Hey, I got pulled into this thread because I'm in the mood for a similar type of fic, and just want to say that I totally second Forthy's Impeccable, Striking Falcon's To Bear Witness, and Rinseternalsoul's A Sister's Gift. All three are some of my absolute favourite SessKag authors; their works are always amazing!
I haven't read Chie's Tables Turned but I'll be sure to check it out, the plot sounds great!
Thanks for the rec Chie!
Maracuya, to go in line with the thread, I'd also suggest you check out Striking Falcon's Unexpected Allies Trilogy, its absolutely superb. I think the first fic in the trilogy is one that has Sess acting as her "pet" of sorts so they can infiltrate a miko compound to take back Rin. Even though it's pretend that's like the role reversal you were looking for right? Also all three fics are complete! It's a long Trilogy you can really sink your teeth into so I'd suggest only starting it once you know you have awhile to spend on it because trust me once you start you won't be able to stop until the happily ever after! Striking Falcon is amazing and one of the authors that really got me into SessKag way back when
I remember impatiently waiting for her to update her Unexpected Allies fics from the beginning lol So once you finish these fics definitely also go read all her other one's as well! There's a scene in The Breaking Point where Kagome jokingly makes up and sings a theme song about Sesshoumaru that cracks me up every time I reread it
There are a couple of other fics on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember them! :/ I'll be sure to reply back to this thread if I do though!
Anyhoo, I'm also interested in reading more fics with this type of plot, so if you come across any more or if you have some to rec, I'd love to hear them!
Thanks, and I hope you enjoy all the fics as much as I did when I first read them!