Hello there!
A brief reason why I'm posting this website up here is to help writers like me who have ... well 'bad' grammar. 'Bad' as in, not because it's unreadable but because there are reviewers and readers out there who expect better of us.
Sadly, I am one of those hard taught people who incorporates two different languages into a sentence while writing. For me, it's Korean and English... And these two languages, based on sentence structure is utterly different.
Anyhoo, I was researching up on grammar and to see if I can better myself as an amateur writer. I came across this nifty little website:
English Grammar 101: All You Need to Know
It goes over the basics and albeit in detail for a sentence structure. So it did help me a little, and I hope it will help other writers who have the same problem.
It's better to realize why and how the mistakes in grammar come in, right?
Thanks for reading!
PS - If anyone comes across better websites, please do post them. I am very interested in brushing up my grammar!