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Give em Some Love Challange Series
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TOPIC: Give em Some Love Challange Series
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Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 27
Give Em Some Love Challenge is now Bi-Weekly.
New Challenges will be posted every other Tuesday!!

Next Challenge will be announced 4-05-11

This is going to be a series of challenges involving different underused cannon characters. There are so many great minor characters that just don't seem to get any love in the fandome. So the challenge here will be to write a Sesshoumaru/Kagome fic where the designated character is prominent.

Here are the rules:
  • There is no deadline. Do these at any time in any order.
  • Can be a one shot, chapter story, a chapter in an already started series, or a one-shot collection featuring each character
  • You ARE allowed to submit something you have written in the past and feel it would fit this challenge.
  • Must be at least 1000 words
  • This is a Sesshoumaru/Kagome fansite and so of course it must be a Sesshoumaru/Kagome fic in some way.
  • Each character will have their own requirements and bonus love.
  • Setting can be cannon or AU
  • This is an ongoing challenge with no deadline.
  • If you have a character request please message me and I will try to get that character on the list sooner. As long as they fit to challenge.

First Challenge: Jaken Love

this was posted before but it is what inspired the challenge series)

I would like to see a little love for the poor abused retainer. The little fella is so neglected he spends most his time crying in a corner. If he gets into fics at all usually he is just an annoying bastard.

So here's my challenge. In this fic:
  • mostly through Jaken's point of view if first person or where he is the "start" if third person.
  • Jaken in somehow involved in how Sesshoumaru and Kagome together either accidentally or (preferably) on purpose.
  • MUST be portrayed as the loyal vassal to Lord Sesshoumaru (ie. everything he dose should be for his lords best interests, even if his lord doesn't see it that way.)
Extra Jaken Love: (Extra Karma)
  • Make Jake cry real tears of love/joy/sympathy/ect
  • Not only are they involved but responsible for getting Kagome and Sesshoumaru together.
  • Jaken somehow becomes Kagome's main caregiver for a time in the fic
  • Jaken gets in a fight to defend Kagome and/or Rin and wins heroically

Second Challenge: Ah-Un Love

I love this pair. I cant get enough of them. And I KNOW they are already give a great deal of screen time in a lot of fics but usually as sort of a side attachment to Rin. They are not usually given their chance to shine fully. And that's what I want to see in this. So give em some love!

  • Ah and Un are major characters in the story. They should be there at least 75% of the time.
  • These two must somehow be involved in the pairing up of Sesshouamru and Kagome either accidentally or (preferably)on purpose.
Extra Ah-Uh Love: (extra Karma)
  • Ah-Un end up spending some time alone with Kagome somehow, separated from Sesshoumaru and takes care of her.
  • Ah-Un gets a hero moment, saving someones life.
  • Ah-Uh chases their tail.
  • Not only are they involved but responsible for getting Kagome and Sesshoumaru together.

(limited edition collectors badge provided by Kagome Yuki Niwa)
Third Challenge: Ginta and Hakkaku
It was requested that this dynamic duo get bumped up on my list of characters who are much deserving of more love. So here they are. I adore this comedic team and they never seem to get the appreciation they deserve. So come on Dokuga give em some love.

  • Ginta and Hakkaky are major character in the story. They should have at least 75% screen time.
  • They are involved in or responsible for the get together of Sesshoumaru and Kagome either by accident or on purpose.
  • It is Kouga's turn to be the minor character in this trio. They are HAVE to overshadow him for once.
Extra Ginta and Hakkaku love:(extra Karma)
  • NO Kouga (as much as I love Kouga).
  • The pair save Kagome in some way
  • Either one of them gets a belly rub!
  • Not only are they involved but responsible for getting Kagome and Sesshoumaru together.

Fourth Challenge: KiraraBadge pending
Sure Kirara is a popular character and ends up in a lot of fics. But she also tends to fall in the same prop range as Jaken. Always there but not really effecting the plot. So lets give the adorable little cutie some love!

  • Kirara must be a makor character in the story. She must effect the plot in a major way and have at least 75% screen time.
  • Kirara must somehow be involved or responsible for the get together of Sesshoumaru and Kagome either by accident or on purpose.
Extra Kirara love: (extra Karma)
  • Kirara chases a string
  • Not only are they involved but responsible for getting Kagome and Sesshoumaru together.
  • Kirara somehow manages to sleep on Sesshoumaru in a cute cozy scene.

Fifth Challenge: MyogaBadge pending(sorry I know I have catching up to do. I've been sick)
It's probably no surprise that poor Myoga gets overlooked when it comes to fanfictions. He is after all the smallest of demons and has a tendency to disappear when things get "interesting". But he is the most knowledgeable demon around.

  • As always Myoga must be a major character in the fic. He must have at lest 75% screen time.
  • Also like always he must be involved in the paring up of our beloved hero's because after all this is a Sesshoumaru/Kagome site and we all want to see them sucking face or as close to it as we can get.
Extra Myoga love: (extra Karma)
  • Myoga explains some more delicate details of Inu mating habits.
  • Myoga makes it threw the story without getting squished. (despite close calls)
  • fails to keep a tantalizing secret under interrogation.
  • Not only are they involved but responsible for getting Kagome and Sesshoumaru together.

(Please forgive the missing badges. I will do my best to have them up before the next challenge.)

More Challenges coming soon!!
(currently all badges are 100% original artwork done by me. ^-^)
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Last Edit: 2014/08/18 23:14 By Avadrea.
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 1
I can help with the badges if you want 8D and this is very interesting sign me up!
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Running around makes the world go round weee!! C:
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
count me in!!!! sounds fun! Will you be adding more character challenges in the future?
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Banner made by the amazing r0o!!!
Dokugasona by JeniNeji
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 22
I think I like this there going to be a deadline? And do you know how many characters we're going to have total?
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I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game.

~ Fairy tales don't exist ~ Because stories never die ~
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 27
There will be more characters. So far I am planning around 20 so most likely everyone's favorite unappreciated character will be featured. You don't have to do all of the characters just the ones you want. And I will take suggestions on which character you would like to see next.

There is NO time limit for entries. This is ongoing. Just post a link to your story here, tell us which character is featured in your story (even though it should be obvious) and grab the appropriate badge once they are up.

For some characters I will allow "team love" with another character so that if they are featured in a fic together you can earn both their badges. (example Ginta and Hakkaku)
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 22
Ooh this is exciting. Can't wait to try it out
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I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game.

~ Fairy tales don't exist ~ Because stories never die ~
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Shrine Girl
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 23
I debated on whether or not to post the link to my entry here until the story was actually finished(It's going to be a short story-around four chapters) But in the end I decided to post it(laughs) (It's for the Jaken Challenge)

My writing is a little rough right now because I have kind of hit a road block for writing which I'm trying to get through with challenges and such, so I apologize for the roughness in my writing. This is going to be a fun challenge-or at least for what I have planned it seems like it will.

ADMINISTRATIVE EDIT: rated MA, no minors, please!
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Last Edit: 2013/03/05 18:20 By MoxyMikki.
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 27
It's alright. I already like your start. I think this challenge might be an interesting experiment and practice for many of us.
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 27
^^ Thank you. Once I have a template set I might indeed have to ask for your help.
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years ago Karma: 27
Sorry I intended to have AhUn done by now but my art file on my laptop got deleted and I lost all my art work. It will take me a little while longer to recover emotionally so I can tackle drawing again. I will have it up soon along with the next challenge. I plan to get this running on a weekly bases.
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years ago Karma: 22
Avadrea wrote:
Sorry I intended to have AhUn done by now but my art file on my laptop got deleted and I lost all my art work.

Oh noez I'm sorry to hear Ava.
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I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game.

~ Fairy tales don't exist ~ Because stories never die ~
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years ago Karma: 27
AH UN badge now available!!
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years ago Karma: 27
Third Challenge: Ginta and Hakkaku
It was requested that this dynamic duo get bumped up on my list of characters who are much deserving of more love. So here they are. I adore this comedic team and they never seem to get the appreciation they deserve. So come on Dokuga give em some love.

  • Ginta and Hakkaky are major character in the story. They should have at least 75% screen time.
  • They are involved in or responsible for the get together of Sesshoumaru and Kagome either by accident or on purpose.
  • It is Kouga's turn to be the minor character in this trio. They are HAVE to overshadow him for once.
Extra Ginta and Hakkaku love:(extra Karma)
  • NO Kouga (as much as I love Kouga).
  • The pair save Kagome in some way
  • Either one of them gets a belly rub!

(notice: I still do not have a badge for this pair yet. My lap top is still in the shop)
(Give Em Some Love Rules)
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Last Edit: 2011/02/22 11:57 By Avadrea.
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years ago Karma: 27
Thanks to Kagome Yuki Niwa we now have a limited edition collects badge for Ginta and Hakkaku. Try to get it before it is gone!
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 14 Years ago Karma: 27
Fourth Challenge: KiraraBadge pending
Sure Kirara is a popular character and ends up in a lot of fics. But she also tends to fall in the same prop range as Jaken. Always there but not really effecting the plot. So lets give the adorable little cutie some love!

  • Kirara must be a makor character in the story. She must effect the plot in a major way and have at least 75% screen time.
  • Kirara must somehow be involved or responsible for the get together of Sesshoumaru and Kagome either by accident or on purpose.
Extra Kirara love: (extra Karma)
  • Kirara chases a string
  • Kirara somehow manages to sleep on Sesshoumaru in a cute cozy scene.

(notice: I still do not have a badge for Kirara yet)
(Give Em Some Love Rules)
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Last Edit: 2011/03/08 23:55 By Avadrea.
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 27
Fifth Challenge: MyogaBadge pending(sorry I know I have catching up to do. I've been sick)
It's probably no surprise that poor Myoga gets overlooked when it comes to fanfictions. He is after all the smallest of demons and has a tendency to disappear when things get "interesting". But he is the most knowledgeable demon around.

  • As always Myoga must be a major character in the fic. He must have at lest 75% screen time.
  • Also like always he must be involved in the paring up of our beloved hero's (by intention or accident) because after all this is a Sesshoumaru/Kagome site and we all want to see them sucking face or as close to it as we can get.
Extra Myoga love: (extra Karma)
  • Myoga explains some more delicate details of Inu mating habits.
  • Myoga makes it threw the story without getting squished. (despite close calls)
  • fails to keep a tantalizing secret under interrogation.

(Please forgive the missing badges. I will do my best to have them up before the next challenge.)
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Last Edit: 2011/03/23 00:03 By Avadrea.
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 13 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 27
I have changed the challenge requirements a little. I hope this makes them more open to an authors creativity. Instead of being responsible for hooking up Kagome and Sesshoumaru up they just have to some how be involved in the actual occurrence. Karma is given if they ARE the one responsible for the two ending up together.
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The Lovely Miko
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 13 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 10
I think I'm going to try this! Though, they will be one-shots.
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I claimed the Blades of Blood attack in the claiming game thread.

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Lady Kirara
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 12 Years, 2 Months ago Karma: 22
Are you still going to continue these Ava, or have you given up on them. XD
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I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game.

~ Fairy tales don't exist ~ Because stories never die ~
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 12 Years ago Karma: 27
I had given up on it but I am thinking of taking it up again. I still think it would be a fun challenge. I think I will add a new challenge every month.
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Lady Kirara
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 12 Years ago Karma: 22
I do so hope that you do.

I have such a wonderful idea

And monthly would be perfect... no rush in updating it then
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I claimed Kirara's twin tails in the Claim Game.

~ Fairy tales don't exist ~ Because stories never die ~
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 11 Years, 1 Month ago Karma: 11
I'm dragging this one back from the depths of the challenge forum with a question.

Does this have an end date or is it still open?
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Ah~Un is Awesome! I loves them! *nods head*
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Re:Give em Some Love Challange Series 10 Years, 6 Months ago Karma: 27
I'm going to resurrect this challenge. It will go to monthly now because all the banner art will be original. I might also redo some of the old banners.

Oh and Starfyre... this is still open. No deadlines.
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