I'm not really sure if this should go under Recommendations or Self Promotion... maybe a bit of both, so I'll post it here to be safe.
I've been into podfic (that's audio versions of fan fic, just to be clear - there's a bunch of names used for it, depending on where you find it first)for a while now and couldn't help but notice that Inuyasha is barely present in the medium. The only ones I know of happen to be of Sesshoumaru/Kagome fics, so I'll go ahead and link them here.
The first one I came across is an audio version of Resmiranda's
'Tales from the House of the Moon'. You can find it on youtube
here. It's not finished yet - the reader only made it to chapter 6 so far, but I'm hoping she won't give up on it. I don't think I need to go on about how awesome the story is. Just go listen to it and give the reader some love, encourage her to finish the project
The second one happens to be a podfic of one of my own stories,
'Strangers in a Teashop' read by tinypinkmouse. You can find it on
Archive of Our Own. It's short and a bit sad and might have been subconsciously inspired by Resmiranda's works.
And the third is again a podfic of one of Resmiranda's stories,
'Making the most of Purgatory' and it's read by me. You can find it on
Archive of Our Own. I apologize for the hissing in the background, but I was still a bit awkward with the sound editing.
I hope someone else finds this interesting and if anyone else knows of other Sesshoumaru/Kagome podfics out there, please leave a link and a recommendation here.