So I was thinking it'd be a fun idea for all you lovely artists to have a positions challenge.

I think it would be a creative and nice change from the usual positions you're inclined to or are used to drawing. Though of course I know there's many of you out there who like to challenge yourself to drawing different positions already.
Would anybody be interested in a game where I draw a very abstract position for you to get creative with? For example, I would draw a quick bubble sketch of someone in an outstretched position, and then the artist would look at that prompt and make their own art based off that position. So that "outstretched" prompt could end up being Sesshomaru laying down in a field, or Kagome after having just tripped on a bar of soap.
So you can be very abstract with the prompts! It would be very neat to see what you all come up with.
A karma will be awarded to each of your efforts, and I'll also be working on a banner for participation as well.
MA art will be permitted, so long as a warning is offered before posting it here. Also, the challenge will be open, so you may post a response to a previous position anytime you'd like with a note with the title of which position you chose to do.
~ "*" ~
EDIT: Alright, so summarizing all that ^ so you don't have to read it.
An abstract form/position will be posted onto this thread, and for anyone who would like to participate can take the gist of that position and make it into a fanart.
Example: A position of an outstretched body. The artist will make a fanart featuring that position in the way they interpret it. One might draw Sesshomaru laying in field, another might draw Kagome after having tripped on a bar of soap.
1. Character drawn must somewhat resemble the position.
2. After finished, post a link back to this thread so we can all see your beautiful work!
3. Along with post, mention which position you chose to model your challenge response of. (Ex. Position #1)
Karma will be awarded for each challenge response, as we all know what hard work and time is put into making fanart! Also, a token is available for each position.
You do not have to participate in all the position prompts posted. Do whatever floats your boat.
If you are 18+ and your fanart is MA, please give a warning on your post.