Omg, you read it?

Sorry, I'm still a bit shocked when someone asks me about that book.
There has been a lot of confusion about
Summoned (and it's impending sequel), because I'd pulled it from publication due to signing with a publisher. They were (are, if the story still holds up in the current market climate, if not, I'll be putting the book back out on my own [I've learned self/indie published isn't a bad place to be, these days XD]) going to re-publish the book with a snazzy new cover art, proper editing, and all that. I'm
so sorry if you've been waiting on the sequel.

I let myself get talked into a lot of sidetracking- there was writing a serial, working on shorts for anthologies, and somewhere along the way,
Summoned got pushed to the wayside.

I know that sounds awful, and again, I'm so sorry about that. I just recently re-prioritized my work, writing-wise, and getting
Summoned out of pre-edits so I can formally send it in to my publisher to be looked at/edited, and completing its sequel,
Sacrificed, are some of the first things I'm trying to get done (alongside the revision/reposting of
Stealing Heaven).