Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 9
I'm sure many of you noticed that I have yet to update MoaB today... the reason for this is my botched oral surgery from earlier this afternoon
I was supposed to be knocked out for my oral surgery to remove my bottom two wisdom teeth, but instead they did something called a "conscious anesthesia"... which meant I was awake for the surgery. The problem with this is, locals (the Novocaine they put in with a needle in your gums) DOESN'T work on me... and since I was awake, I felt everything. I felt when they cut my gums when they drilled and scrapped and shaved of bits of my jaw, when they yanked and tugged and even when they stitched...
And the dentists wouldn't listen to me when I told them I could feel it. They kept saying it was just pressure, but it wasn't- I could feel it, and so was screaming and crying the entire time and I tore my throat up doing so. On top of that, both my wisdom teeth were embedded in my jaw and really close to the nerve that runs through it, so all of the pain was magnified.
It was bad. Real bad. I'm in a lot of pain, and have spent most of the day either crying or passed out on pain medication. The worst part is, my bleeding hasn't slowed down any, and I'm slowly running out of gauze.  Le poo.
...but never fear, this weeks chapter for MoaB WILL be up, prolly tomorrow if not Wednesday, as will the bonus chapter my lovelies! Actually, thanks to Superior Sense of Smell CHALLENGE by the splediferous see03, MoaB is now 50 chapters long and has MORE chapters that are set in childhood and adulthood.... and there is fluff sooner now as a result!!!!
I demand you all go and leave a heart or cookie on her profile page. Fly my followers, fly!!!!
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Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 16
Ouch I am so sorry for you. The doctors should have listened to you!
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Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 7
Oh my... I hope you feel better and the pain lessens. We will miss you till then!
Say whaaaaaa?!
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Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 16
sugar0o wrote:
i know that some might say it's frivolous, but get a lawyer, that's your body, your pain, they are supposed to listen to you, and if your screaming and crying the whole time, then thats not normal. And they probably know it. I wouldn't sue for much, but i'd ask for something, that was basically torture. 
I agree -- talk to a lawyer or report them to the dental board or both; but especially the dental board as they might revoke the licences so they can't do this to others.
This yahoo answers may be useful for you; at least for future procedures.
Last Edit: 2013/01/15 09:15 By Kneazles.
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Posts: 228
Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 72
Ouch! Definately report them! My dentist wanted to remove my wisdoms also (only born with 2 thank goodness) but since I'm such a baby when it comes to pain and they haven't bothered me I told them no way. I know I will eventually have to have them taken out but after reading your post I'm 100% sure they would have to put me under general anesthesia. Pfft! I'm 34 so by the time they finally do need taken out I'll prolly need dentures!
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Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 0
No medical person ever listens. They always think they know more than you and that you are over reaccting. WHen my sister had to get a cast removed the told the doctor that he was sawing into her hand (electric saw!) and her told her that she was just feeling the heat. Well he had a lot of explaining to do when it was finally off. She still has the scar to show. LOL!
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Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 9
Kneazles wrote:
Ouch I am so sorry for you. The doctors should have listened to you!
Thank you so much for your concern  They should have listened to me, and I'm definitely going to look into it to see what I can do about it!
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Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 9
Farein wrote:
Oh my... I hope you feel better and the pain lessens. We will miss you till then!
Thank you! The pain has lessened a lot, but for some reason the swelling hasn't gone down and it's still hurting a lot more than it probably should be at this point :/ I know I'm already going stir crazy though, and since I have to go to class tomorrow anyway, I might be back sooner than I should be regardless lol  I'm not about to let a little agonizing pain keep me from my S/K addiction!!!
i know that some might say it's frivolous, but get a lawyer, that's your body, your pain, they are supposed to listen to you, and if your screaming and crying the whole time, then thats not normal. And they probably know it. I wouldn't sue for much, but i'd ask for something, that was basically torture.
I don;t think it's frivolous at all, I'm just not sure what I can really do about it  It was a dental college that did my work, and I'm kinda sorta dead broke at the moment~ yay for being a full time Grad student  I do know we're trying to find out if I can get some of my money back at least- I don;t think it's right that I paid for anesthesia that I didn't get. I do agree though... it absolutely felt like torture  I'm so happy I won;t have to do that again, since my upper wisdom teeth came in like sharks teeth~ they actually shifted forward to fill in the gaps from other extractions to the point that even the dentist couldn't tell they weren't my molars lol XD
sugar0o wrote:
i know that some might say it's frivolous, but get a lawyer, that's your body, your pain, they are supposed to listen to you, and if your screaming and crying the whole time, then thats not normal. And they probably know it. I wouldn't sue for much, but i'd ask for something, that was basically torture.
I agree -- talk to a lawyer or report them to the dental board or both; but especially the dental board as they might revoke the licences so they can't do this to others.
This yahoo answers may be useful for you; at least for future procedures.
Thank you! that is seriously helpful, and I've already bookmarked it! I actually do have a lot of other work I need done, but none of it was pressing like this~ it can at least wait for me to be at the actual dentists and not the dental college!
Ouch! Definately report them! My dentist wanted to remove my wisdoms also (only born with 2 thank goodness) but since I'm such a baby when it comes to pain and they haven't bothered me I told them no way. I know I will eventually have to have them taken out but after reading your post I'm 100% sure they would have to put me under general anesthesia. Pfft! I'm 34 so by the time they finally do need taken out I'll prolly need dentures!
If I could have avoided haing mine taken out, I would have. Stupid infection made it necessary =_= Thank you for your concern though! and Yes! Don't elect to do it unless you have no other choice!
No medical person ever listens. They always think they know more than you and that you are over reaccting. WHen my sister had to get a cast removed the told the doctor that he was sawing into her hand (electric saw!) and her told her that she was just feeling the heat. Well he had a lot of explaining to do when it was finally off. She still has the scar to show. LOL!
Oh that sucks!!!  I'm so glad I've never had to have a cast for anything
Seriously, to everyone who has commented, than you for your sympathy, understanding and support! I appreciate all the advice and concern, and hope to be back in full force soon! It's no fun not getting to be around you fun fun peoples XD
Sorry it took me so long to get back to everyone~ still not too great at sitting up for long periods of time lol ^^;
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Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 29
I'm really sorry this happened to you.
I had something similar. Because I was pretty broke, I got one wisdom tooth taken out and then the other three. For the first one, I went to this little dentist and it hurt. He said it was pressure too but I was bawling my eyes out it was torture. When I went to another dentist for the other three teeth, the dentist told me the other guy messed up. He shattered the tooth and I don't know basically he messed up and because of that it never healed properly, it looks like someone gnawed my gum. And I had an infection for a long time and it bled forever. I only had one tooth taken out and it was worse for me than most people who got 4 taken out.
So, I don't know if maybe they messed up for you too? Maybe - if you can afford it - try to get a routine dental check up somewhere else once you feel better? Just to make sure everything is alright.
Also, I don't know if you tried eating (well *eating* is a big word since you're very limited right now), but you should. I know it's hard, I didn't eat for 5 days but once I did force myself to eat a normal amount of food, that's when the recovery FINALLY kicked in and the bleeding stopped.
I hope you'll feel better soon. Hang in there!
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Re:Important Update for Memories of a Boy Fans!!! 12 Years, 1 Month ago
Karma: 16
FaeHime wrote:
I don;t think it's frivolous at all, I'm just not sure what I can really do about it It was a dental college that did my work, and I'm kinda sorta dead broke at the moment~ yay for being a full time Grad student ;
www.dentalboards.org/ this might give you a starting point. If not google (State name) Dental Boards and contact them Tell them. they might be able to direct you to who you need to talk to. Most professional boards take complaints seriously because it looks bad for the profession if a serious complaint is ignored and the person filing the complaint takes it to the media or else where.
You may also be able to contact your school and talk to a legal advisor free of charge--some college/universities keep a legal advisor handy for students to contact for a variety of reasons [usually housing in my college[
Last Edit: 2013/01/17 05:23 By Kneazles.
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