Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
Woah, Hey, Hold on there a minute. I'm sorry, but all begging will have to be done in the traditional and time honored way of... money, lots of it. And no trying to pass off Euro's or some crap like that, I'm talking at least $3.50, maybe even $3.75. Terms are 50% up front (non-refundable), remaining 50% due upon receipt of said item (also non-refundable).
The link posted took me to a dating site, no song that I could see, hear rather.
"If what you're saying is true... then I still don't care.
Guiness is my gasoline.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
Filename = Detachable Penis
Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.
Unless an idiot dies, he won\\\\\\\'t be cured.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
I will consult my legal team, and see if they can come up with the necessary contracts. I am also hoping to cast Danny Devito as the Detachable Penis, but we will just have to see what happens.
"If what you're saying is true... then I still don't care.
Guiness is my gasoline.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 4
you have to type in the three letter code and then it takes you to the page where you will have to wait 45 seconds before downloading.
you really got to hear the song.
 i love this song.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 4
4arrows wrote:
I will consult my legal team, and see if they can come up with the necessary contracts. I am also hoping to cast Danny Devito as the Detachable Penis, but we will just have to see what happens.
4>---->lol..... well i think i could come up with the money but i would have to see the contract first. ^^
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 16
Suichi, where did you dig up that fossil of pop culture? that be WAY before your time!
Detatchable Penis....good times, good times.
Oh, and you people DO realize I have to live with your favorite little quiver of arrows? He's become utterly impossible. There's no living with him now that he has a small but rabid gaggle of fangirls clamoring for his brain farts.
He's been sitting around tugging at his 'sesshhoff' all evening wondering if it would eventually 'detatch'. So far, nothing. The reprobate claims it is research for a sick little story he's currently writing, but I don't buy it.
there's no stopping it. Now that Suichi has cunningly demonstrated her cutting and pasting abilities there will be no end to this madness.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 10 Months ago
Karma: 3
Heehee! My world domination is coming along nicely.
Cut and paste? Are you crazy? That shit is real. XD
I'm sorry for helping to inflate your spouse's ego to near Pluto levels...
(but it was sooo worth it) 
Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.
Unless an idiot dies, he won\\\\\\\'t be cured.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
Well, here ya go. You asked for it, you got it. Chapter 1 of "Detachable Penis". Mamasama has informed me that the final payment for this work cannot be in Canadian currency. There will be Sessh/Kag in here. Don't worry.
"If what you're saying is true... then I still don't care.
Guiness is my gasoline.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Well they say that Madness and Genius go hand in hand, you seem to have found a nice balance between the two. -grin.-
Anyway, at least Sango won't need to buy batteries... or rather, make Kagome go buy batteries for her. -snickers.-
It's been ages since a fic has made me laugh as hard as these two. I think I actually smacked my head on the wall when I was reading 'Check One.'
God I love humor fic.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
Mamasama, I apologize, but your hubby may in fact be a kami sent here to entertain us.
Baka wa shinanakya naoranai.
Unless an idiot dies, he won\\\\\\\'t be cured.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 51
4arrows should appreciate us. Where else can a guy talk to a bunch of horny fangirls without having to give out his credit card number first?
Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links
The few, the proud, the morally corrupt. - Agent Phisbon3s
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 4
"yukihime asked me to do something that reminded her of the song Detachable Penis by: King Missile. While I am quite concerned over her taste in music, I was drunk and said yes, so here we go. Understand, I promise nothing...I repeat nothing. Read at your own risk. This will be Sessh/Kag."
lol, you were drunk1?!? that's great to hear. if we can time it right, you'll say yes to anything. *evil laughter with hand rubbing*
your story was great and i loved it. it was way more than i expected and i'm happily waiting the next chapter. ^______^ i have to say sorry to your wife though. i feel i may have helped in creating a monster. >,<
and Detachable Penis isn't the worst i've listened to. 
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 4
Suichi wrote:
Mamasama, I apologize, but your hubby may in fact be a kami sent here to entertain us.yes! yes, that is what he is, a wonderful kami with a great sense of humor. i believe that is what we all need, a damn good laugh.
Miss Kagura wrote:
4arrows should appreciate us. Where else can a guy talk to a bunch of horny fangirls without having to give out his credit card number first?lol... >,< i believe this is the only place. 
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
It's not the worst I've ever listened to either, I just dont go bragging about it. Hey have you heard the spoken word album by William Shatner? Or the pop sensation by Eddie Murphy. Both worse than detachable penis by far. By the way, I wasn't completely drunk, but if shipments of Guiness started arriving at my door, I'm sure I could crank it out alot faster.
And I already have a horny fan girl that OWNS my credit cards, and checkbook, and cash etc...
Last Edit: 2008/05/23 13:35 By 4arrows.
"If what you're saying is true... then I still don't care.
Guiness is my gasoline.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 51
If you think that's bad, listen to Spaced Out: The Very Best of William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy.
Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links
The few, the proud, the morally corrupt. - Agent Phisbon3s
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 3
That's right! I had forgotten about that! Why do people think that since they are movie stars, they must be naturally talented in all walks of life? I seriously cannot listen to Eddie Murphy's "Boogie in the Butt" without thinking, and his publicist thought this would be a good idea?
"If what you're saying is true... then I still don't care.
Guiness is my gasoline.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 51
How about Madonna's acting?
I think there's some limit to how many asskissers one can have in their lives before the concept of reality slips away.
Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links
The few, the proud, the morally corrupt. - Agent Phisbon3s
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 4
you know i never saw that movie Madonna was in. what was it.... Evita or something?
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 51
She's tried to act several times.
The only thing she was kind of decent in was 'A League of Their Own,' which was about a professional women's softball team.
Special thanks to the Dokuga Reviewer's Guild for this signature!
You're like the hot guy in the club who keeps scratching his crotch - LadyB on why she doesn't click my links
The few, the proud, the morally corrupt. - Agent Phisbon3s
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 4
oh yeah! i remember seeing that as a kid. i never realized she was in that.... O.O though it was a good movie, it definitely wasn't because of her. i don't think of her when i hear someone talk about that movie though.
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 0
Miss Kagura wrote:
She's tried to act several times.
The only thing she was kind of decent in was 'A League of Their Own,' which was about a professional women's softball team.
That's because she played a bed hopping skank and she's kinda good at that so she was relaxed throughout the movie...when she takes herself too seriously, she's a horrible actress...
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Re:this is SO funny! 16 Years, 9 Months ago
Karma: 4
lol, >,<
i have conflicting views about Madonna. i think it's great that she speaks her mind but i think she really should stick with what she knows best. Music and sex. 
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