Hi. My name is Kendra, and I'm addicted to Sess/Kag fanfiction.
Lately I've been reading a lot of good fanfiction. Sometimes it's hard for me to find a story that I just get engrossed in but lately I've been running into some really really good stuff. (Don't judge me). Then I get all stalkerish and visit the author's page and pray that there's something else there that I've never read before. I can see why Dokuga has survived as long as it has. The community is great. There are a bunch of talented writers who aren't full of themselves and I'm digging it!
Right now I'm stalking
Philosophy Blue,
Miss Kagura,
Aubrey Simone,
Sessakag(both stories are amazeballs)and
kb (Her Eyes, Kagome's Music,and Wordless (All M or MA) did not disappoint). I have like 50 open tabs on my laptop... well 4... but still. LMBO
Idk what it is but all these great stories have made my imagination overflow with ideas. I've probably written at least 10,000 words this week in multiple fics and updates prob more....
It's gotten to the point where I don't want to do anything but stare at my laptop... I don't even want to sleep... It's bad guys.... I think I have a problem.
Dokuga Addict Anonymous