Why Do I Have to Choose a Category?
What Difference Does It Make?
As a service to our readers, we decided at the very beginning of Dokuga to make sure that all the stories we hosted had categories... and that the categories were used properly. Say you’re looking for an interesting story to spend the afternoon reading. Would you want to get involved in reading something that was just a Oneshot? Or would you rather know, before getting engrossed in the story, that it was a Chapter Story? Many of us involved in Dokuga at the beginning felt very strongly about this issue, thus we set three different categories.
What Is a Oneshot?
A Oneshot is a one-chapter story. Just what it implies.
It might stretch to two chapters, but should NEVER go beyond that point, by virtue of what the name implies. It is a story that is told, beginning to end, in one tasty chunk.
What is a Oneshot Collection?
This is one of the most misunderstood categories, I think. Oneshot Collections are more to house drabbles. For the uninitiated, drabbles are short stories, usually no more than 800 words, but can be ANY length. Oneshot Collections might be a series of drabbles that tell a story in several parts, but each drabble should be able to stand on its own.
In any case, one should categorize one’s ‘story’ as a Oneshot Collection if one’s chapters are going to be less than 700 words per chapter, like drabbles.
What is a Chapter Story?
This, too, is a misunderstood category. One might think, on the face of it, that Chapter Story would mean anything one might write that is multi-chaptered. Such is NOT the case, however. In order to avoid the regrettable tendency of some to write many small chapters for the sake of garnering more reviews, we have a specific set of rules that apply to our Chapter Stories.
A Chapter Story is a multi-chaptered story. Beyond that,
it MUST contain AT LEAST 700 words per chapter, of actual story (this does NOT include any author's notes, disclaimers, or chapter headings).
Now, I am more than willing to average the number of words per chapter, however,
if you start your story with a prologue that is less than 700 words of actual story, please don’t post it until you have another chapter completed that will bring your average for the two chapters up to the 700 word per chapter minimum. At all times, you MUST maintain a 700 word per chapter
of actual story average or, if found, you will receive ONE warning, followed by story deletion if the per chapter word count is not corrected.
Again, the rules governing categories can be found at
http://dokuga.com/rules. Please consider your story category carefully, and categorize it properly. It will save us all time and trouble in the future!!

PS - If you have reason to believe that a story already posted has been incorrectly categorized, PLEASE do not wait for a warning to change it!! Thank you!