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The Egyptian Challenge
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TOPIC: The Egyptian Challenge
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The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 16

This is my very first challenge, but I hope you all like it just the same!

As of lately, I've been completely enamored with Egyptian culture. I've been working on a series of fanart with the IY characters as the Gods and Goddesses', so I thought, "Hm, I could make this into a challenge!"

So, here is the challenge!


1. While it doesn't have to be 100% accurate (it wouldn't be fair of me to have you all make this EXACTLY like the myths, as I'm creating a fandom of it lol), each prompt must somehow relate to the character and their title as each god or goddess. I.E, for Kagome, you could write about how she is a motherly figure to Shippou or Rin, or how people come to her to pray and ask for blessings.

2. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE IN EGYPT. You can make it AU, if you'd like! The story just has to be relating to their status as a god. So for each god or goddess, you only have to write about how Miroku is wise, or how Sango is infatuated with cats, or how Inuyasha likes war.

3. THERE IS NO TIME LIMIT. So have at it!

4. You don't have to complete all of the prompts to receive the banner! For those who will complete all of the prompts, however, I will make a special banner to finish off the challenge!

5. There is no word limit, so let your mind wander!

6.Fan art is also more than welcome! Same rules apply!

I have made a banner for the challenge in general, then for each prompt there will be its own banner.

Don't forget to post a warning if it's MA!

I have two banners ready now, and I should be posting a new banner each week!

Here is the list of prompts:

Isis (Kagome) - Goddess of Motherhood, Magic and Fertility

Sister of Nephthys - Together, they are protectors of the mummy and are paired with the funerary rites. Isis represents rebirth, while Nephthys represents death.

Wife of Osiris - Osiris was murdered by his brother, Set. Isis found his casket in the banks of the Nile River, only to find that she was too late and that Osiris was already dead. Using a spell she learned from her father, she brought back her husband and had him impregnate her, only to have him die once more. She hid his body in the sand, only to discover him once more while walking with their son, Horus (Shippo). She found the body parts of her deceased husband, and bound them together for a proper funeral. The Gods, so impressed by her devotion to Osiris, brought him back to life and made him the God of the Underworld.

She was the friend of everyone - from slave to sinner. She was a kind and gently woman, and was regarded as the protector of dead and the Goddess of Children.

Geb (Inupapa) - God of the Earth

Father of Osiris (Sesshomaru) and Set (Inuyasha).

Husband to Nut, the Goddess of the Sky. It was said that Nut's father held her over Geb, keeping them apart, so that no way life could be created, as Nut and Geb were originally believed to have engaged into eternal sex.

It is believed that Geb's laughter was what caused earth quakes and that he allowed crops to grow.

Osiris (Sesshomaru) - The God of the Afterlife

The oldest son of the Earth God and the Sky Goddess, Osiris was considered a merciful judge of the dead in the afterlife, and had also been considered a Lord of Love. He was killed by his brother, Set, who was after the throne of Osiris. Through magic learned from her father, his wife Isis revived him. She had him impregnate her with their son, Horus, before Osiris died once more. One day while hunting in the desert, Set found the body of his brother and tore it into pieces, scattering him through the desert. Isis found his body parts and collected them, putting her husband to rest with a proper funeral. The gods were so pleased with her devotion to her husband that they granted him the power of a god, reviving him and placing the title of "God of the Afterlife" into his hands.

Set (Inuyasha) - The God of Storms and Chaos

The youngest brother of the Earth God and the Sky Goddess and wife of Nephthys, the sister of Isis, Set was envious of his elder brother, Osiris, and sought his revenge. He killed his brother, entrapping him in a casket and sending his body down the Nile. His plan was foiled as his brothers wife, Isis, found the body and revived it, giving Osiris the chance of impregnating Isis so she may have their son, Horus. Horus would later seek revenge on Set for the harm he had caused to his father. It is said that Geb, after witnessing this conflict, divided Egypt into two halves. He gave upper Egypt to Set and Lower Egypt to Horus, hoping to settle this conflict.

He and his wife, Nephthys, are the parents of The God of Embalming, Anubis.

Nut (Inumama) - The Goddess of the Sky

She is considered one of the oldest deities in Egyptian culture. She is the companion of Geb, the God of the Earth. A sacred symbol for Nut was a ladder, which her husband, Geb, used to climb into the sky for her company. She protected the dead after they entered the afterlife. She is normally pictured as a woman arched on her toes and fingertips over the god Geb, who lays beneath her.

Nephthys (Kikyo)- Lady of the House
A protective goddess who symbolizes the death cycle, just as her sister, Isis, symbolizes the rebirth cycle. She is the companion of the war god, Set. She She is also the mother of the funerary diety, Anubis. Her name means quite specifically, "Lady of the Temple Enclosure" which associates her with the role of priestess.

Bastet (Sango) - Goddess of Cats
Defender of the Pharaoh and the deity known as Ra. She later became known as "The Eye or Ra." She later became admonished as Sekhmet, the Lioness War Deity. Her consort is Ptah, The God of creation, fertility, and the arts.

Ptah (Miroku) - God of Creation and Fertility
He was the first king of Egypt. Ptah is the patron of craftsmanship, metalworking, carpenters, shipbuilders, and sculpture. From the Middle Kingdom onwards, he was one of five major Egyptian gods with Ra, Isis, Osiris and Amun. He is the husband of Bastet (Sekhmet).

Horus (Shippou) - God of War, the Sky, and Protection
He was to protect the people of Egypt from his uncle, Set, as he was told the story of what happened to his father, Osiris. He had many battles with Set to avenge his father, and to also choose the right ruler for Egypt. He is the son of Isis and Osiris and husband to Hathor.

I still have many more prompts, but I thought this would be a good start! I look forward to anyone who is interested in participating in this challenge!

Here is the participation banner!

Here are the Character Banners:
Kagome - Isis

Inupapa - Geb

Sesshomaru - Osiris

Inumama - Nut

Kikyo - Nepthys

Inuyasha - Set
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Last Edit: 2015/11/30 17:23 By sesshomarusama33.
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 0
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 0
here is the link to my pictuer :3
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Ai Roku
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 7
I'm a fan of the ancient Egyptian culture myself and this challenge sounds like so much fun!
Will there be a word limit and/or maximum? (Aside from the standard 700 words for chapter stories.)
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 16
MollieXMAru wrote:
here is the link to my pictuer :3

Thank you for participating! I loved your entry! ^^

Don't forget your banners!
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Last Edit: 2013/02/26 00:49 By sesshomarusama33.
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 16
Ai Roku wrote:
I'm a fan of the ancient Egyptian culture myself and this challenge sounds like so much fun!
Will there be a word limit and/or maximum? (Aside from the standard 700 words for chapter stories.)

I'm glad you find my challenge interesting! I loved the idea of the IY characters as Egyptian gods and goddess', so it's nice to hear that someone else likes the idea as well!

No, I do not have a word limit. I'll go ahead and note that in the rules. Have at it!
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Lady Nefertiti
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 37
Lol...this is so interesting. I am currently making an Egyptian challenge...but you posted first. (Mine still needs a bit of work) lol...

I'm bookmarking this for later
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 16
Lady Nefertiti wrote:
Lol...this is so interesting. I am currently making an Egyptian challenge...but you posted first. (Mine still needs a bit of work) lol...

I'm bookmarking this for later

LOL, I had been wanting to do one for a while, I just wanted to get the majority of the challenge worked out.

I'm looking forward to your entry! Also looking forward to your challenge, whenever you post it!
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 16
Aviel wrote:
sesshomarusama33 wrote:
Thank you for participating in my challenge! I checked out all of your arts, and absolutely loved them! I left you little things on each one

I hope you'll continue this challenge when I get the other prompts and banners ready!

Don't forget your banners, dear!

Thank you! <3 I'm glad you liked them! And thanks for your lovely comments, too!

Btw, I'll definitely be participating again! It's so much fun! AND, all of your arts are so pretty! I'm a big fan of your work!

Not a problem! <3 I absolutely loved them!

I'm looking forward to it! I've already got all the prompts completed, I'm just working on the art for them. I'm about to color Inumama, so she'll be up tonight

Inuyasha and Kikyo will be after I complete her! ^^

Oh wow! *blushes* That is so sweet, thank you! I feel very honored that you like my things. I'm a big fan of yours!
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Shrine Girl
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 50
Your challenge sounded really fun, and inspired me to do some arts!

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I claimed Midoriko`s Hair in the Claim Game!

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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 16
Aviel wrote:
Your challenge sounded really fun, and inspired me to do some arts!


Thank you for participating in my challenge! I checked out all of your arts, and absolutely loved them! I left you little things on each one

I hope you'll continue this challenge when I get the other prompts and banners ready!

Don't forget your banners, dear!
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Shrine Girl
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 50
sesshomarusama33 wrote:
Thank you for participating in my challenge! I checked out all of your arts, and absolutely loved them! I left you little things on each one

I hope you'll continue this challenge when I get the other prompts and banners ready!

Don't forget your banners, dear!

Thank you! <3 I'm glad you liked them! And thanks for your lovely comments, too!

Btw, I'll definitely be participating again! It's so much fun! AND, all of your arts are so pretty! I'm a big fan of your work!
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I claimed Midoriko`s Hair in the Claim Game!

Dokuga Minions Unite! Be positive. Be proud. Show support for Dokuga!
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 16
Hey everyone, I really love all the entries you have all submitted so far!

I just wanted to let you all know that a new prompt and banner has been added, so go check it out!

Thank you to everyone who has Favorited and entered this challenge! <3
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Shrine Girl
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 50
Here's my art for Sessmom! I hope you like it!

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I claimed Midoriko`s Hair in the Claim Game!

Dokuga Minions Unite! Be positive. Be proud. Show support for Dokuga!
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 12 Years ago Karma: 16
Aviel wrote:
Here's my art for Sessmom! I hope you like it!


Thank you for your last entry! I absolutely loved your entry!

Great job! Don't forget your banner and keep an eye out, the next prompt should be out tomorrow night *hopefully* before DDN!
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Shrine Girl
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 50
Thanks for your kind comments! Here's my entry for Kikyou!

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I claimed Midoriko`s Hair in the Claim Game!

Dokuga Minions Unite! Be positive. Be proud. Show support for Dokuga!
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Lady Nefertiti
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 37
Here's the first one: Isis

Dangerous Dance


Rated: MA
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 11 Months ago Karma: 16
Great job so far, everyone! I loved all of your entries so far, and hope to see more soon!

I am working on the next banner, so I hope you guys will enter to collect it!

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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 20
I think that I am going to participate in this I'll have to start a little one shot collection for this. Oh the posibilities! That's the last thing i need right now as i haven't written loki smut yet. But oh well! *throws off hat* This shall be fun XD
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Lady Nefertiti
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 9 Months ago Karma: 37
Here's Geb (inu-papa)


Rated: MA!
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 16
@Mistress: I'm looking forward to seeing your one shot! When you do get to write it, don't forget to post the link here and claim that banner!

@Nefertiti: Thank you for your submission! It was a funny read! Don't forget your banner! (:
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 20
Here's the first bit, Isis
EDIT BY WICCAN: This story is rated M, no YIMs!

eeep sorry wiccan i guess it slipped my mind because its only M. My bad and thanks for the correction.

II. Whooo! Finished!!! That was fun I hope you liked XD
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Last Edit: 2013/07/21 01:25 By mistress of rave.
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 16
Hey guys!

I just wanted to pop in and let you all know I haven't abandoned this challenge, lol. Things have been pretty hectic with life, lately, and I'm just getting settled in where I can update regularly. I am working on the next Egyptian character, as I already had all of them sketched out. Hopefully I'll have the next one posted, but I'll go ahead and let you know the next topic, in case you want to go ahead and make your submission.

Check the original posting for the next Egyptian god challenge!

Thanks for waiting so patiently for me, guys!
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 16

There's a new prompt and banner out for Inuyasha, The God of Chaos! Go check it out!
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Shrine Girl
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Re:The Egyptian Challenge 11 Years, 7 Months ago Karma: 50
Ooh! You're back!

Here's my entry for Inuyasha!

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I claimed Midoriko`s Hair in the Claim Game!

Dokuga Minions Unite! Be positive. Be proud. Show support for Dokuga!
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