Hi! As some of you know (the rest of you are wondering who I am, or where the hell I've been), I signed last year with a small publisher, Curiosity Quills Press.

I'm very excited to announce that on October 7th, CQ will be releasing their very first anthologies.
Primetime is readership
YA and up, and
After Dark, as the title suggests, is
MA only.
Primetime includes my story
While touring a house for signs of a paranormal activity, amateur psychic consultant Giselle Boudreaux has a frightening encounter unlike anything she's experienced before.
After Dark features my story
Precious Blood.
(Some of you may recall
Precious Blood, I originally posted it to Dokuga as an AU SessKag one-shot for Halloween about 2 years back)
Weary of her existence as a vampire, Annalese seeks the truth to a legend which says she may live again if she consumes the blood of a fallen angel. Misunderstandings, and a not necessarily willing Fallen One, bring about an unforeseen turn of events.
Anyone who would like the purchase links please comment here, or PM me & I'll send them to you once they become available.
10% of purchase donated to No-Kill animal shelters.