is basically it for how I described her in my fanfic >.> I hope this is enough info.
Last Edit: 2013/10/15 23:29 By belovedstranger.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Free Semi-Real Portrait Art for Practice 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 57
I'm so sorry I haven't been around or PMing for updates on the art-scene for this thread. RL has been topsy-turvy for me in the the last two months. I had a bereavement in the family mid-Feb, moved into permanent part-time work by the end of Feb, and was nervous till mid-March preparing for my Uni-graduation ceremony.
I haven't had much inspiration to art for weeks since except to write a little non-Inuyasha fanfic, and try my hand at traditional media with painting on canvas.
XD. I'm going to play catch-up for real this month and through Easter. I just hope I don't get too distracted by the release of Desolation of Smaug on DVD. XD. My last piclet morphed into an elf. Blargh. Sorry Ai!
Good news is that I do have some fresh ideas too. I'll be picking up my sketchbook again this afternoon. I'll keep you 'abreast' of updates till I actually manage to spit something mildly identifiable as your charries out.
~ Pyre
Last Edit: 2014/03/27 21:19 By Pyre.
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Re:Free Semi-Real Portrait Art for Practice 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 60
So glad you're back ^^ Though I am sorry to hear about you bereavement. Also, never apologize for the curve balls life throws at you. You have kindly offered your artistic abilities to see an author's character(s) come to life for FREE, so I'm sure I can speak for all of us that you can take your time and draw when the mood strikes and when you have time available
Again, thank you for your willingness to draw one of my OC character :3
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Free Semi-Real Portrait Art for Practice 10 Years, 11 Months ago
Karma: 57
Thanks B,
Yah I've slated Ai first since her's is a bit more complicated, plus I flubbed the first two sketches >.> which are on my Devart page being humbly advertised as well flubbernuts.
My art morphs into elves when I watch Lord of the Rings OR the Hobbit.
Stupid pencil and paper.
I suppose I can't really blame my imagination. I blame Sesshy and Legolas for making pointy-eared guys incredibly attractive.
Damn their ethereal handsomeness for being distracting!
I think I need blinders, you know, the kind that they put on cart-horses.
Then maybe I wouldn't be so distracted... *watches Sesshy and drools*
~ Pyre
Last Edit: 2014/03/31 20:07 By Pyre.
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Time Traveler
Posts: 708
Re:Free Semi-Real Portrait Art for Practice 10 Years, 2 Months ago
Karma: 57
Update: On art
All three pieces of art will now be done using a wacom tablet. I bought one and love using it. Plus it's easier to draw and edit on the PC. It just takes me a bit more time to figure out the little details. Ironically.
1 - BelovedStranger - Sai - 100% done.
Base sketch done. Editing done on lineart. Detail on hair is now complete.
Updated WIP Image -
Sai - Complete Final Image -
2 - Ai - Sona Image - 70%
Startled digital inking of pencil-sketch. Armour design - done, now working on Thestral scaling before tidying up and finishing off completely.
WIP Lineart in Progress - AiRoku Sona:
3 - Kedakumi - Cupid - 100% Done - Lineart in progress.
Cupid Final Lineart
~ Pyre
Last Edit: 2016/05/24 03:48 By Pyre.
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