Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 33
Ooh...I have to add my two cents!
"Mad World" by sugar0o. This is one of the most original plotlines that I have ever seen. Please update soon!
"The Enemy of My Enemy" by Wazzu Otuku on FF.net.
I will also throw in my requests for Sidhe to come back!
Sessylove219 claimed Sesshoumaru\'s fundoushi in the Claim game! Hands off!
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Hug someone you care about, today. Tell them that you love them. You never know when they will be gone for good.
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 14
As My Daughter Wishes by Catseyes
Most likely will never be updated... but I can always dream.
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 8
I have to say two that stick out the most that I really miss reading are:
Gaean Miko on FF.net
You Spin me right round by Gypsie Wine on Single Spark (its on here in another section)
Those two were the best that never got finished 
\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"I Claimed Miroku\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s Earrings in the Claim Game Thread. There mine, all mine! Bwaahhh!!\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 5 Months ago
Karma: 67
Reaching for Perfection by DaiyoukaiGeisha
Everyone has their addictions. Mine are fanfiction, Sesshomaru and KARMA!!!!!!!!!!
Bakusaiga is mine via the Claiming Game thread.
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 78
I can't believe I didn't think of "A Dance to Remember" by Blue Moon Vixen. This was hot! Does anyone know Blue Moon Vixen? I would be willing to grovel if it scored an update of this crazy-sexy story...
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Time Traveler
Posts: 789
Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 156
Sesshoumaru's Fiend wrote:
Bachelor's true Nightmare by the Dah and CiraArana
Oh my God, someone still remembers that one? We only ever got 2 chapters done. ^^; Nowadays I don't have much contact with Dah-chan anymore, but maybe if I get inspired, I might see if I could get something done about this. Though I have two unfinished fanfics rolling already. We'll see, I won't promise anything, but maybe. I hate to see things unfinished.
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 92
Gonna add another....
Double Trouble by Kanazawa
I tried getting ahold of the author but the e-mail addy Miss K had was no longer good
Just a suggestion... if some of the authors on the thread know other authors that don't want to or just can't finish the fictions and are willing to let someone take them over give a shout out. There are some authors here who would be more than willing to take some of them on for them. Hell, at least that way some of them get finished!
Fun fact: All writers are crazy, to some degree. There is a reason for it -- actually making it through a novel almost requires it. If you love to read, then you\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'re continually benefitting from other people\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s craziness.-From Cracked
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 1
are you kidding? there are too many to list!!!
lol but i guess off the top of my head...
The Quad by JosieKnox
Visions by Mujitsu
Just Roomies? by MuteShadow
also all fics written by omizumaru and CiraArana
I really miss them!
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Lady Scheherazadea
Posts: 135
Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 6
1. White Dog's Perversity
2. Progression by Unseelie Sidhe
3. A Demon Should Act Like A Demon by Ericedwyn
4. The Archangel by undecidedlycertain
5. When The Last Tear Falls by duchesscarml
6. A Self Called Nowhere by Noacat
7. Embracing Ice by Yabou
8. Gaean Miko by EyeOfDlareme
9. Golem's Uprising by punkish furball
10. She Who The Prophecy Foretold by Sunset Miko
11. Snow Pearl by PhoenixBlade
12. The Arena by Apathetic (I've only seen in on A Single Spark)
13. The Complete Idiot's Guide To Dog Demons by Unseelie Sidhe
14. The Legend of the Silver Inu Angel by AristocraticAssassinLover/DeadlyDisaster
15. Thrill of the Hunt by Oniko
16. Unordinary Silver by Striking Falcon
17. White Dog, Blue Moon by Hikari Hime 73
18. Center of the Cross by Tako no Taiko
19. Seeking A Dream by captaintori88
20. Enchanted Orbs by syrinxsong
I know this list is long and some of the stories listed have very few chapters but for me those chapters made a lasting impression. Some on the list will probably never be finished but I can always hope.
“Playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won\\\'t feel insecure around you.”
~Marianne Williamson
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 78
How about "The Beach Incident" by AnimeMoon on ASS. It is really creative, original, well-written, amusing, exciting... I don't see AnimeMoon listed in the Dokuga Author Directory, but I'd definitely like to read more of that story.
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 8
It Wasn't Supposed to Be You by Freya Ishtar
that's a very good story!! It only has 3 chapters but man, what a wonderful idea!!
A Father's Desire by Keva
another awesome fic! I just love InuTaisho/Kags pairings!
Dirty Little Secret by one of my fav authors: MomoDesu
Momo, if you're reading this, please update! Don't leave me on the edge of my seat with this one. And I know for a fact that you're on this site!! I talked to you last week!
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 1
I know it's never going to be finished, but I still love The Stirrings of The Blood, and it's been about 5 or 6 years since it was dropped.
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 2
I read through the thread but perhaps it's just me who longs for Youkai no Yume's " Whispered Dreams" to be finished? It ended on such a cliffie too!
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 2
I now own Nikkari's fic The Red and one of these days I plan on finishing it for her... but don't ask when. But I do have it; all 65 pages of it. Oh and A Father's Desire is slowly being worked on. Trying to kick Adoption out first.
Last Edit: 2009/10/25 18:17 By Keva.
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Why was The Stirrings of The Blood dropped??? 
Last Edit: 2009/10/25 18:41 By REDWOLF.
Reason: needed to add title of story!
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 7
Anything that Profiler120 left unfinished angered me >:
Blind Stitch my Heart had a horrible cliffe in the end of it that could have been continued. I had to snatch up Absconding Sorrows and finish it, but I still want to know how she would have ended it she wouldn't tell me.
Another unfinished story that drove me crazy because it was where the story starts out with Kagome and Sesshoumaru getting divorced and he needs to win her back, but yet it was never updated after that.
Of course I have no room to talk because I wrote two fanfics where I could have ended it with one last chapter, and still to this day I have writer's block and can't come up with the words >:
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Last Edit: 2009/10/29 02:42 By sesshys_jaded_samuri.
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Minister of Silly Walks
Posts: 739
Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 25
kimakaanna wrote:
Dirty Little Secret by one of my fav authors: MomoDesu
Momo, if you're reading this, please update! Don't leave me on the edge of my seat with this one. And I know for a fact that you're on this site!! I talked to you last week!
The original is still on Spark. I got burned out on the revamp. I'll finish the new edit eventually, but the old one is still hanging around on Spark.
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 78
I just re-read "Dirty Little Secret" and its sequel yesterday. You must be a perfectionist, MomoDesu, because they are already awesome! I don't know how you are going to improve them, but when you do, I will enjoy re-re-reading them...
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 0
Danyealle-sama wrote:
Slip of the Tongue by Sada
Most of these are so old i've given up on them getting finished but i keep hoping. Hell, i would be willing to take over some of them if they wanted just so i could see them finished!
Additional: I should add that all these stories are ADULT ONLY so no one under 18 follow the links.[/quote]
Totally updated. xD
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 2
Fated Union by Flower-sama.
Really wished this one would get finished. It's well written and absolutely amazing....
I might not have very many talents, but I can still squeeze an orange in your eye!!!
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 1
I'm so glad I found this thread! I see a lot of excellent unfinished stories here. I'm especially glad that Noacat wants to finish A self called nowhere. I'm watching that fic since she started it.
I didn't see YoukaiFate's Price of vengence listed. I loved that story and Fate is still around but it seems she moved on to Sango/Sessh pairing. Its a shame she never finished PoV, it only needs 2 maybe 3 chapters..
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 27
*too lazy to get the link* but Violation of Honor by Rinseternalsoul was KILLER!!! damn it she left off at a such a pivot point too!!
Belonging to Sesshoumaru
Falls on Me
Kiss for the Prince
The Breaking Point (Striking Falcon)
Because of a Man
Cherry Bomb
Of Gods and Demons
Cinematic Bliss
...and the list goes onnnnn!!
I claimed Goshinboku in the Claim Game~!  trees rule.
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Re:The Best of Unfinished Fanfiction 15 Years, 4 Months ago
Karma: 32
beckyducky wrote:
*too lazy to get the link* but Violation of Honor by Rinseternalsoul was KILLER!!! damn it she left off at a such a pivot point too!!
I spoke to Rin a little while back and she told me that she and her husband were going through some really rough times. She said that she was working ungodly hours and that she is almost never on the internet anymore. She DID however, tell me that she intended to post one more chapter to Violation of Honor. But she also said that she had no idea when she would get to it.
I am still holding out hope on that.
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