The dreaming, steaming days of summer are almost upon us – and that means it's time for dreamy, steamy fiction. This summer, a contest like no other begins June 1st, for participants 18 years and older who would like a chance at a slice of prize book, a few karma points,as well as gift fics, or just the chance to write, read, vote on, and appreciate some delicious and decadent words
Entry Rules:
1. Please be aware that the number one and most important rule is that this is a tournament for MA rated fiction; therefore please, to reiterate, no one under the age of eighteen may participate.
2. This is a Summer Smut Madness Tournament, so we want – you've guessed it – Smut! The tales we desire are tales of desire; to qualify, all fiction submitted must have at least an M rating, but MA is preferred (for the full value of full smut, of course!).
Please Note: Because M rated entries are allowed does not change rule one. You must still be of age to read and write MA fiction, even if you choose not to write it yourself.
3. The word count range for tournament entries is between 1500 and 5000 words.
PleaseNote: This is a loose guideline, not an ultimatum. If you find yourself with 1396 words and your entry is complete, don't agonize. The same goes for those who go slightly over 5000.
4. Fiction for tournament entries must be new, stand-alone fiction, not a part of an existing chapter or drabble story. One-shots, completed drabble collections, and short chapter fictions are all allowed as long as they fit all other guidelines.
Please Note:A collection of non-connected "smut-shots" will not be allowed
5. In order to fit with Dokuga's overall theme and working principles, all fiction must contain Sesshomaru and Kagome as main characters; however, this does not mean that Sesshomaru and Kagome must be the ones involved in the smut and/or romance. Consider the possibilities carefully: close friends who advise each other about their sex lives, parents who must deal with their child's actions, part-owners of a brothel that services an exclusive clietele.
6. Optional Themes will be offered each round. Each author that uses the theme for that round will be awarded one karma point per theme used. Each theme will only be available for a karma point award during the round it is presented.
Please Note: These will be optional themes. The Karma award is a special bonus for authors who choose to use the theme(s), but they are not required, nor should the use (or non-use) of the theme be considered when voting.
7. You must submit the entry form below to be included in the tournament.
8. Above all, we want you guys to have fun and enjoy yourselves!
Voting Rules
1. Every member of Dokuga, regardless of tournament participation,gets one voting ballot per round. Please refer to Tournament Entry rules because if you cannot read it, you cannot vote for it.
2. This ballot is anonymous, its contents to be known to the voter and to the Counters (Kayelyn and Lyra) and will not be disclosed to anyone else.
3. The ballot will be available to copy/paste out of the forum at the end of each round, and will consist of a list of that round's qualified entries, with a space beside each entry for voting.
4. A “vote” shall consist of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place marked clearly with a 1, a 2, and a 3 on the available line beside the fiction which is being voted for in that place.
Please Note: Each ballot counts as one vote, with three fictions selected – one in first place, one in second, and one in third. The first place fiction will be awarded 5 points toward the final tally of the round. The second place fiction will be awarded 3 points toward the final tally of the round, and the third place fiction will be awarded 1 point toward the final tally of the round.
5. The final tally of each round shall be made for each entry based on the points it gained during voting, a total of all points from first, second, and third place vote choices. Thus a fiction that gained two first place votes, one second place vote, and four third place votes would gain 17 points in the finally tally.
6. Each round, half of the entries will be eliminated, based on the finally tally of points from the previous round
Tournament Dates and Deadlines
1. All interested participants need to email their Entry form to me, Kayelyn, or Lyra here by PM by May 24th.
2. The theme for Round One will be revealed on May 24th. Please refer to Tournament Entry Rule 6 regarding the themes.
3. All Round One entries must be submitted on June 1st. In case of electric, internet, server, or Dokuga disaster, late entries will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
Please Note: Please place "Round One Entry for Summer Smut Madness" in your summary as well as emailing a link to Kayelyn's email which has already been provided.
4. Votes will be accepted for Round One beginning June 2nd and continuing until Midnight EST on June 7th.
5. Round One winners will be announced June 8th, as well as the theme for Round Two.
6. Dates for Round 3 will be announced when Round Two begins.
1. Everyone will receive a Participation Banner, as well as banners for each Round.
2. Those that decide to use the Optional Theme will be awarded Karma by Kayelyn and Lyra.
3. Grand Prize Winner will receive: A Copy of the Japanese Art of Love (or another book of their choosing) as well as gift fics from Kayelyn and Lyra.
Please Note: Gift fics must be IY fandom, Sess/Kag pairing not required...rating M or MA only because we won't be able to write it elsewise (XD); if you want smut tell us so we definitely include it. Gift fic will either be a oneshot or a drabble of 10 chapters or less, the whole fic to be approximately 10K.
Entry Form
Please Private Message me, via the dokuga provided messaging system. Just Copy and paste the below to your Entry Email.
Dokuga ID ___________________________
Date of Birth __________________________
Link to MA rated fiction on Dokuga ______________________
Valid E-mail Address _________________________________
**I hope you all decide to join in on the fun. Hopefully, if this is well enough received, we can make this a yearly tournament.**
Best of Luck!
Kayelyn and Lyra