sapphira_DoG wrote:
I have a story that needs my love and I desperately want to work on it more. It's stats so far:
71 Pages
31,000+ words.
Prelude + 6 Chapters
The Prelude is ready to be seen, and Chapter One is mostly ready (revising a bit and spell checking). My only thing is that I'm a nervous Nelly and never know when or if to post my stories. :| It's frustrating! Any thoughts?
Until today, I
still get nervous whenever I finish writing and ready to send it to my beta(s). Not to mention waiting for the reply, the correction over grammars and idioms, and also the suggestions.. Then after I am satisfied enough that it is close to perfect after I edit it, I'm slightly afraid of what my followers will say... will it be good? Will it be disappointing? Will it make an impression to them? Will they stay again for the next chapter? Will there be a flame, someone who curse my inability to write? (Thankfully I have none to this day, more like readers strangle me to be MIA for months LOL)
But, as always, my love and passion for writing are greater, so even though I'm nervous and afraid of the reactions, I go through it
So, don't worry to post it here.
Post the prelude, and see the reactions. If it's good, then continue, if it's not... then, you still have many who are willing to help or do whatever you want with your story